Comments on: The “COVID economy”: The Plan Wed, 07 Oct 2020 00:17:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: marlene Wed, 07 Oct 2020 00:17:53 +0000 I’ve been calling this “Plan-19” from the very beginning. The plague of those who know that to own the world they must rule it.

By: Colleen Sat, 03 Oct 2020 17:18:06 +0000 Exactly

By: Ram Dass Sat, 03 Oct 2020 01:34:26 +0000 Debating who Hillary is or isn’t is great fun but it’s a total distraction. The only thing that is important is forming a convention of the states to vote on a constitutional amendment to limit terms in all forms of governments to a maximum of 4 years and bans family members from holding the same office. And another to mandate a balanced federal budget. I think if a charismatic person could take this message to the masses we could convince both parties to add it to their platforms. Any means to accomplish this objective are acceptable. It would be a justified sacrifice of many souls if their loss lead to this heavy blow to the beast. If they keep us divided we will be looking at a single party rule in a few years. It’s just a question of which party wins the race.

By: RegretLeft Fri, 02 Oct 2020 22:08:04 +0000 It has gotten to be a community here. However, virtually attenuated; I would think most here are real and feel very much the limitations, the fraud even, of “virtual”.

Still, this touches me: “burned out” – I am starting to hear it more and more in our communities.

I hope you can stay strong and find new “strategies”; we will all need strength and strategies for what is up ahead. We will all be tested, I fear, in ways that will terrify us; the tyranny will be unfathomable.

But “they” have not terrified us in the way that they have terrified billions – that really is the ratio. Try to find some strength in just that.

By: sean ryan Fri, 02 Oct 2020 20:01:26 +0000 The number of new small businesses forming yearly in the U.S. has dropped significantly, from an average of over 420,000/year, to just about 166,500/yr over the past 10 years.

The number of publicly listed companies in the U.S. has dropped by over half, in just the past 20 years.

I’ve owned my own businesses for over 30 years.
And it’s never been more difficult, for many, than it is today.

The same Cartel of largest shareholders similarly own the largest “competing” corporations, in most every single industry.
A “David” may be able to defeat a “Goliath”, but corporate America has assumed the form of a Hydra.
A “Goliath” with numerous heads keeping it alive.

One may be able to defeat the data-stealing activities of Google (beware those new ideas/possible patents sent via email), but is then left to face-off against Amazon, Apple, Ebay, Etsy, Facebook, et al.

Simply hosting a website, for example, to showcase your business, requires patronage of at least one of the Big Tech monsters (domain, plus hosting, plus perhaps maintenance, and likely a platform like Amazon or Ebay or Etsy to sell your wares), which are all largely owned by the same largest investment banks (those largely owned and controlled by that Elite).

But sadly, neither Big Tech, nor Big Banking is all to blame.
It’s the mindless masses supporting that Big Everything that need the most reform.

It’s all too easy to head to Walmart to stack up on the latest crap du jour.
Even easier to do the same at one’s computer, or tablet, or phone.

I have studied topics like authoritarianism, tyranny, fascism, even slavery for a long time.
And one commonality amongst all, is that those subjected to each failed to fight hard enough to protect their independence.
They instead chose the easiest ways out.

There’s a reason why public debt is growing so quickly.
Debt has become one of the last remaining hopes of many small businesses, and their owners.

Liquidity is facing severe challenges.
Plus, the more wealth a few have & hoard, the less that more have (as wealth & capital have to exist in limited quantities in order to instill “value”).
Thus the less total is spent in the marketplace.
Meaning everyone is competing for fewer dollars, and the same fewer dollars.

Yet even that debt serves to enslave that small business, and their owners, to the Elite.

Moving past debt, even business revenue is taking a huge hit.
With the virtual monopolies of Big Everything, prices of everything are quickly rising (due to the lack of real market competition).
Yet income/revenue is largely stagnating.

Keep in mind that the newly created, scam-oriented SBA small business loans are backed by some of the largest corporate investors.

But Freedom is not easy.
Neither is Liberty.
Simply living an existence dependent on others, is not independence.

The Boston Tea Party was more about the fight against big corporations whom had seized influence & control of the British Monarchy, to enact special interest legislation, to restrict Colonists from engaging in entrepreneurial activities.
Read Cato’s Letters (not to be confused with the pseudo-Libertarian Cato Institute), for more info.

By: Firestarter Fri, 02 Oct 2020 15:40:09 +0000 Because of the worldwide corona lockdown, 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy (the most vulnerable of the workforce) are in danger of losing their income. That is out of a worldwide total of 2 billion in the informal economy and a global workforce of 3.3 billion people.

Worldwide, more than 436 million businesses are in deep trouble.
232 million in wholesale and retail;
111 million in manufacturing;
51 million in accommodation and food services;
42 million in real estate and other business activities.

By: Lee Fri, 02 Oct 2020 15:35:51 +0000 Dr Hill, thank you for this website. I mostly agree with you, the part about viruses and germs is where we differ…I do the terrain concept. Think of and research the DAVIS group. Very secretive.

By: Ricardo Teles Fri, 02 Oct 2020 15:17:46 +0000 Undoubtedly. Only stupid people have yet to realize this, collective dementia has reached a level never seen before.

The State, through a cry “humanitarian-sanitary concern”, closed billions of individuals for several months in their homes, allegedly to protect them from contagion, after a certain period the restrictive measures were relaxed and the official figures of deaths were released. reportedly related to the case as opposed to demonstrating a considerable increase had a shamelessly reported continuous drop.

Cloth masks, although logically absolutely incapable of filtering a declared virus with a diameter of 120 nanometers, became mandatory, having been imposed imposingly on any and every citizen who left his residence and this was mostly accepted without any broad resistance.

The phrase “stay home!” gave rise to the slogan “come be a voluntary worker”, an explicit and blatant scorn, although Cattle, always grazed and ideologically lobotomized, not only passively accepted everything that had been imposed on it, asking absolutely nothing, but immediately bought the induction that summed up the divergence, from the beginning obliterated and ridiculed, to an ideological-party issue, and despite this he still found the maximum the “new normal” determined, taking a masked selfie and desperately longing for a vaccine to be applied to him.

The state of humanity is tragic. Intellectual bankruptcy, wide suggestibility, stunted critical sense and mental control over the absolute majority of individuals are simply unimaginable.


By: JV Fri, 02 Oct 2020 15:01:37 +0000 I do think it is what she really means. However, I would also say it is imperative on all of us to value all children. They are watching us for direction and the behavior of adults nowadays is beyond juvenile and degrading to our culture. Trump and the Kardashian’s come to mind. These are the role models we want our children to emulate?
I won’t respond to Opie – he’s clearly a miosgynist – but I hope you realize that nearly everything you know about HRC has been engineered and fabricated by known ratf*ckers since the 70’s.

By: Truth1 Fri, 02 Oct 2020 03:59:54 +0000 Warning! I am being serious in this post.Out is utterly destroyed. Intentionally! the politicians are acting like children by their bosses. Th goal is to make us so disenchanted with the state of the world that when the fke Aliens arrive to convince you that you should go along with their diabolical design for our world, that we will go along with it. Hey, most are going along with anything shoved down their throats already.
2021 might be the year of the aliens. But don’t believe anything they say. All they do is lie.
