Comments on: COVID: Mind control creates the Biden plan Tue, 13 Oct 2020 18:22:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bricius Tue, 13 Oct 2020 18:22:44 +0000 A couple of thoughts: there have scientists who have discovered a principle that Robert Anton Wilson talked about. That the more one attempts to control, the less control one has. It’s a natural law, with no escape route. Or Von Neumann’s concept of a messy universe, in which total understanding and control are not possible. Even with nanotech. It isn’t physically possible to achieve total control. And with these idiots, I highly doubt they can achieve 50% of what they want. And why? It isn’t one monolithic criminal cartel. It’s a large number of bloody stupid psychos in cartels all battling each other.

And wait, Billy boy wants his nanotech dream vaccine to happen? Well, here comes therapeutics, and Regeneron, to be handed out for free. Just awhile ago, Trump managed to get Liberal pro-vaxxers to reverse their stance! Even little Billy was saying that you know, maybe we should delay this thing, or possibly not do it all.

add to that that the central banks are collapsing. Can’t print money from nothing forever, y’know? The covid con is collapsing as well. Entire states are dropping the game. Even the WHO announced recently that maybe these lockdowns are doing more bad then good. Now why is that? Because the WHO bought into a really stupid idea: “Hey, I know, let’s impose these lockdowns to establish our new world order. And let’s do it in the very markets which we have been scamming from and taking money from for decades.” Because that will work. Right. They are printing money from nothing, devaluing the currency that their power derides from, and on top of that, these morons are locking down the healthy markets that have kept them in riches and able to do evil things for years? Communists and criminals all share the same characteristics – they are supremely stupid. Also narcissistic, selfish and psychotic, but mostly, really really stupid.

By: Marty Gutherz Thu, 08 Oct 2020 20:17:27 +0000 Jon, thanks for the incredibly insightful blog that clearly articulates my conclusions, always evolving, about the dog and pony show that bi-partisanship politics has become and all of the other issues that you so thoroughly dissect. I live in Berkeley, California that in the 60s was the mecca of the Free Speech Movement and the Question Authority mantra but has now become the graveyard of these credos. Your skewering of the Trump con artist and the Biden sock puppet is totally right on. I am both astonished and saddened by the gullibility of relatives and friends, mostly Biden but some Trump devotees who blindly acquiesce in the psychopathic mental enslavement, impoverishment, and dystopian agenda that is enveloping us. However, I remain optimistic as the resistance on many fronts to the despotic insanity is growing exponentially especially in countries like The United Kingdom and Germany.

By: Ron Klipstein Wed, 07 Oct 2020 20:40:40 +0000 Thank you JB.
All I can say here is, “Ditto.
Ditto, ditto”.

RK in TX

By: Greg Cantin Tue, 06 Oct 2020 21:42:08 +0000 I love your work. I hate your mis-use of the term “Anarchy”. I am an Anarchist. Anarchy: No Rulers. I do not protest, riot, or loot. I simply withdraw all support and interaction from “Statism”. I toss sand in their gears whenever possible. Cheers!

By: rolf watness Tue, 06 Oct 2020 17:09:36 +0000 We need to round up the COOKS of the Rich. We need to round up their servers. We need to STOP FEEDING them and START EATING THEM…and of course Barf.

By: Paul Tue, 06 Oct 2020 07:39:25 +0000 Well… You’ve said it all.

Things seem to be drawing tighter & sides may be forming.

I am not sure at this stage.

WATCH! as its been said.

Best Wishes.

By: Jenifer Tue, 06 Oct 2020 03:38:27 +0000 Sean Morgan and Jim Cutler on Trump and the vaccine. (They are into Q Anon.)
Back in May.

So, when Trump talks about, you know, speeding up
this process the way he does, you know, Operation warp speed,
and you’re gonna love the words he uses. I mean, really, that
strikes fear into their hearts because they know he knows, they
know that this isn’t going to be warp speed, and that they’re
going to be like looking pretty funny when they sit there and
they have to agree with them. Fauci has to agree with him. And
so but he knows is like, this is not gonna happen. Now. What they
want to make in the vaccine is not what a vaccine that we would
want. I mean, even if vaccines were considered, okay, they
would mess with it. They would put in stuff that had no
business being in there. And I’m not talking about, you know, the
edge events like squalene and Mercury and all these things
we’re talking about really nasty stuff, nanotechnology and stuff
like that. So having them make anything is a non starter. Trump
knows that. So really what he’s doing right now, this is what we
call optics. And it is a art of the war strategy to put his
opposition Fauci in the deep state, in a defensive position
where now they’re spending their time trying to figure out how to
defend themselves against a position that they never wanted
to be in, in the first place.

By: Mark Tue, 06 Oct 2020 00:18:09 +0000 I’m not defending Trump, but the fact is no president can stand up to the CFR TLC CIA etc and the billionaires behind the technocracy. It would be suicide.

Whether or not the Devil exists as an entity or just a philosophy, it’s quite evident that the Devil is running the show here on earth and technology has become his servant.

“Looking at the world as a whole, the drift for many decades has been not towards anarchy but towards the reimposition of slavery.” – George Orwell

By: Alessandro Mon, 05 Oct 2020 22:54:01 +0000 A good chronicle but what would you prefer to see going ahead? Many talk of what’s wrong but I’m not seeing anything on what has to happen. The chronicle is negative and likely depressing when we need light.

By: olegro Mon, 05 Oct 2020 19:08:49 +0000 Well said romantic friend …. let me add :

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it.” ― H.L. Mencken

and when WE romantics.. encounter these devious and destructive attempts of subversion .. we say :

“Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me ”

because our Spirit and Freedom is unfathomably worth more than Your dark and desolate Hell … You have Nothing to offer us !

