Comments on: Power Outside The Matrix: My Tutorial on Disinformation Sun, 25 Oct 2020 02:31:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Sun, 25 Oct 2020 02:31:32 +0000 Thank You Jon. Sorry I forgot to say that again.

Must keep listening to your stuff. I bought it all and it is amazing if I can only stop and do the friggin work.

So busy doing nothing.

By: Doug Sun, 25 Oct 2020 02:26:59 +0000

Robert F Kennedy Jr is doing the right thing.

By: Paul Sun, 25 Oct 2020 01:59:52 +0000 I fell asleep today & had a dream.
It didn’t last long.
It started out normal, then got weird.

It was a Presidential Debate.

Candidate Biden was asked:
“Was it unethical that your son Hunter was given a job by foreign interests that he was unqualified for?”

Mr. Biden hemmed & hawed, drew attention away from himself by talking about Covid, then grinned.

The skilled moderator calmly repeated the question.

A Biden handler, sitting in the first row, who spent hours preparing the Candidate for such questions, raised to his feet & protested loudly that “He already answered that question.”

Four muscle men, with large hook moustaches, quickly wheeled out a canon. The type a circus uses to shoot out a clown.

The hirsute men said to the protesting handler “Get in.” He replied “No.” The men, not-so-gently, slid the handler, feet-first, into said canon.

One of the four, tasked with flight telemetry, adjusted the apparatus to the proper 45 degrees, so that the handler could be ejected out of the room, through the opened double-doors, located at the back of the room.

The telemeter, consisted merely of a clear plastic protractor, crudely duct-taped to the canon.

Unfortunately, the telemeter-er’s long, curly moustache obscured his vision a bit & he set the angle to 54 degrees.

The handler was shot from said canon, but b/c of the steeper angle, he hit the lintel above the door opening…….hard.

Everyone was then served delicious buttery popcorn.


I SWEAR TO GOD, when I woke up, I could taste popcorn. And the REAL butter type, not that margarine crap.

By: Larry C Sat, 24 Oct 2020 18:19:27 +0000 Vis-à-vis the Official Narrative that is used to describe the putative and ever-shifting COVID-19 pandemic, We the People, are being played like a fine Stradivarius.
