Comments on: Dispatches from the War: the killing fields of New York; putting Cuomo and Trump on notice Wed, 03 Mar 2021 01:19:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: joemorales Wed, 03 Mar 2021 01:19:14 +0000 or 50 years I researched and published social and environmental health issues articulating the history of chemical and biological warfare.

STOP BEING “NAZI YAHOO STASI”! As ex 1st responder I ask that you stop calling 911 to rat out your neighbors for non Covid compliance when they are not endangering anyone. You are endangering your neighborhoods by overwhelming the 911 systems so that we can’t respond to real emergencies. NYS Is Last Bastion of Bastards. New York Stasi love Cuomo’s knee on necks. Cuomo is not guilty of mass murder because he exposed tens of thousands of elderly to a disease that does not exist. He is complicit in hiding fatalities to cover up a possible crime by a medical mafia that keeps him in power and NY pols won’t do anything for same reason and voters won’t do anything because they are moralless.
As ex Navy Medical Corpsman, with 2 science degrees and medical training, I am not giving medical advice nor do I foist unscientific compulsory medicine upon you like Bill Gates pedophile SEX TRADE money laundry foundations who barely finished high school. Bill Gates’ polio vaccine program caused 47,500 Cases of Paralysis Death.

DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT “GREED MAY FATTEN THE WALLET BUT IT DEFINITELY THINS THE SPIRIT” and “There are none so impoverished as those that can never have enough”? Because of medical mafia “genocides”, like Bill Gates, I am compelled to present medical and scientific alternative commentary links about government protected and unregulated “WARP SPEED” extinction in which the “lame screed media” desperately lies. It is therefore imperative that I present sometimes conflicting alternate narratives to the current events in an effort to broaden minds so that you may have something else to do beside ratting out your neighbors. It is mind boggling to think of the decent hard working people that have spent a good part of their lives building businesses, serving as volunteer emergency responders, coaching kid’s ball teams to be ratted out and shuttered by their neighbors.

We put ‘prayorbeprey’ cards on car windows in parking lots where we find more infants left alone in cars than pets. For us the web is a temporary convenience that will soon block free speech which will only deny the US “Feral” Government access to our wealth of facts.

While on “chemo” I went to cancer survivor meetings to see what made them different from the ones who did not survive. Was it lifestyle? Was it love? They were at the meetings to keep in “fight mode” by helping others with cancer.

Facing my own demise I travelled USA to say goodbye to relatives only to watch my country and the world die as they purchased one way ticket to Hades using their own souls as cheap fare only to wander face diaper – facelessly cowering and kneeling before their Covid god. You will soon find that there are things worse than death and you have gained them all.
WAKEUP All you had to say is, “I DO NOT CONSENT!” and your Covid demon would have just gone away but instead you chose to participate in a crime that dwarfs 9/11. Real eyes Realise Real lies. NOT OPENING YOUR EYES WILL LEAD TO YOUR DEMISE!

The chains that bind you… The walls confining you… The bars that hold you… Are the one’s inside you… Put your fears behind you… Let Heaven guide you. Reject the Hegelian “They” versus “US”, “Reptilican” v “Demoncrap” Satanic narrative.

By: Marlene Wed, 02 Sep 2020 12:19:24 +0000 This 6% is being treated by conservatives as “news” and being disputed by the left.

I knew this back in July listening to not a medical doctor but a psychologist interviewed by Daniel Horowitz (who has been excellent on pushing back the fear porn and the child abuse with the masks and all extraneous bull shit).

The psychologist was one of America’s Front Line Doctors telling horror stories of teen boys up in their rooms watching porn and playing violent video games while their parents were busy with other things. This is not going to end well. And if I were to guess many of them are no longer in their rooms but wondering the streets in a mob to release their rage.

I transcribed what he said because it was groundbreaking to me regarding WHO DIES OF COVID!!!
He said:
According to CDC 93% of all Covid Deaths of all ages had an average of 2.5 comorbitites
That leaves 7%
Of the 7% 1/2 of them were over 80 & in nursing homes (so dementia, like Jon says toxic drugs to maintain their chronic ailments – and as Neil Fugerson (ass-hat) said – most who died this year were gong to die anyway)
That leaves 3.5% –
Take off 1% of “reported” Covid deaths that were motor cycle accidents or Malpractice
That leave 2.5% of those who died were strictly from a cold – (we know from Jon’s piece that would include opiod OD, COPD toxic medications)

I showed that to my son last July. He didn’t buy it.
Then I texted him the CDC 6% because it seemed official yesterday.
He said “good news”
Then later in the day he said, yeh mom that thing you sent, I have been reading articles, it really isn’t accurate and is being interpreted by the right in a way that changes what the numbers mean.

