Comments on: “But I spoke with my virologist friend and he said…” Sat, 24 Oct 2020 16:47:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Em Sat, 24 Oct 2020 16:47:34 +0000 hi im interested in Freud being a fraud could you please provide me a link on this? thanks

By: Jeanette Sat, 24 Oct 2020 11:34:17 +0000 Amen to that

By: Jeanette Sat, 24 Oct 2020 11:32:44 +0000 I triggered over that one too, but… I tend to believe that he is using the narrative of the vaccines for:
a) people WANT a vaccine
b) TDS is so deep that anything Trump says, HAS to be disbelieved.. so if he propagates (proper English word? Foreigner here) vaccines, DS/D will automatically go against it
c) I believe he has a cure or therapeutics, in fact, that’s what he literally said during his interview after his own CV19

But.. then again.. it can also be one big psy-op.. I hope it isn’t, but it can still be.. unfortunately the only thing that will truly tell is time

By: Jeanette Sat, 24 Oct 2020 11:25:16 +0000 What almost everyone living in this modern day and age seems to forget (at least the ones in the category “believers of the deadly virus pandemic”)..
We are living in the 21st century, humans and humanoids have probably been around for several millions of years, hygiene and living circumstances have never been so good as now, and since about a 100 odd years we suddenly need drugs to cure and/or protect us from viruses??

If those (non living) “entities” were THAT dangerous, in these CLEAN times, HOW in the world did we make it through all those millenia as a species?

Logic has totally been replaced with fear-porn the last decades.. nobody is encouraged to use their brains anymore… and everybody still believes that the government has their interests at heart.. come on people, wake up!

By: Jeanette Sat, 24 Oct 2020 11:15:53 +0000 oh wow… didn’t hear/read of that one yet… please enlighten me where to search…. (not being sarcastic, I’m wide awake but never heard of the CIA agent Jackie… and yes.. I know who is meant by that, I think.. jeezzz.. this world nowadays is totally lacking any holding points from anything learnt in the last 59 years of my life.. have to invent it all again .. that’s the hardest part IMO.. having to realise that everything I ever learnt is just plain fake, phony and false..

By: Arby Tue, 20 Oct 2020 20:11:05 +0000 Scott Atlas is just a good cop in the ‘good cop / bad cop’ routine, as far as I’m concerned. His boss is ready to send out soldiers to force vaccinate Americans. (I’m Canadian, but our gangster politicians have similar plans.) Scott: “They have killed people, with their lack of understanding.” Vaccines, like masks, are ‘only’ harmful and Scott is pro vaccine. You can’t twist that to make it into something positive. Scott is either relatively stupid and believes that there can be safe vaccines (poison) or else he’s in on the hoax.

By: Michael BoryAlis Tue, 20 Oct 2020 19:42:58 +0000 And . . CIA Agent Jackie, shot the bullet that blew out JFK’s brains.

By: crumbo Jameson Tue, 20 Oct 2020 02:49:39 +0000 AND BINGO WAS HIS NAMEO!!! Well said!

By: michael burns Mon, 19 Oct 2020 19:00:50 +0000

Blood and blood plasma from the young has long been known as a significant pep to the circulatory system of old people.

Umbilical blood has been a panacea for anemic children in Africa.
A number of papers have been written on the transfusion of fresh frozen and preferably young blood on upper and lower respiratory illnesses in the elderly.

One of the treatments for those coming into emergency for ARDS like symptoms caused by breathing in toxic smoke in a house fire, or ‘California burning’ is a transfusion to eliminate the toxins in the blood.

Although it does boost an ageing system, it is still no proof of antibodies for SARS-CoV-2.

Someone who had last year’s seasonal flu could supply antibodies to that particular strain of H1N1, but it would have to be close to the time of the illness as the antibody count usually drops significantly after the recovery from the flu, and a master copy would be kept as immunity to that strain.

Now the young lady who wrote that piece is in business as a journalist for writing such articles. She peddles hope… it’s her bread and butter!

And blood banks are looking for a new source of revenue…if they are paying $200.

Imagine if you will how much they would be charging for such pseudoscience snake-oil type remedies such as this, for COVID? Although of benefit for ARDS, there is no proof of COVID antibody transference.

You might want to look into the reason Africa numbers are lower than the rest of the world, could it be the high intake of hydroxychloroquine for malaria a “blood bacteria” — Plasmodium falciparum. And if there is success in using Hydoxychloroquine to fight COVID, could it be that it is because it is an anti-bacterial, rather than an anti-viral.

Or maybe, it’s the Gin and Tonics they like…after all tonic water contains quinine long used as an antimalarial.

Keep building strawmen…

By: JohnnyZ Mon, 19 Oct 2020 08:32:33 +0000 The Bulgarian Pathology Association seems to be awake (it is headed by the guy in the interview above):
