Comments on: How many people have “psychological COVID”? Fri, 11 Sep 2020 15:42:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: ak in vt Mon, 07 Sep 2020 16:15:06 +0000 Gracias Jorge

Quizas, el tiempo proximo tu escribiriste in ingles para los otros pueden leer.

Con permiso, mi espanol no es el mejor.

AK in VT

By: ak in vt Mon, 07 Sep 2020 16:11:57 +0000 Hey Deuce

Very salient points. I have been telling people for months to watch the cry for funding for research for all these other ailments go unnoticed. After all with fake “covid” taking out people who used to die of these other conditions, there is no need to fund cancer, heart, blood pressure, mental health, automobile safety, etc… research. No need for bike ride or jogging/running fund-raisers for finding cures, no more Jerry’s kids, MS research. Wow! Only one disease left to focus upon! What progress! and in so short a time.

Thanks again for your insight, Deuce: you are spot on.


AK in VT

By: Jorge Mon, 07 Sep 2020 00:38:33 +0000 El supuesto virus, la supuesta pandemia es tal cual como ese choque biológico que sostiene la primer ley biológica de la NMG. Nueva Medicina Germánica del Dr Hammer.

By: Tim Sun, 06 Sep 2020 22:47:56 +0000 Yeah, it’s like black magic.

The mind is cause. The physical is effect. The external is never cause for anything.
It’s ALL in the Mind.
It’s what’s operating within that determines the external.

When the Spirit of Truth(original operating system) rules the mind,, the ego(false self) is gone, and only that which is True and Real is expressed, experienced, shared, and Known.

Jesus said; ” Physician heal thyself!”
That means quit believing, projecting, and propagating false ideas, “heal your own mind, you’re not qualified to practice true healing… you’re nuts actually”…

Christian Science and others get it…but those with a conflict of interest not so much…

By: Bill Sun, 06 Sep 2020 17:44:29 +0000 100% agree. But you forgot the part where they get on an internet medical site and decide that they must also have lung cancer, athletes foot and Ebola.

By: Zoey Sun, 06 Sep 2020 06:35:15 +0000 Couldn’t agree more.

For decades our DOJ has allowed Fauci/CDC/Redfield to commit scientific fraud/crimes against humanity. It’s unconscionable & inexcusable that the lives/livelihood’s of the American people were placed in hands of these monsters, despite endless, irrefutable evidence that their partnerships w/drug/vaccine manufacturers was their top priority.

We desperately need justice department that has our backs.

By: Deuce Sat, 05 Sep 2020 18:53:11 +0000 If you haven’t seen the magnificent film The Minds of Men, go watch it immediately. It discusses that book as well as the whole rise and fall off the idea of humans as cybernetic organisms that can be programmed by feedback loops. This movement brought about a host of atrocities including psychoshock therapy. The entire movie could be a documentary of the whole COVID hysteria. Despite being made two years prior.

By: Deuce Sat, 05 Sep 2020 18:46:36 +0000 I agree. The comedy of it all is delicious and deserves to be enjoyed! You’ll live. I promise.

By: Deuce Sat, 05 Sep 2020 18:45:22 +0000 Loss of smell and taste are well documented is nutritional deficiencies and also correlate to excess consumption of sugar. We’re any of these people you’re talking about fitness instructors? Mr Olympia participants? Nobody is agruing that if you don’t tend to your own health you won’t get sick. You will. A lot of different ways. Note that 94% of what we labaled COVID deaths had multiple cofactors. People were unhealthy and sick before COVID day zero. Chalking it all unprecedented to COVID after the fact is mostly just a scam. Sorry you were duped.

By: Deuce Sat, 05 Sep 2020 18:41:09 +0000 Sadly the bodies are buried in shallow Graves in NY, don’t you know. I saw it on CNN and it was definitely real, LOL. But you’re right about it being mostly spread through the TV.
