Comments on: COVID and Hollywood in the carnival called reality Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:12:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arby Sun, 13 Sep 2020 22:21:48 +0000 Jon is ‘our’ Hollywood. The real Hollywood isn’t Hollywood. It’s the entertainment/military/intelligence-industrial complex and it will burn with the rest of this Godless world soon enough.

By: Karl N Golovin Sun, 13 Sep 2020 15:53:24 +0000 Jon, in the context of Friday’s 9/11 “anniversary,” and on the topic of “Fake News” – you might enjoy this clip (though several years old) of CNN’s Jim Acosta being confronted for not reporting “the biggest story there is” (or at least was, pre-COVID) – that the “official story” of 9/11 is not true:

By: Vincent Sun, 13 Sep 2020 12:11:06 +0000 Mel: Bill, you’re a genius. I mean, you really are. And you can’t believe how many idiots there are out there. We need to start taking back what’s ours!

Bill: (Sigh) Look, Mel. I wish you were right. But you’re not. We’re all going to die one day.

Mel: Well, what happens then?

Bill: I dunno. Maybe we all meet each other again. Who knows? Maybe we find another planet to colonize. Whatever happens, remember this…

Mel: …I love you…

Bill: …I’ll always love you.

They kiss.

Bill: Let’s close the gates.

The gates close, and locks turn.

Bill: Well, that’s that.

They begin walking towards the house.

Bill: I’ll go through my stuff. Maybe there’s something in it they’ll find valuable enough to save.

They enter the house, and head into the bedroom.

Bill: There’s a safe in here… Hmm. It’s pretty small. Maybe I can break it.

He begins trying to pry at the safe with a crowbar he finds in the room.

Bill: It seems like standard cyro-apocalypse issue. I suppose it’ll have to do.

VOICE (O.S.): Halt! Who’s in there?

Bill and Mel turn to face the speaker.

Mel: Ugh. What now?

A small child with oversized clothing stands before them, holding a walkie-talkie.

Child: Hello? I’m not supposed to be talking on this channel. I’m supposed to be watching the gate.

Bill: Who are you?

Child: I’m Edward. I was a little boy when the virus hit. I’m kind of young to die, don’t you think?

Bill: Weird way of putting it, kid. But since we don’t got much choice, let’s get to it.

He raises his gun and aims it at the child.

Bill: You! What’s going on?

The little boy starts to cry.

Bill: (Sigh) Shoot me then. Let’s get this over with.

The little boy shakes his head.

Child: No. That man killed my mom and dad.

Bill: Yeah, I’ve heard about that. I’m sorry for your loss.

The child starts to cry harder.

Bill: (Sigh) Alright, alright! For god’s sake, stop crying! Let’s get to the point, shall we?
He aims his gun at the child again.
Bill: Alright, look. I’m not going to kill you. You’re missing a critical opportunity for a career in acting. Now you get the chance to be a hero.
The child looks up at him. Then, a grin slowly appears on his face.

Child: A real live hero! I know! You could shoot the bad man.
Bill: Yeah. Now that you mention it…
The child leaps up and tackles the gun out of Bill’s hand! He picks it up and points it at him, grinning the entire time.

Child: Then, I could be a hero! And maybe I could even be on TV!
He holds the gun tightly, still pointing it at Bill.
Bill: Look, kid.

By: Thankful Sun, 13 Sep 2020 02:08:49 +0000 Amanda you might like this video

911 Truth – A Presentation by Dr. Judy Wood Part 1 of 2

By: Alex Sun, 13 Sep 2020 02:06:45 +0000 Jon has A brilliant mind.

By: Thankful Sun, 13 Sep 2020 02:06:35 +0000 Hey Jon – here is some fake news just in time for the 2nd wave and fall lockdown…….

By: Eluard Sat, 12 Sep 2020 06:13:33 +0000 Nice work, Jon, these are like some of your pieces from April and May–the wild satirical Rappoport. Soaring imagination. I actually laughed out loud at that line “Don’t wander into MORALITY — that’s quicksand.” Hilarious.

I wish you had a wider audience but unfortunately, you’re not for everyone. Your truths are often multidimensional. Like that long piece from June with the black guy and white guy on TV night after night just hurling insults and anything else at each other. Then something happens…unforced…unexpected.. That was a great piece too.

It’s 2:10 a.m. and I’ve been writng all day too. A novel–on the pandemic period. It too has its charms. Thanks Jon, you are really kick-ass.

By: Amanda Sat, 12 Sep 2020 04:53:19 +0000 Too bad it’s been 19 years and most Americans still believe the official BS fairy tale. Here’s some good info:

September Clues (video fakery angle)

9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions

Masters of Deception: Zionism, 911, and the War on Terror Hoax, By Zander C Fuerza

By: Pisces Fri, 11 Sep 2020 22:42:37 +0000 This article reminded me of childhood memories like when we used to play with toy figures with many different characters and pretend to be these characters and get lost in our own imagination while letting these toys we play with have an imaginary conversation that we ourselves made up. It’s like you were playing with the Gates toy figures to stimulate your imagination, hehe.
Cute article, but interesting nonetheless. xD

By: Paul Fri, 11 Sep 2020 20:34:53 +0000 “…so rioters can try to burn down a hundred cities.”

Is this Fiction? or Prediction?…Jon



“I like that image.
Voice in the forest.”

One Singing
with Watered-Fire.
Wild in Spirit,
Alive & Inspired.
Waxing True.

No waning imagery.
But Deep Emeralded Hue.


Mel: [We’re engineers.]

Bill: [Everybody else] is a crazy human. [We keep] the crazies [in their] cages, forever.
[emphasis mine]

And, Logic Sings, to us.
If a way IN, was engineered.
Then, a way out, can be Imagined too,
And Created Through.
