Comments on: Missing and unproven viruses: this is nothing new Tue, 15 Jun 2021 17:57:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frances Tue, 15 Jun 2021 17:57:06 +0000 Correct. Frances Leader who can be found on Hive blog wrote to the MHRA in U.K. and managed to get emails stated it’s only computer generated. She’s been silenced off of all media platforms but as I state above her work can be found on Hive or Discord which show her email conversations

By: LexRex Wed, 03 Mar 2021 03:14:26 +0000 This discussion puts into question the credibility of Germ Theory and virology. I believe Bechamp, not Pasteur.

By: Jock Tue, 03 Nov 2020 09:48:54 +0000 ????

By: Deuce Mon, 02 Nov 2020 18:29:22 +0000 You must put it in historical context. In the early 80s we were having a vaccine crisis. Vaccines were on the rise and poorly made. Vaccines e injury lawsuits were killing big pharma. What was the common factor behind so many of these injuries? Auto immunity. We’ve since learned the mechanism by which all vaccine can cause autoimmunity. And it’s so simple. An overabundance of antibodies produced under long lasting insult from adjuvants is a five alarm fire. Not a natural response at all. It’s a blitzkrieg. It is the equivalent of a bunch of guns being fired without a target. Someone will eventually be an unwitting victim. Things got so bad President Reagan finally had to give big pharma blanket immunity from vaccine lawsuits by 1986. But they still had to explain away all the autoimmunity. And Voila, AIDS! Such perfect timing. A non existent virus cAusing a vague disease that explained away compromised immune function. It thrived in the inner city and the third world where the pharma companies always went for poor unwitting test subjects that nobody would miss. AIDS was literally linked to hypodermic needles. You probably remember this. I mean come on! But it was only hypodermic needles shared by drug users, never the ones the guys in white coats were using at 1000 times the rate. You believe that right?!
Now from this context do you not see clearly that COvID 19 is just a rise to clear global maekets that are so pumped up with fake money that it was all set to topple? That COVID 19 is here to take the blame for suicidal economic policies that we’re headed for a tragic correction. So now COVID 19 killed all those businesses, not the idiot economic prognosticators being dead wrong. Not your lying politicians tragically mishandling your hard earned money. It was COVID 19 that killed air travel, tourism, education etc etc. NOT printing 10% of the entire global economy in unbacked dollars out of thin air. Right?! But miracle of miracles Australia only had 12 verified cases of flu their entire flu season. Compared to thousands last year. Somehow COVID did that too. Come on!
At some point you have to decide to think rather than just be a willing dupe for every fantasy story they tell you.

By: Firestarter Mon, 02 Nov 2020 15:22:55 +0000 For more on AIDS…

A fellow named Luc Montagnier, after being awarded the Nobel Prize for inventing the AIDS viru,s has admitted that HIV is quite harmless for anybody with a well-functioning immune system.

By: Firestarter Mon, 02 Nov 2020 15:22:06 +0000 In 2008, none other than Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper on the Spanish Flu Epidemic that shows that most of the victims of the “Spanish Flu” in reality died from (secondary) bacterial pneumonia.

Of course wearing a mask could cause bacterial pneumonia – but hey these are 2020s, where “we” will all go down together!

By: MadMagyar Mon, 02 Nov 2020 03:07:18 +0000 It only takes one man (or woman) with the training and will to put a stop to this. Apparently that one man (or woman) either does not exist, or is not free to act.

By: MadMagyar Mon, 02 Nov 2020 02:58:09 +0000 Considering that exosomes are a healthy cell’s way of ejecting/encapsulating toxins, they should ALSO degrade an inoculant’s functions, but you’d have to lyse the exosomes first and get the healthy cells to take up the released toxins.

By: Lyn P Mon, 02 Nov 2020 02:32:50 +0000 Not overly optimistic but if Trump wins and VERY publicly and audibly fully FIRES Faux-chi in January it will not be soon enough.

Screw the massive MSM backlash that will occur. What else is new.

This could be one bit sign of hope for reversal of covid course.

By: Neil King Mon, 02 Nov 2020 02:31:57 +0000 SARS COV 2 is a computer generated fiction. Constructed from five samples taken by PCR from patients in Wuhan. These genetic fragments were fed into the gene sequencing software to construct a co plete genome which met the requirements of the WHO.

It’s a joke to claim there are stocks of SARS COV 2.
CDC June 20 report confirms they,instead of presenting a physical virus,constructed SARS COV 2 on computer software.
Same report states SARS COV 2 demonstrated NO CPE in human cells (infection, replication) only aready compromised Monkey kidney cells.
Reason why there aren’t any defining studies on a physical complete genome of SARS COV 2,is because there isn’t a 100% complete physical genome of SARS COV 2
