Comments on: Trump in danger—the test, the experimental drugs Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:04:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marty Gutherz Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:04:44 +0000 i’m sure that I’m not the only one who has thought of this but I think that there’s a distinct possibility that this story about Trump being “infected” with COVID 19 is a total hoax designed to achieve 2 objectives:
1. Trump has been bribed with offers of a huge amount of money and/or power, e.g., a promise that he will be appointed to the position of a supreme overlord in the planned neo-feudal technocracy.
2. inciting the anti-Trump zealots to celebrate his hoped for demise, thereby gaining support for him from the undecided voters who are probably reacting adversely to the spectacle of the zealots, presumably Biden supporters, prematurely celebrating Trump’s death.
I’m convinced that Trump, his doctors, public health advisers are all totally aware that this is a fake pandemic, that the testing is meaningless, and the Remdesevir and the anti-viral cocktail that he allegedly is taking are both ineffective and extremely toxic, so I doubt very much that he’s taking them.

By: gavin Mon, 05 Oct 2020 09:25:30 +0000 yes it seems that way- why didnt he take HCQ and make that the hero? its almost like this is a deliberate attempt to placate the pharma mob. I dont believe he is ill, prob didnt even test positive- even if he did it doesnt mean anything.

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:34:43 +0000 It goes more than that!

The Gematria is more of a “signing off on it” (IE: something akin to a “Kilroy was here” statement.)

In order for one to become a Tzaddik (a “learned man”) in the old Talmudic standard, he also had to be very fluent in mathematics, and capable of many different numeric permutations and patterns.

The very number of words, paragraphs, syllables, etc. in a “written holy work” even mattered!

The “bible” is full of such occult symbolism and numerology. Anyone who can bring themselves to reading through it, without any emotional attachment, would see the obvious symbolism within it. (Yet, so many establishmentarian-religionists insist that there is no such symbolism, because it is the LITERAL “word of God”.)

“Idiots to the left of me, fools to the right of me, here I am – stuck in the middle of them all!”

– Jim S.

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:27:31 +0000 I was beginning to think similarly.

The whole “two-party” system is an utter sham, and it has been that way for many a year.

Mr. Trump even helped to make this pandemic lie (and the successive hospital-deaths/murders) all the more profitable, as well as speed-up the development and delivery of dangerous (but very profitable) “vaccines” – without all the necessary testing and evaluation procedures being done.

I’d say treason is more a course of today’s business, rather than a punishable crime anymore.

This nation is screwed!

The “voters” need to wake the hell up, and fast!

– Jim S.

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 05 Oct 2020 00:23:00 +0000 And so on,

The globalists’ noose around the neck of humanity tightens ever further!


STILL so many people are walking around everywhere, and every day – wearing those slave-masks! The stores and other businesses even have the temerity, in their “public service announcements”, to claim:

“Wear a mask, save lives.”

Even outdoor events, with so few people and in wide open space, are requiring everyone to wear a mask while in attendance! (And this even being in a very “conservative” state, no less.)

I said it last year (about Oct/Nov 2019):

“2020 will be the year America dies!”

– Jim S

By: mdskeptic Sun, 04 Oct 2020 22:07:47 +0000 Yes, Spot on. If he were a real leader he’d have said no thanks Walter Reade, no thanks Bethesda Naval, me and Melania will tough it out with tea, honey and lemon at our Pennsylvania Avenue redoubt then we’re gonna take some sun down at Mara Lago. Nope, he’s captured. It’s all on us now.

By: lamberth Sun, 04 Oct 2020 21:13:58 +0000 heh, heh.

By: M Sun, 04 Oct 2020 17:43:47 +0000 yes, that’s what I also think. Shame on Trump for playing this game, the vaccine game, the China virus, for maintaining the fear in the “deplorables”

By: Bob Leidy Sun, 04 Oct 2020 16:19:47 +0000 ORGANIZE!

By: Piksil Sun, 04 Oct 2020 14:55:39 +0000 Mitch:

How is Boris doing? And Prince Charles? Have been worried sick!

I sent both Boris and the Prince an Edible Arrangements bouquet, as well as a small cash donation to help offset their probably huge medical bills. (I also sent Neil Ferguson edible underwear and the instructions on how to turn off location settings on his iPhone.).

Haven’t heard from any of them, and was just wondering how they’re doing.


Concerned in the US
