Comments on: CIA Mockingbirds shake the world Sun, 04 Oct 2020 03:54:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Piksil Sun, 04 Oct 2020 03:54:56 +0000 Opie Poik:

So, the original date of the NEJM article is June 26, 2020. It reeks of Davos/World Economic Forum. (“Stakeholders”….as in The Great Reset”)

It also reeks of Event 201. But WEF was a part of that as well. The RT article points out the authors’ affiliations with Gates Foundation donor facilities. I’ll bet a quarter that this paper was immediately being worked on in response to Event 201, if not before.

Not one MD on the author list; no, just lawyers, and public health policy types. It seems they’re providing a blueprint for rolling out (forcing) the vaccine in a way that tries to limit legal interference, as well as suspicion from the Guinea pigs, er, the population at large who will be the first recipients. “…vaccine manufacturers should stay on the sidelines.” WOW!!! Pretty much admitting nobody trusts them! Maybe saying Tiger Woods came up with the vaccine would make it acceptable?

Since they seem to want to avoid legal confrontation, I would think that would be the best way to defend this attempted assault, if it actually comes to pass.

Thanks for the link!

By: Piksil Sun, 04 Oct 2020 02:48:31 +0000 Doomed:

Good post! I’m glad you mentioned Del Bigtree and RFK, Jr.

Don’t forget about atty Thomas Renz’s lawsuit (Ohio), and the Pennsylvania federal judge who ruled the PA Governor’s lockdown restrictions were unconstitutional. There is some hope, I think. Especially Renz’s case.

Informed Consent, safety and efficacy, and liability/responsibility should provide leverage to opt out of a mandatory vaccination scheme.

A mandatory vaccination program should not be started prior to Renz’s case being heard. And, provided it’s not tried in a kangaroo court, should expose the hoax for what it is, thereby eliminating the need for a vaccine (for something that doesn’t exist?) program.

Again, there is some hope.

By: R.C. Sat, 03 Oct 2020 14:01:28 +0000 War Pigs. Black Sabbarh!,
“Generals gathered in their masses.
Just like witches at Black Masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction.
Sourcerer of death construction.
In the fields, the bodies burning.
As the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind.
Poisoning their brainwashed minds.
Politicians hide themselves away.
They only started the war.
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that all to the poor.
Time will tell on their power minds.
Making war just for fun.
Treating people just like pawns in chess.
Now, in darkness, world stops turning.
Ashes where the bodies burning.
No more War Pigs have the power.
Hand of God has struck the hour.
Day of Judgement, God is calling.
On their knees, the War Pigs crawling.
Begging mercy for their sins.
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings.
Oh, Lord, yeah.
Ozzy, Toni, Geezer and Bill Ward. Way ahead of their times!

By: R.C. Sat, 03 Oct 2020 13:45:12 +0000 Another show of FORCE. Freedoms stripped away. AGAIN. Comply or die. Effen idiots! Again, this shows what punks they are. Using bully tactics, intimidation, fear and the like, instilled in the news watchers. OMG! It’s real. It’s on TV and the president has it. And his wife has it. I knew early on that chump would buckle at the knees sooner or later. Financial payout was finally huge enough for him and his puppet wife to cave in and go along with this hoax. What a disgrace he and his wife are to this country. This has gone to the ultimate betrayal to mankind. They commit crimes using money the steal from the working class. They hide away so, nobody can get to them. Cause damage and send out the military against the very people and country they are supposed to protect, to force control and compliance. All those in on this hoax should be punished with life imprisonment in solitary confinement!
One other note: NONE of those involved and in control of this hoax, will EVER get these shots-to-the-arms. They know it’s horseshit. And if they go on the brainwashing mainstream media to show themselves “getting the shot”, it will be a vial with nothing more than vitamin water in it. They’re not capable of telling the truth. THATS politics: Lie and Deceive!

By: Doomed Sat, 03 Oct 2020 06:06:14 +0000 @ Opie Poik,

Thanks for posting that info – but that’s the scariest thing I’ve read in a longtime!

Coming right out of the New England Journal of Medicine and disclosing their game plan to basically force vaccinate all of us should scare the living daylights out of anti-vaxxers and pro-choicers alike!

And with Trump now in the hospital for Covid (especially if he takes a turn for worst & becomes critical ill) there’s even more traction for Congress to get involved and jump on the forced vaccination bandwagon.

I really don’t see hope – it would take a miracle to get out forced vaccinations in this current climate. Pharma & the medical cartel have won – they’re taking over of all world governments!

There’s just not enough unity for any significant push back against forced vaccinations. There’s Jon & Del Bigtree on the investigative journalist side who have the knowledge and willpower, and our outstanding researchers – but that’s about it. On the scientific side, there’s Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and maybe a few others. On the legal side, there’s just one lone voice in attorney RFK, Jr. And where are all the politicians to protect our rights to decline a medical treatment? Is Libertarian Rand Paul going to help us? Oops…I forget – he’s an M.D., so we can forget him. Lol.

