Comments on: How CDC/WHO will fake the effects of the COVID vaccine to make it look like a success Sun, 01 Nov 2020 11:11:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monica Sun, 01 Nov 2020 11:11:56 +0000 You are right…it’s called Technocracy. Check out Patrick Wood, he’s an expert on it & has been studying it for decades (

By: MaidinAmerica Fri, 02 Oct 2020 06:20:52 +0000 Lee: I got a downloadable book from He talks a lot about these abominations, esp. the toxins causing mini strokes that would cause wondering eyes-turning in or outward and all the other brain damages. There were pictures also.Hope you can find it!

By: Lucky Lui Sat, 26 Sep 2020 20:18:43 +0000 Seems there are many historical examples of at least some of these tactics. A minor suggested correction for point 13: the term “rate” should be replaced with “amount”. The rate shouldn’t necessarily change with reduced testing.

By: za ka lu Sat, 26 Sep 2020 14:52:35 +0000 ‘they’ don’t care what we say or know.

the only important aspect of our situation is what we DO or DON’T DO!!

There is NO valid agreement with ‘them’!

Stand with clean hands and END COMPLIANCE to terms of which we are NOT party to!!

claim your estate back from the usurper, you are NOT the LEGAL NAME PERSON!

By: Natalie Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:31:05 +0000 FOURTEEN: When people start having serious effects (and deaths) from the vaccine, claim that it is safe and effective and…”we don’t know what’s causing this, but we KNOW it’s NOT the vaccine” and refuse to discuss it any further.
FIFTEEN: When people point out these inconsistencies and manipulations, call them conspiracy theorists.

By: Deuce Thu, 24 Sep 2020 16:20:35 +0000 Sad as it is to think this really is the truth. People have become far more self righteous than informed. So there’s no telling anybody anything. Perfect example:. I saw a guy wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt last week it featured a large clenched fist logo across the front. When you looked closely you could see that the fist itself was made up of names of black victims of police violence. And when you looked REALLY close you could see that there were only like 8 names that had to be repeated 10 times to make the whole fist. So the guy ‘advocating for justice for black victims of police brutality’ was actually telling the world that there were only 7-8 such cases in the last 10 years that anyone can even remember. The facts directly contradict the message. The facts were right there on the shirt. Yet the guy wearing the shirt doubtlessly believed the message, while the facts obviously didn’t register with him at all. You think fighting a clever, cunning, deceptive enemy is hard? Try fighting an enemy that is completely clueless and gullible, but will follow any order without daring to have a single thought.

By: Jean Wils0n Thu, 24 Sep 2020 09:40:04 +0000 and these are?

By: Tokira Thu, 24 Sep 2020 02:56:34 +0000 We Cat People are quite familiar with Corona Viruses’ propensity for mutation, and interestingly, Cat People seem to have an extremely low infection rate with COVID 19.
Thank you for bringing this up.

By: Deuce Thu, 24 Sep 2020 00:38:36 +0000 Immune enhancement is the dirty secret of all vaccines. To some extent all vaccines cause a hyperactive immune response that triggers cytokine release and some level of autoimmunity. It is the mechanism behind spiking Autism rates and in the last 6 months it has been brought out into the wide open. Autism is caused by vaccine induced autoimmunity against the brain in most of these new cases. Made worse by obscene levels of Aluminum crossing the blood brain barrier and perpetually stimulating the response. Period. This can and will be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Not only is the COVID vaccine never going to happen, I guarantee you a study is coming along any day that drops a bomb on all vaccines that these little parlor tricks won’t be able to explain away. We know the mechanism now. We can test it reproducibly. All vaccines do it. They are not safe. Moderna execs are dumping their stocks. The vaccine made everybody sick and infringes on other patents. Astra Zaneca has paused trials. Lawsuits are everywhere and mounting. The ‘Pandemic’ has unraveled into a complete shitshow. Nobody is sick, the vaccine is a joke, the test is a joke, the masks are a joke and a few people in their 80s died a week early. Vote with your dollars. Revenge with your dollars. Vote with your vote. Relieve every person, business and politician who tried to sell you this nonsense from their duty.

By: Dutch Thu, 24 Sep 2020 00:24:24 +0000 Good stuff. My only question is which of these things are they NOT going to do? My guess is none. This is the same house of cards vaccines have stood on for 50+ years.
