Comments on: The Democrats have their wish in a mental wreck named Joe Biden Tue, 03 Nov 2020 21:14:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kia Kaha Tue, 03 Nov 2020 21:14:37 +0000 The Babylon Bee
Biden Polling Well Among Pentecostals After He Speaks In Tongues

Both camps are looking forward to finding out who was right when all the votes are counted in 8 months. 

By: Edd Tue, 03 Nov 2020 14:40:56 +0000 One thing to bear in mind is that the DNC used the “pandemic” as an excuse to stop their primary election in order to simply appoint the current candidates. Harris was already out of the running and Biden was nowhere near being the favored candidate, but these two were appointed in a fraudulent, virtual, non-convention.

This makes it obvious that both of their candidates were simply appointed by their central committee. Neither of them were likely to be elected as candidates by the voters in the primary, and there was none of the usual action by groups of delegates at what was passed off as a convention.

The voters who are now claimed (by the media) to be supporting these two should be furious at the way they mysteriously became the Democrats’ choices for a presidential ticket. I wonder how many actually are furious and are not being given a voice.

By: Brutus Antifederalest Tue, 03 Nov 2020 12:27:39 +0000 Every law has a god as its source. In America we have made “We The People” our god. And we are reaping the benefits as God brings judgment onto a pagan land.

Just as He has done in the past.

More at

Look in 2005 and see how God destroys nations.

Read The Revelation and see what is coming and if this is not just another step.

The Center of the Bible are 2 verses:
Psalm 118
8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in humans.

9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.

America has trusted in man for so long we have forgotten how to think.
Most still watch the TV news and read the paper.

Easy to spot these people too. Just let them talk. Hard to miss them!

But, most importantly, are you a Christian? If so, rest easy. We are told over 300 times to “fear not”. We are told to be gentile as the dove, but wise as the serpent.

If not, better decide if you will follow Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Savior.

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

The flu and riots are the distraction. Do not forget that.

verbum sat sapienti est


By: JohnnyBlade68 Mon, 02 Nov 2020 22:50:42 +0000 “the bigger problem is the near exact same could be said of Trump.”
not honestly it couldn’t

By: ambrosa mihai-cristian Mon, 02 Nov 2020 18:13:54 +0000 true

By: The Watchman Mon, 02 Nov 2020 17:49:52 +0000 Jon, I see over the weekend that Fauci basically endorsed Biden in an interview with the Washington Post. I thought Fauci said he wasn’t political a while back! Of course WaPo will publish anything they can against Trump.
Linking as usual @

By: Gaby Mon, 02 Nov 2020 17:35:35 +0000 The only reason Biden is in the running for president is because it’s a set up to get Harris in there. If Biden wins I think the scheme is to knock him out of the presidency due to illnes or maybe they’ll fake his death, and in comes Harris. I think the whole plan is to get Harris in there through Biden because she would never be able to become president through the standard means. I say this because I just don’t see why anyone would vote for Biden knowing how physically and mentally askew he is-among other things.

By: Stephen Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:36:40 +0000 I always says “there has to be someone better on the left side?” Then again look at the line up at the Democratic debates, not one stood out. Tulsi was the only sensible one there. Biden is a straw man for China. If he wins we are screwed!

By: Paul Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:09:41 +0000 I hang a quick left onto 50th street & decide to head towards Madison Ave & lose the Queen of Smiling Mean.

Since Nance rudely rocketed my prized donut from my hand I begin my search for needed nourishment.

A quick stop at John’s Pizza for a slice, a hop to Athenia’s for a gyro & then I wash it down with a deli peach nectar.

Before exiting the deli I scan left & right for any sights of Miss Perfect. As I scan the long street, one of NYC’s finest enters the deli. I give her the general respectful nod, she gives me the customary tip-of-the-hat. I stay at the small vestibule of the deli & am soon joined by the coffee-sipping-cop.

I say to her, as we both take in the view of the bustling street, “I know this is gonna sound crazy, but Nancy Pelosi is chasing me around the City.”

The PoliceWoman stops munching on her jelly donut & exclaims with resigning exasperation, “Oh God! Not again!”

She looks quickly at me & says, “I gotta call this one in to Headquarters.” She presses the small microphone on her shoulder & says, “Captain, we got a 666 sighting, over & out.”

I query the PW, as she re-engages her donut, “666?… really!?!”

She smilingly replies, “Yeah… ain’t it great!” I say, “Who thought that one up?”

She smiles proudly, “My Captain.”

I smile back & say, “Tell him I said…(while smiling all-the-more & sustaining a soft knodding YES!) … “NICE!”

She says, “I will!…He likes to hear from The People.”

I cinch up my jacket under my chin, turn to the PW & say finally, “Thank you” & begin to leave. She nods “So long.”

I stop, turn around & smile a last time, nod toward her almost fully-consumed confection & say to her, “Stick with the jelly!”

She holds the last remnant up, & with the ancient gesture of a Good Willed Toast, she assures…”I always do…”

By: James D Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:02:33 +0000 And that’s not even mentioning that he’s a kiddy fiddler.

This is all part of the plan…as outlined by Yuri Bezmenov. The political system will crash with the economy, and all will be blamed on a bullshit disease.
But bet your house that ‘they’ will have a solution just waiting in the wings ready to be rolled out.
