Comments on: Memo to Dr. Scott Atlas, new White House coronavirus advisor Sat, 12 Sep 2020 01:15:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Critical thinking still intact Sat, 12 Sep 2020 01:15:55 +0000 I knew in April that this was the biggest hoax ever played on the American people, but had trouble linking it to what was happening around the world…until I was reminded of the powerful group of men who meet in Davos, Switzerland to manipulate the world economy. Then it all made sense.
Masks are dehumanizing, that is why they mask women in the Middle East. It is a way to make you faceless and reduce your self esteem, more likely to be controlled. What are we doing to our children?
In 43 years as a nurse…we never masked a healthy patient.
IMHO the masks are furthering herd immunity because they certainly don’t protect you from the virus. They give you a false sense of security and you get closer than you should to people you don’t know. If they worked…those of us who have not worn one for 6 months would surely be dead by now!

By: Nancy Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:55:44 +0000 I think we should look at who controls the power grid, too.

By: Nancy Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:53:36 +0000 What’s with all of these limited hangouts lately (CDC, MSM, etc)? An attempt at further polarization?

Because I think we have just two camps now: the people who have known this is an op for a while already, and the people who will never know.

By: ak in vt Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:48:34 +0000 Ronald, what a thread you have started! Please, Ronald, look at who you are “worshipping.” What we fear, we tend to worship.

This is rhetorical: Do you fear death? Do you let the fear of dying control you? If so, you worship death. You need to worship life. You need to worship LOVE. “Perfect love casts out all fear.” (the Christ, c.AD 30)

What we fear, especially death, it rules over us; we do its will; we will cower; we will lose what Jon calls our individuality.

Look at those who do not fear: they are the ones in charge (either of us or just of themselves). Think of what would never have been accomplished were it for fear. Think of how fear is holding you back in this present conundrum and in most of life.

Though I may be knocked down, I will get back up, be it a thousand times or be it to my death. I will still rise.

Ronald, you need not move forward at this time. You need not “attack.” But, please, stand firm and be NOT moved.


AK in VT

By: Benjamin Martin Thu, 10 Sep 2020 13:05:11 +0000 Michael,

You assume far too much, I dare say. My comment, for one, has its time-context generalised; it refers to the human condition in general, and no more refers to now than during the time, say, of Paracelcus.

But I appreciate the sentiment, dear boy.

By: GG Thu, 10 Sep 2020 04:52:53 +0000 He is affiliated with Stanford but I haven’t heard about this. Please cite one interview (or more) so I can hear it too.
Thank you

By: Jomsvikings Thu, 10 Sep 2020 03:37:40 +0000 Atlas wants vaccines??? Just splendid and he’s a phony then in my book. He talks about completely opening up the country, putting kids back in school, filling up the stadiums and herd immunity and all that. But I guess he’ll want people to trade in their masks for the magical vaccine? Lol.

Is there a country on this green Earth that isn’t going to force this Covid vaccine on people? I’ve heard Sweden isn’t going to mandate the vaccine, but they pride themselves on a 96% immunization compliance rate anyway – so they’re sold on & addicted to vaccines it would seem.

So…now we enter into vaccine “administration” phase of this assault on humanity. The medical cartel thought they would get much more compliance based on surveys done (it’s now around 2/3 or something like that of Americans surveyed who *won’t* take the vaccine at this point).

I look for the pharma cartel to really ramp up the fearmongering over the next several months like nothing we’ve seen before. They’re are already doing it with bogus cases they claim came from the Sturgis rally last month and all these sudden “outbreaks” at the universities & colleges as kids are heading back to school. Then they had every college athlete scared to death when they fear-mongered the 20 yr old college football player from Pennsylvania who they said died of “complications from Covid.” The funny thing is he didn’t die from Covid and thr reporting newspaper had to retract the statement and change his obituary saying that the cause of death is “unknown” at this time. They know what the cause of death is and they just don’t want to reveal it because it’s apparently not Covid!(could be complications from the flu, a heart attack, a bacterial infection, a prescription drug adverse event, and so on).

And along with the pharma cartel ramping up the fearmongering to new heights, they’ll be lobbying Congress to pass mandatory Covid & flu vaccine legislation (pharma is the biggest lobbyist in Congress – outspending oil & gas by 2-1!).

Hunker down folks – the assault on humanity to forcibly take the Covid vaccine is just getting started! Whether Trump jumps on the bandwagon for forced vaccination will be interesting to see. Maybe so or perhaps not?

By: Pinky Thu, 10 Sep 2020 00:53:42 +0000 Will it kill more ppl than the vaccine will ?? I dont think so.

By: ken Thu, 10 Sep 2020 00:28:38 +0000 I like your optimism Jon. Looking at Trumps past choices I’ll bet this one is no better.

By: NC Wed, 09 Sep 2020 20:53:00 +0000 How can something which has never been properly isolated, let alone proven by tests to cause any disease kill anyone?
Which statements are “false”? Does false mean differing from MSM?