I have been dripping info to him since March – nada, nothing. I am on the right and I read obscure websites by right wing people, so I don’t know the truth.

Add to this the story The Climate Scientist Professor from Alabama told about a doctor friend of his.
The doctor had a friend whose wife was in hospital Literally DYING of Covid. Told by 3 doctors she had Covid and they were failing at keeping her alive. The Doctor friend told the husband insist they test her for other illness,
She had LEGIONAIRES disease – where did she pick up that nasty bacteria? Mask.
She was treated and out of the hospital in 3 days.

Aside from the money angle there is COVID bias. Apparently once Covid came there are not other illnesses, virus, or bacteria.
And now I am reading RN’s reporting PULMONARY STAFF INFECTIONS, and serious staff infections of the mouth.
Who did not see that one coming.
I am losing sleep over this, I cannot believe the stupidity, and blindness.

As David Mamet famously says “The struggle of the left to rationalize its positions is an intolerable Sisyphean Burden.” He speaks as a reformed Liberal.

By: Victor Borge Wed, 02 Sep 2020 03:41:16 +0000 I didn’t realize. Thanks for clarifying. It’s still unfortunate that people will now associate it with Trump.

By: Low Voltage Wed, 02 Sep 2020 02:34:18 +0000 I’ve been following since before SARS.

By: Sean Wed, 02 Sep 2020 01:49:26 +0000 i love

By: Low Voltage Wed, 02 Sep 2020 01:44:30 +0000 First of all, this guy has terrible grammar and can’t even use a spell check. As far as his facts go…

“Human genetic materiual is coded by DNA the Covid-19 virus genetic material is coded by RNA.”

“Influenza virus is much smaller hence why it can pass through masks more effectivley” Source?

“PCR test looks at 3 sequences of RNA”
Creator of the PCR, Kary Mullis said
“PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself. The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment.“

By: Low Voltage Wed, 02 Sep 2020 00:44:01 +0000 I thought the same thing. The toast always lands jelly side up for these guys.

By: James Tue, 01 Sep 2020 23:09:56 +0000 Well ok… I haven’t even finished reading this article. Looking at the links Jon gives for the statements re who has died from Covid on the CDC stuff…

I am looking and looking trying to decipher the tons of data in these tables and then I find this sentence stuck in one paragraph – as if it has no import at all:

“Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities…”

I think I had to read it a couple of times before it became obvious… Just 6% died from Covid alone – I notice they didn’t include on any of their tables a heading “JUST COVID” but only in this one sentence does it reveal this 6%…

UH… 6% of 161,392 = 9683.52! So this is the number, outside of ‘co-morbidities’ and anything else, just Covid… the number of people having died… is not even 10,000???

This by itself… is like WHAAAATT!!!!!! Well as it took me a little while to decipher this little fact I thought I would include in here… something that will not strike most of us like a lightning bolt but especially considering the source – the CDC itself – is quite stunning, weird, and demolishing and incendiary in its simplicity. Not to mention … thought provoking… though to us… not so much…

By: Larry C Tue, 01 Sep 2020 20:30:58 +0000 “There is no end to this madness because as long as you test, you will get positives.”

You can be mad, and be very clever at the same time, as in: There is a method to his madness. For example, every scientist who works diligently to build nuclear weapons is quite mad by every definition I can think of. He’s probably a great father, loves his wife, and is viewed as a pillar of the community, but nevertheless, the guy is bat-shit crazy.

The same can be said to describe the conspirators behind the Covid19 Fraud: The phony virus won’t get you, but the Crushing Shutdown of the Economy almost certainly will, thanks to the crazed machinations set in to motion to “fight” this putative virus.

NOBODY IS THAT GOD-DAMNED STUPID…unless of course, they have a hidden agenda.

By: Juliano Tue, 01 Sep 2020 18:34:40 +0000 Actually the propagandists pushing this hoax usually will say three time like some nasty spell, which it is, “TESTING TESTING TESTING” I like to see what occult number code these people use, and at first counted the three words and didn’t really think much of the result. But then I had an idea to just see the gematria of each repeated word, and this is what I found here: If you choose the Jewish ciphers you find ‘testing’ reduces to 9. Therefore ‘testing testing testing = 999, and these people will of course flip numbers, and that of course gives us the infamous 666 which is used by these people mockingly so even in patents for their vaccines etc. ALSO, if you type at that site ‘vaccination and choose the cipher ‘Mathematical > English Sumerian’ that too finds you a 666
