Comments on: How I put together Power Outside The Matrix Mon, 19 Oct 2020 01:17:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry C Mon, 19 Oct 2020 01:17:27 +0000 Preview of coming attractions?

Yesterday, I came across an attractive woman who’d set up a table at an intersection in our neighborhood. She was surrounded by four lovely daughters ages ranging from about 4 to 12 years of age. One of them was holding a whiteboard that said: NO HEAT! COFFEE FOR SALE.

I thought, “What the hell?, and pulled over. Their furnace had broken down, and mom was doing the only thing she could think of, to raise money for repairs. I ordered a cup of joe, and gave the little darlin’ behind the coffee pot a twenty. “Keep the change, sweetheart”, I smiled at her, my heart near breaking.

I’m not ashamed to say that I had tears running down my face as I drove away.


And then there’s this:

By: Nothere Sun, 18 Oct 2020 18:26:56 +0000 Ask not what your Mind can do for you,
Ask what you can do for your Mind.

Simply exchanged Country for Mind,
Country being derived from Count.
How is one Counted?
Based on numbers, or values?
It seems no surprise that mind
is often referred to as ‘ Basket-Case ‘.
Does one count the things in their Basket-Case
as being their self?

When the above gets sorted,

Ask not what you can do for your Mind,
Ask what your Mind can do for you.

By: ReluctantWarrior Sun, 18 Oct 2020 16:05:10 +0000 Quantum Enchantment

A wonderland rising
From the quantum mists
Enchanting all matter
Singing sentient songs
What a miracle it is!
Every particle pulsing
Photons coyly winking at us
Teasing us
Seducing our imagination,
Cosmic waves of wonder
Phantasm of all probabilities
Particles preening unseen
Vibrations singing in the void
Such joyful lamentations,
Yearning to be
Searching for your neurons
Implanting great mystical visions
Chrysalis dreams,
Seeds of new possibilities
That only you can imagine
Sprout your butterfly wings
Fly away!
Escape History’s nightmare,
This bloody wasteland of the ‘free’
Always seeking its pound of flesh
Wake up! Wake up!
My rising angel friends
A greater destiny awaits thee,
Riding the wings of broken love
Beyond the end of time
This grand universe
Is your fig tree
Womb of all creativity
Sing your song,
Paint your picture,
Sculpt your being,
Recite the poem of yourself,
Gem of your madness
To share with friends
Like jewels in Indra’s Net
Sparkling in the night
Reflecting each other’s joy
In the grand mystery sublime
What is it?
Don’t tell anybody
What cannot be told
What must never be told
It is too good for that!
A romance with the emptiness
We are all lost poets
Brooding in the darkness
Mere shadows of eternity
Creating new worlds
New tracks of love
Beyond the broken heart
Let’s get to it.
