Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Unlimited Power of Imagination Mon, 07 Sep 2020 21:35:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Piksil Mon, 07 Sep 2020 21:35:41 +0000 glenn:

Yup to the toxins. The ‘virus’ mutates? That’s their answer for finding different genetic material, but the same symptoms, caused by the toxic soup we are exposed to.
It’s like swabbing pus from a wound, and culturing it. Say they find staph ‘growing’ in the pus. The diagnosis is ‘staph infection’, treat with drugs (antibiotics). That’s the cause, staph.

No, the cause was a cut or a scrape, and the ‘staph’ is the result of the immune system getting whatever toxins introduced into the body with the cut or the scrape, out! The staph wasn’t introduced with the cut or scrape, it’s was the byproduct of an introduced toxin/assault and the immune response. Bechamp demonstrated this in the 1800s with experiments. (Pleomorphism) Pasteur didn’t agree, bastardized his experiments and/or results, and fostered his “germ theory”, which remains the a huge foundation of medicine.

It’s the same with viruses, exosomes, microzyma, whatever one wants to call them. They are the clean up crew, not the perpetrators! That they’re found in exit portals speaks volumes.

By: glenn Mon, 07 Sep 2020 14:16:32 +0000 You are right. Funny Visser accuses Lanka and Kaufman of making everyone else play by their rules of proving the Sars-Cov2 virus. The genomes they build has greater authority and it would take too much time and resources to manually disprove it. Skipping the scientific method by using technology to “know” an organism’s entire genetic structure is too convenient to resist.

Sometimes I think arguing over viruses is not helpful but people won’t listen to the other logical arguments because they are scared of the virus. The lockdown measures will cause more death and illnesses than Sars-Cov2 running unopposed ever will. And believing in the virus means they can keep enforcing these measures since viruses will always mutate and widespread disease will always happen.

What’s also not mentioned is the harmful environmental and industrial effects that can cause these exact viral symptoms. Of course it will never be brought up except to claim pollution makes us more vulnerable to viruses. Apparently only a virus can create these illnesses, not toxic particles and radiation.

By: Piksil Mon, 07 Sep 2020 04:47:53 +0000 “Frank Visser, graduated as a psychologist of culture and religion,”

From HIS website, per your link. Thanks for the link by the way.

These are the types that local media ‘fact checkers’ would use. Does he have a ‘science’ background? Perhaps a minor in marketing.

He seems to be annoyed with people who question the ‘science’, the pretty pictures, the computer projections, and the death numbers. And wonders aloud why those doctors questioning ‘Covid’ don’t get their theories published in respected and peer-reviewed journals….

Just another shining example of how “mis- and disinformation” is to be dealt with regarding ‘covid’, as was demonstrated in the tabletop exercise Event201.

I’m guessing that a link to that website would be one of the first hits listed if somebody googled “Dr Kaufman” and “exosomes”, etc.

Yes, it is instructive to see what we’re up against!

BTW, it was interesting to read that he labeled Dr Lanka anti-Semitic. I wonder if that knowledge comes from his education in psychology, culture, or religion?

By: hayden Sun, 06 Sep 2020 06:26:04 +0000 Was wondering what type of religious sect in Tibet that Jon gets his info from..
Tibetans was an indigenous shamanic and animistic religion, Bon, which now comprises a sizeable minority and which would later influence the formation of Tibetan Buddhism.

In turn…Tibetan Buddhism has four main traditions Gelug,Kagyu,Nyingma and Sakya

just being inquisitive and wondering which school of thought it is.

By: Lewis Papier Sun, 06 Sep 2020 05:03:02 +0000 Perhaps one of the most dangerous people to push back against those fighting against all the draconian policies is not an Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates but a guy named Frank Visser (his website is:, which is entitled “THE CORONA CONSPIRACY. Combatting Disinformation About the Coronavirus).

He actually bothers to recapitulate the arguments of Drs. Lanka and Kaufmann and then attempts to refute them by introducing highly technical arguments from various individuals who he trots out as “experts.”

Indeed, if you are not a scientist, how can you possibly know if the sources he’s citing are correct? In addition to the usual character assassination, the appeal is always to the “true voice” of “science.” It actually sounds authentic, but if you’re not an insider, there is no way any of us (outsiders) could possibly know if any of these arguments are true.

I wonder if trying to challenge any of this “science” is a futile cause. They will always be one step ahead of us because we are forced to play by their rules. Science indeed is “sacrosanct.”

Anyway, it is instructive to read Visser, to see what we’re up against. He is a lot more clever than the average mask-wearing boob. I say know your enemies–especially the dangerous ones!

By: Larry C Sun, 06 Sep 2020 01:54:20 +0000 Largest crowd in German history demonstrates against Bill Gates & Company.
