Comments on: Trump/Biden: two bombshell breaking stories Mon, 02 Nov 2020 16:03:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Jacobson Mon, 02 Nov 2020 16:03:13 +0000 Piksil, I know this is a late reply, but thanks for your excellent input here. I have watched Larken’s “The Jones Plantation”. I was borrowing the plantation narrative directly from that short piece.

What an excellent description of how the State gives the populace the illusion it somehow has a say in the way things are run. Meanwhile as the slave masters continue to pilfer, impoverish, and murder the slave peasants, they willingly go to the slaughter in the name of “freedom”, “prosperity”, and “fraternity”.

By: old hickory Mon, 02 Nov 2020 05:29:26 +0000 with a biden win at least we’ll know what we’re working with and the blicans will wake up. thinking is suspended when “our guy” is in charge, and, seeing the directions we’re going, the country would be better off with the blicans taking up oppositional stances.
with trump the blicans (confused, stunned, amazed) are walking willingly into oblivion.

By: Bricius the mad Sun, 01 Nov 2020 18:14:59 +0000 I stated to as many as I could, that 2016 held something very different for anyone in power. It started in many countries, but America led the way. First, we need to understand that throughout history, one thing has kept tyrants in power – information. The possession of, the wielding of, knowledge. Centuries ago, it was easy for TPTB to keep such things for themselves, as communication networks were slow. Not so nowadays. Indeed, the very surveillance structure used developed by the intelligence communities is now being used by anyone and everyone. The speed of information has in fact freed up so many, on a global level.

what I observed was this: that starting around 2015, the people had decided they had had enough. It isn’t about Trump. And he knows this. The people know this. They became aware that they could sidestep the powerful institutions of oppression, and choose who they wanted to run things. And make no mistake, the ‘Great Awakening’ is at the very simple level, the power of the people, the awareness that in a decentralized information network, they hold the power. That if they become dissatisfied with Trump, out he will go. Notice the intelligence of this resistance – not engaging with those who perform violence, or engaging on a sane level. When a skate park in California was filled by sand, the kids went and removed the sand, and turned one bowl into a sandlot for bmx bikes. And more than that, all over. The people are very aware. Here in my town, in Canada, the mandate was no mnore than six people gathering at a house for a party, or the cops will show up. So what happened? in a town where fireworks were not really a popular thing, suddenly there was a n immense amount of fireworks, even in my quiet neighborhood. A message.

The signifigance of Trump being re-elected has somewhat to do with him, but more importantly, it’s a sign of a cultural evolution, where the people are staing what they desire, what they want, with a single voice. That’s what’s at stake here. As long as whomever is in power knows this, and respects it, they will continue to work in that regard. But we are entering a new age, one where information is at one’s fingertips, where any digital certificates implanted will be
hacked within a short while, where individualism realizes it can agree on something, raise the voice on that, and make it happen.

The globalists have lost most of their power, most of their control. They will decay into unimportance quite rapidly and those that think they can jump into the con and take the reins may have a struggle on their hands. As Bucky Fuller said: “Information wants to be free.”

By: Piksil Sun, 01 Nov 2020 03:28:35 +0000 “There’s an army of NGOs and others up to no good. Twisted”

Kia Kaha:

They are the new growth industry of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, ‘earning’ their fortunes on the back of a reduced, enslaved, imprisoned populace.

By: TJ Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:49:22 +0000 I’ve been critical of Trump in all this but based on some of the things he’s said in the last month or so, I am somewhat optimistic that he’s onto the scam and upon reelection will go in on it. The idea being, he did not catch onto it earlier or wasn’t paying good enough attention due to the impending election. He has also repeatedly said for months to open up America.

If I’m wrong, I’ll go back to being critical, but there’s been a literal perfect storm of nonsense in the last 9 months. I’ll give him another chance to correct the ship here.

But Biden is a total no-go. He’ll pivot directly to more Nazi lockdowns and restrictions.

By: jjtech Sat, 31 Oct 2020 12:36:28 +0000 Liberty of course doesn’t exist, if it did we wouldn’t be constantly forced to act against our own will. If govt. (and those behind it) force me to wear a useless piece of cloth on my face, than there is no freedom. Zero. The solution to current situation is civil disobedience. It’s out there to be used, but sadly people don’t seem to react. Like they’re zombiefied beyond repair. Those who can still think for themselves and make informed decisions could potentially create an “overgound country” ruled by the natural law/law of the land. We’d need to create our own minimalistic institutions – hospitals, banks etc. All based on the new currency, backed in somthing tangible – like food products for example. I can’t see any other option that gives us a chance to surivie and remain sane.

By: jjtech Sat, 31 Oct 2020 08:46:16 +0000 Save your energy for something meaningful and productive maybe? If I see Jesus Christ I’ll salute him.

By: Tim Sat, 31 Oct 2020 05:56:54 +0000 They’re all mad-scientists.(false authorities-pseudo-science=false religion+fake god)

Jesus said; “Physician; heal thyself!!”

This is why; They know not The Truth, therefore then,,,,, they know NOTHING!
They are miscreators, pulling as many as they can into their erronious fantasy-world of DELUSION. Because? They know not what they do, they believe in unreal and untrue things.

They know not what they are, they know not where they are, and they know not what this is. They believe the illusion is real, and they believe they are separate from what they see. They believe effect is cause.

The only “virus” is fear, The father of lies. Guilt and false-judgements are it’s children…

But they won’t believe this. They will dismiss it automatically, with a sneering contempt born of false pride and arrogance,, and fear…( “’s some religious nut..”)

They are entitled the right to be wrong,, the problem arises when they seek to impose their beliefs and perceptions as absolute “truth” and “reality” on anyone(everyone) else.
There’s gonna be a problem there…

The Spirit Loves The Truth. The ego hates it.

By: Lyn P Sat, 31 Oct 2020 03:54:20 +0000 A number of obvious critiques can be put forth on your paragraphs but you’ll either figure some of that out eventually, or you won’t…

BUT, your last sentence?? Is this for REAL given the revelations of the last couple of weeks?? Do your sources on candidate corruption involve any information at all from the Biden poop-trail?

By: Kia Kaha Sat, 31 Oct 2020 03:28:44 +0000 Yes, I agree. I’ve been reading at wrongkinofgreen too. There’s an army of NGOs and others up to no good. Twisted.
There’s a prominent methodology used by the govt/corporate guilty appearing philanthropic or beneficial on the surface. Below the surface, a different story. The infiltrated channels do the same, imitate to disguise themselves while they mislead. They wait to see what the public says in protest against the harm they do to Earth and to the public, turn it around to blame the public, making the public responsible to pay for the correction that never comes while they make themselves out to be the do-gooders, as leaders of a recovery movement spreading nothing but goodness in the world, when what they are really doing is creating new revenue streams for themselves, more choices when placing their bets on the stock exchange to perpetuate their kind. About Greta et al, she tells their twisted story. Native Americans, native peoples worldwide, and the aware public have been exposing these crimes, sending out the warnings long before Greta, and without such generous media or financial backing. If the youth could see that it is the corrupt system at fault, then there’d be clarity and we’d be united in our efforts.

Ronald Reagan Interview
