Comments on: Why didn’t researchers do a proper study to discover whether the COVID virus exists? Wed, 02 Sep 2020 13:14:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anthony Stephen Phillips Wed, 02 Sep 2020 13:14:41 +0000 True! 5G is capable of mass destruction already being used by the military. The earlier kilohertz, I saw was initially a British invention to make a nation docile, and infertile after 3 decades. But, 5G is far worse. As you may know, that in China, if a women is pregnant by law she must wear protective clothing to prevent damage to the unborn child. US claim they have not yet done studies on 5G. yet already trillions of dollars are being spent on putting surveillance camera’s all over USA. As for Western medicine being a cult that is best way to describe it, personally speaking.

By: za ka lu Fri, 28 Aug 2020 20:25:24 +0000 *PCR test

By: Joy Eriksen Fri, 28 Aug 2020 16:13:07 +0000 I have talked with two Doctors who say the same thing.

By: za ka lu Fri, 28 Aug 2020 15:51:26 +0000 stories–fiction

covid cannot be isolated because it does not exist- answers why this essential step was glossed over–there is no covid

yet they claim genetic sequence is known while never isolating??!! impossible–

to get a result, the PRR test cannot test for covid and must test for basic flesh and blood material like chromosome 8 because there is no covid–

we are lied to about everything, all of their game is wretched fiction–

stop playing their game

By: Marlene Thu, 27 Aug 2020 23:51:12 +0000 YES, YES, if there is a treatment for an illness the “whatever agency” cannot fast track a vaccine! Exactly why those who benefit from vaccine want HCQ to be considered poison.
My son (father of two) told me that he is going to make 30,000 less this year. Some of his friends are losing their jobs, none of his friends are getting a bonus (which many count on as yearly income).
He said “it doesn’t matter what you or I think about covid. For economic reasons for the entire world to get back to “normal”, there must be a vaccine”.
So looks like this nasty perfect storm of (globalists, communists, liars, media fear porn, Millenial parents frozen with fear, social media, fraudsters, opportunists, tyrants, Democrats, the Global Health Mafia Protection Racket, Dr. Fauci, billionaires and corporations) has been a success. I think my son is right.
I swear I had expected President Trump to announce in April, we are opening up
On Easter Sunday. We slowed the spread enough, we need to continue to live as normal because otherwise the virus will be the least of our problems.
I really did! I was like enough already mid-April. Now the masks – it is a G-damn farce!
I feel Jon’s Capitalization!
How many axe minded, non mind controlled people do you think there are in this country? I feel (because I don’t KNOW) like all of us non conformists would fit in the state of Texas.
That’s it.

By: lamberth Thu, 27 Aug 2020 23:01:53 +0000 Madness,
Thanks very much for this link.
This is great information.

By: BDBinc Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:53:35 +0000 The problem with the Consensus $cience no testing is done.
Not for any of the claims.
The Covid Hoax was built on a debunked virus theory from 1861. Sars CoV2 is the worlds first pandemic of a virtual virus.
No wonder they need to force people to wear the ritualistic masks proving their belief in the virus and the religion of the consensus $cience .
Arabic word for mask “maskharat” – referring to the buffoonery which is possible only by disguising the face.
The mask seems to have become mutated into proof of the non existent and unproved”virus”.

By: AK in VT Thu, 27 Aug 2020 20:45:40 +0000 Forget the plasma therapies now. Look up CSL and their using infected plasma to treat conditions (especially so in Australia) such as haemophilia. Also, plasma extraction centers pay handsomely for your plasma and seem to locate on the US/Mexican border and in the poorest urban areas of the U.S. The plasma may not be safe. The histories of the companies extracting plasma and using it for treatments is at best “sketchy.”

I enjoy and will analyze further your points concerning symptoms and how I may use such to spread with my farmers’ market customers. Very lucid points. Thank you.

AK in VT

By: ReluctantWarrior Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:11:48 +0000 The germ theory of disease has been surpassed by the new science of the ‘Virome.’

By: Rick Potvin in Phoenix AZ Thu, 27 Aug 2020 15:58:02 +0000 TREAT SYMPTOMS FIRST THEN DIAGNOSE LATER
Treating symptoms isn’t exactly fraud if you’re in a real life situation. You do you your best to guess what might work when the situation comes up. Drugs are never MY first guess so that’s out- I’m anti-allopath too. I’m at the health food store and reading food supplement flyers all the time and always guessing and never knowing for sure. Some dietary supplements have subtle effects that take a days or weeks to take effect.

You’re right- so you have to “troubleshoot” just like car repair. You try one thing and then another. You figure it out. But you don’t wait to alleviate a symptom before you know for sure what’s going on. The mistake being made with “finding a virus” or “treating a virus” is that there IS no virus. Everyone jumped to a conclusion. If someone has shortness of breath, use a nebulizer… or increase selenium… or use an oxygen concentrator. You start with that and then analyze it more fully over time to elminate the original cause. Diagnosis is a matter of time. Treating a symptom is an urgency without the luxury of time. I’d even go so far as to say that Jon and you are… wrong.

Before looking at causation, I would consider symptoms and treat those first– by educated guesses. Included in that set of educated guesses would be the therapies being touted– like HCQ, Trump’s latest idea of convelescent plasma, and ventilators. The ventilators use pressurized oxygen which apparently kills people so I would guess that simply oxgyen CONCENTRATOR would be better. You don’t have know what the cause of short breath is to apply oxygen. EMT’s do it all the time. I’ve guessed that HCQ reduces acidity in the body which is connected with toxins– and I’m guessing that that might be a therapeutic action. And the new plasma idea seems possible but I haven’t thought about it much. I think I’d prefer to boost the immune system, remove people who have symptoms from toxicities in their environments and that might start with sunshine and fresh air and turning off their cell phone.