No one high enough on the food chain is there to help us. Not enough unity with the experts. And if Trump survives his ordeal and is reelected, he’ll probably want manditory vaccines. I know if Biden is elected, it will definitely be mandatory vaccines…period.

We’re all screwed thanks to pharma & medical cartel using an invisible enemy to divide & conquer. Where & when to I report to the nearest neighborhood assimilation station where I’m vaccinated & programmed to obey & follow orders by the medical cartel?

What was The Borg’s famous cliche? Resistance Is Futile. 🙁

By: Piksil Sat, 03 Oct 2020 04:08:46 +0000 The best step to preventing the spread of human-to-human killer viruses is to stop believing in them.

Pasteur disciples have caused enough damage over the last ~140 years ATMO, spreading the gospel of John D, John D, Jr, and David. Vaccines and a theory in the same package. Look at all the sheep that died! (I know, sheep lie.)

The theory that viruses cause dis-ease, rather than try to restore -ease, is the outline for this ‘covid’ cover story. The mutation aspect is the setup for a sequel or sequels.. And the ‘vaccines’ are the gift that keeps on giving. (Reminds me, almost time for my flu shot…..wait, it’s never too late for a flu shot. That’s the ticket.) They keep making flu shots, and whoops, the ‘virus’ mutated. But it’s OK, it’s better to get a “little bit of protection”
No, don’t ask what is in it. First, we don’t know for sure, and B, only science-y types would understand what they are, so don’t waste your time. Lots of big important multi syllabic words. And pay no attention to that Itallian study done last year or the year before that showed NO LISTED ACTIVE INGREDIENT in any of the vaccines they tested, because they did find a whole bunch of big word poisons in them, but again, many syllables. Ewwww.

The government officials know they don’t know everything. That’s their excuse. They get money, align with the party they’re assigned to, and read a teleprompter. And lie. And steal. To us, and from us. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to figure out the hoax, and I suspect most all know it is just that. Possibly they’ve been preoccupied with trying to help their constituents, during these trying times. They need to be imprisoned at least. And made to wear masks and ‘vaccinated’, because prisons are a hotbed of ‘covid’, as we were told months ago, as dangerous felons were released.
Because of the caronavirus pandemic. It’s the new normal.

By: Piksil Sat, 03 Oct 2020 03:22:28 +0000 Larry C:

I actually saw on the news this morning that someone somewhere was doing a study to find ‘coronavirus’ in wastewater/sewage. No shit.
(Actually I said to the wife “that’s a bunch of crap.”)
You realize the next group targeted after this study will be ass-symptomatic carriers.

The sad part is, people believe all this….and the hoaxsters are way past doubling down. What’s next, saying that a papaya and a goat can transmit ‘covid’ to poke fun at the president of Tanzania? (See, our test does work. This is real)

Write it up in a ‘journal’ and it is so. Scientific.

I don’t know if anyone saw the demo that Del Bigtree did with his 11(I think) year old son, measuring CO2 levels in a mask, and showing how after just seconds the readings surpass OSHA Safety Limits?
Well, somebody did, because the only part of the local news I saw this evening was a ‘report’ that wearing masks does not hurt healthy people OR people with COPD…..relating to CO2 levels…
HOGWASH. Why have OSHA regulations for CO2 limits?
But this is reported with a straight face, and people buy it. Cuz it’s on the news.

By: hayden Sat, 03 Oct 2020 01:08:31 +0000 The war continues…..when will it stop nobody knows,maybe 10,000 years according to Jon.
once space flight becomes available for all then there will be mass migrations from the earth just as has happened in earths past with mass migrations because of war,climate,drought,mini ice ages etc especially if the earth goes towards a nazi run Blade Runner, 3 sea shell Demolition Man movie outcomes.

Then this will seed future galaxy wars as once these new colonies set up they will continue fighting.

Vegans will escape to there planet, vegetarians will escape to there planet and then properly all start fighting against omnivores cause some extreme vegan religious sects see omnivores as demons(master ching hai as example) talk about brainwashing on all fronts lol.

Galaxy stormtroopers who obey the future nazi run system(just like past and present shows) will still be loyal to the fake narrative agendas. All the different types of Human society’s will all find there own little spot in space and continue with the fight.

Maybe its needed as Universe maybe using us as a way to seed the universe(without us being aware of nature intentions). Nothing can stay on the earth forever as even earths sun will explode destroying Earth. Migration or extinction one of the two is inevitable for humans.

Maybe this why we should stop with all the fighting amongst all the myriad of mans created fake narrative structures(religions, Government deep state etc cause we could already be out in space if we were all working together as a team.

Together we stand, divided we fall, Pink Floyd

By: Opie Poik Fri, 02 Oct 2020 23:47:19 +0000 Take the jab or lose your job: Medical journal calls for a MANDATORY Covid vaccine, says ‘noncompliance should incur a penalty’

80 million Americans hold 300 million firearms and billions of rounds and have millennia of practice.

Go Fauci yourselves, perverts.

By: Bruce Fri, 02 Oct 2020 23:36:43 +0000 Thanks Jon. Amazing!
