Comments on: The virus-story: breaking the chains of medical civilization Thu, 05 Nov 2020 08:04:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: radioersatz Thu, 05 Nov 2020 08:04:28 +0000 Thank you! I am going to read the Handbook as soon as I finish Jon’s “The Secret Behind Secret Societies”.

By: Bartlett Ridge Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:25:24 +0000 Jon, as a mental discipline for evaluating claims I often imagine myself a juror, here perhaps think of Reiner Fuellmich’s class action suit. That said, today I wrote a friend that “Maybe the virus is real, but for a fact it has not been yet been proven to exist’ (…) and ‘ this so called but as yet un-isolated SARS Cov2 “(…) I made those statements as fact, and yet I felt uneasy. Could I be mistaken? Then I found this: from which I quote “The analysis showed that the sequence was included in the same cluster as the previously reported SARS-CoV-2 sequence and showed high homology of > 99.5% with other isolated SARS-CoV-2 sequences. The virus was named BetaCoV/Korea/KCDC03/2020, and its full-length gene sequence was registered in WHO GISAID (GISAID accession ID: EPI_ISL_407193)” leading me then to wherein it deatils “Amplicon collected by in silico WHO-6 screening of GISAID : EPI_ISL_407193 viralgenome, collected on 25/01/20”

My question then is how to interpret this paper, and its reported isolation and confirmation of the genetic sequence? Yes, “in silico” raises a red flag, and the early date, another red flag, so I’d like to hear from you before I go toe to toe with someone (who should be) better informed than I.

By: Arnoud Sun, 01 Nov 2020 13:32:27 +0000 Medicine as we have it today is based on a materialistic worldview. Materialism has reversed cause and effect. Matter is seen as the cause and consciousness as the effect. So, when a person becomes conscious of pain, materialistic Medicine will treat this person on a physical level only. It is believed that pain is the result of a malfunctioning body. And this concept is off center.

In wider reality consciousness is the cause and matter is the effect. Consciousness can and does fully exist outside matter. This fact is experienced by many people who have had a Near Death Experience (NDE). NDE’ers consistently tell us about a life outside the matter-body. Often to their own astonishment they come to the conclusion that feelings, awareness and life are experienced more intense than while living in the matter-body. Matter turns out to be a huge obstruction to feeling and consciousness.

Materialistic science can never explain these experiences in a sound and satisfying way. It defies all materialistic logic. There are courageous people who dare to think outside the box of their profession like Pim van Lommel and Eben Alexander, to name but a few.

Reversing cause and effect will wind up in insanity. Imagine a person mopping the floor while leaving the tap running. He tries to remedy the effect, which he should indeed do, but ignoring the cause would make his mopping truly insane. Materialism will eventually lead to insanity. One doesn’t need special sunglasses (movie They Live) anymore to see this happening all around us.

Humanity has alienated itself to a considerable degree from the cause. The only solution is to turn around and start looking for the cause: our own conscious and unconscious mind.

By: Arby Sun, 01 Nov 2020 01:44:42 +0000 Indeed. I know who some of the participants were in Event 201, organizationally. I’ll have to try to memorize a few individuals’ names. That Bill Gates Foundation guy would be number one for remembering perhaps.

By: Nora Claypool Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:56:19 +0000 Your silence is considered consent, (whether it be fraudulent or not) if you don’t revoke “presumed” consent, good luck claiming anything, or disobedience to the state. They steamroll ya.
You cannot be forced to comply with a contract that you didn’t enter willingly, knowingly and with full disclosure, and that is your argument when dealing with all the crap they try to get you to comply with, by accusing your straw man and convincing you you’re him. You must DECLARE that they have no authority over you, and refuse to consent/plead if you are charged with some violation under a contract you were not made aware of, and didn’t enter willingly and knowingly. See UCC-1-308, Reservation of Rights.

By: Nora Claypool Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:44:48 +0000 Ah, but you CAN escape! Withdraw consent.

By: Nora Claypool Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:42:30 +0000 But I AM standing up! I have not worn a mask anywhere, despite the brow-beating from store clerks and gate keepers. I told the idiot at Wall Mart to **** off. If they insist I need a mask, I leave. I see a lot of shocked faces and gaping jaws when I won’t comply. I’m actually very observant of people’s faces, and I see some people smiling when my grand daughter and I sail in with no masks to shop. Now if more of us would hold mask burning rallies, we would throw this albatross off and resume life on our terms.

By: Nora Claypool Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:33:36 +0000 Lyme is NOT syphilis. It’s caused by the bacterium Borrelia Burgdoreri, which is a spirochete. Often, there are opportunistic co-infections such as Epstein Bar, Erlicosis and Babesia, which don’t appear in the same spiral shape, but these piggyback infections make treating Lyme tricky; what works for one, doesn’t clear up the others. The only way to really get well is to find a Lyme Literate physician who uses TCM, herbs and functional medicine to treat it. Willie Burgdorfer gave the Lyme spirochete it’s name. I absolutely believe it’s a bio-weapon, released from Plum Island where the first outbreaks occurred, from the bio-weapons lab there on the island.
Yes, I took a tick off, after weeding flowers. Yes, I had the classic bullseye rash and after a few months I had Reynauds and about 20 other symptoms which ended my career as a street rod upholsterer. Couldn’t find a doc, so I did my own research and found things to beat it back.
Late reply–no power or internet for three days–storm related outage.

By: Lyn P Sat, 31 Oct 2020 01:57:21 +0000 Good questions for consideration. Others may be “Who told you (or your friend) that he had Covid? HOW did they know, vs. something else one might name?” “Who were some key participants in Event 201 and then how did they appear on the scene related to the REAL pandemic?” (e.g., Johns Hopkins) “If there is a risky new virus that emerged early 2020 what has happened to total deaths 2019 vs. 2020?”

By: Lyn P Sat, 31 Oct 2020 01:49:02 +0000 “Doctor, if I treat this cancer how long will I live?”
“Doctor, if I do NOT treat this cancer how long will I live?”

I believe answers provided to one question, both questions, or NEITHER, reveal the same con.
