Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth Mon, 31 Aug 2020 10:25:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Walking Dead Mon, 31 Aug 2020 10:25:09 +0000 In this present time, you must be like a wild animal. Know that greed has no morals and treat everyone as if they might be a predator. After all, it is a jungle out there, as well as a circus and a play. Let’s face it, you are considered a consumer. All you do is consume things in the mind of the suppressors, AKA: the elite. You are considered a cancer to the earth, just like the Georgia guide stones say.

Many people are going die in the next ten years. Have you made the earth a better place while you were here? Just like your body has an immune system that fights of bad things in your body, have you done anything to fight off the bad things on earth? You were born for a purpose. Did you waste your life away on material things? Did you work as a slave and make others rich, sit at the bar or in front of the TV during your free time, watch sports and gamble? Did this satisfy you, while you ignored the perils that others endured. As long as it didn’t happen to you, right!!!

Well guess what, we are all fucked now!! Greed is winning right now. Love has left them. Do you think you will be saved? Are you on the list to go underground when the solar radiation management program stops? Do you think someone else is going to come to save you? Were you part of the problem? Were you a teacher that taught lies, a police officer that enforced bogus laws, a lawyer that served injustice, a medical professional that allowed inhumane treatments to others and disabled many people, all for the Money. What sort of things have you done for a buck while ignoring the perils of others? The time has come. Like they say, ” payback is a bitch” and ” you get what you sow.” The one I like the best is, ” life isn’t fair”. Of course, that is because greedy people make it that way.

At least you can use your imagination that things will get better and some super hero is going to save you.

By: Karl Pomeroy Sun, 30 Aug 2020 23:37:27 +0000 Thinking we must conform to organized groups, rather than follow our own inner concept of life, indeed forms the bars of our prison. The five prisons are family, job, religion, media, and doctors.

Most people in this country believe these five prisons constitute their lives. They actively seek these prisons, and view their lives as incomplete if they do not have all of these prisons.

If you have none of the five prisons, it is awkward trying to have a polite conversation with many people, because the prisons are all they talk about. If you mention something outside the five prisons, because that is what your own life consists of, they stare in shock.

“You show a higher respect and love for your fellow man by telling him the truth than by comouflaging the truth with pretty words for fear of his disapproval of you. You choke yourselves with a network of pleasant lies. But you could be free, and in this freedom express to your fellow man more pure love through the truth than you ever could through your fearful inventions.”

I strongly recommend Sacha Stone as one modern pundit who grasps these ideas.

By: Sean Sun, 30 Aug 2020 18:46:05 +0000 A perverted work of art for sure. That believes in its payoffs. It seems like it will go on and on. The individuals allow themselves to stay diverted. And I guess that is part self=determination too. Im glad to finally become aware of the difference between collectivism and individualism. I think.
