Comments on: How I assembled The Matrix Revealed: The Key Symbol Sat, 03 Oct 2020 16:41:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Sat, 03 Oct 2020 16:41:34 +0000 “Some patients encounter a ‘monolith’,” he said.
“They come across a symbol that is there in the subconscious.
Sometimes it looks like a closed door.
Sometimes it shows up as a blank wall.
Sometimes it’s a geometric shape.”

Recently I was watching Smerconish (CNN).

I kept staring at the boob tube trying to figure out why I was feeling so confused.

Confusion over something unspoken, but nevertheless, highly present.

During this fugue-state-of-soul I found myself in, all I could claim was partly-human was the seeping background droning of Mr. S.

I found myself engulfed by a feeling, some far shored insistence that I apply a novel & nuanced tact.

I remedied this feeling by embracing it as an adventure of sorts.

I fetched some tracing paper, placed it on the flat boob tube screen, & traced the contour of Mikie’s all-too-smooth head.

I spied the resulting linear curved outline of S’s dome.

It spoke to me in mathematical jargon. It implied in some standoffish verbiage that it was some sort of construct.

I imagined dual centers & drew some quick lines suggesting radii to deduce its secret.


It was an ellipse. A perfect conjuration.

I reckoned deeply within, & remembered how Pythagoras taught his esoterica.

And reasoned rightly…

Mr. S’s head is a construct.

The EPITOME of a Talking Head.

By: Larry C Sat, 03 Oct 2020 16:32:49 +0000 VladImir Putin, rolls out the deadliest weapon, yet: LOGIC.

