Yes May Hem miraculous 3 day recoveries from magic toxic ineffective pharma killer drugs. Just part of the PsyOp.
Where ws the hydroxy zinc axithro vitD vitC? nowhere to be found. follow the leaders. get your toxic ineffective magic drugs when you too “catch” the magic killer flu that only phony tests can tell u u hav. They need to reinforce the propaganda. Now anyone who ever caught any “cold” or “flu” never resolves in three days unless u are using the natural health care route.
By the way it was reported ad nauseam on AM radio Trump did hav the sniffles and a slight Fever (cold symptoms they “reported”).
I believe he and Boris who both dissented about how bad this was were either in on the psyop or given some toxic pesticide or something to generate flu like symptoms to “teach them a “lesson”.
Did not Trump say he was on hydroxy zinc axithro a month ago?
What happened? He is/was right about its efficacy. Was he turned/threatened promised something?
As Opie Poik says: It reeks of manipulation of public perception. It seems so calculated, filled with obfuscation, the timing, the reactions, etc. All part of the Psyop!
]]>As if he is going to allow Deep State doctors to give himg drugs LMAO. People have no idea how intelligent our president truly is. He has been enduring attacks and asssination attempts regularly. They can’t touch him. He was built (or incarnated, depending on your perspective) for this.
Sadhguru, a teacher in the East, did inadvertently mention how it was not the Deep State that controlled the US, but Trump now. Their days are numbered, even if the next decade or so is a little rocky.
Either way, my money is on Trump for the next election. But either way the rule of the cabal is falling to pieces.