Comments on: Criminal NY governor declares new fascist COVID rules Tue, 10 Nov 2020 01:41:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debiase Tue, 10 Nov 2020 01:41:10 +0000 Thank you & I believe it. Evil is definitely capable of doing this & unfortunately this happens far too periodically that we either buy into our enslavement & slaughter or we’re forced, often by the sellouts, into it

By: Paul Thu, 05 Nov 2020 06:39:52 +0000 LOL!

By: Debiase Wed, 04 Nov 2020 19:06:00 +0000 That NGA is certainly an outpost for BIG PHARMA & BIG Surveillance complex. Lots of “contributions” from various “philanthropists” & organizations including ROCKEFELLER & BLOOMBERG, CLINTON too. & they’re all over this “plandemic” & AGENDA21. Cuomo being Secy of HUD during Clinton would’ve been involved in things like SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, which has everything to do w/ this “COVID” nonsense

By: Debiase Wed, 04 Nov 2020 18:59:37 +0000 Except perhaps being the “other” Mr. Cuomo on CNN

By: za ka lu Wed, 04 Nov 2020 18:10:47 +0000 when was the true and correct meeting of the minds with clean hand at arms length negotiation for these terms and conditions? Or any terms and conditions of the gov’t/commercial control system for that matter?

When? NEVER that’s when!

there is no agreement to any thing comm-uomo-nist says!! or any governor, commissioner, senator, president etc., etc!

please see that all of gov’t is commerce. It’s all business!! Contracting, and there is NO valid contract! There was No valid offer, negotiations to lead to enforceable contract.
There is NO TRANSPARENT party with clean hands at arms length when it comes to gov’t!!

Gov’t is COERCION! EXTORTION RACKET!! Artificial colorable ‘law’, ‘orders’ etc—there can be no valid contract with hidden and unknown!

There is no agreement to play the role of commercial PERSON account (FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME) and all accounts are correctly under control of beneficiary/namesake. Private estate property!

Malice, fraud, extortion, coercion, exploitation, that is all gov’t is!

All Gov’t and control SYSTEM is a LIE!!

Correct standing; as beneficiary and administrator, ‘them’ as debtor/trustee;
Send notice of private estate to sec of state/State/STATE, governor’s office, county of, city of…

By: Dude Wed, 04 Nov 2020 14:41:38 +0000 Deep black, harhar 😀

By: Debra Robinson Wed, 04 Nov 2020 14:13:14 +0000 Thank you for this, Hagal!

By: BS Detector Wed, 04 Nov 2020 12:53:59 +0000 And then there’s the Tao Teh Ching (The Way of Life)):

Worst of all is a leader who is despised by the people.

Better is one who is obeyed and acclaimed.

Best is the leader who is hardly even noticed. The people say: “We dd it ourselves”.

By: Hagal Wed, 04 Nov 2020 12:46:49 +0000 In Slovakia government issue toilet paper – blue certificate which is proof that you attended forced whole state testing on covaids. People were forced to attend mass testing because government blackmail them that they cannot go to work and will be fired if they don´t have this certificate. Many people feared so they go to the test. And rest minority about 500 000 or less people who refused going on test are now not citizens for 10 days because they don´t have any rights. If you don´t have government certificate you cannot go on street, to work, to shop, bank, doctor . You can only go to shop to buy groceries, to doctor only if you have severe health condition. You literally are nothing without rights or freedoms for 10 days and government want second mass testing so 10 days more if you not attend. So if you refuse 2 mass testing you are locked in home prison for 20 days. God know who comes next. But the biggest problem is that half maybe more of population is scared to death so they support this nazi government politics. They thing that government want to save them from virus and they even attack everyone who doesn´t want government testing.

By: Paul Wed, 04 Nov 2020 12:10:31 +0000 A PAINTER’S PARALLAX
with TIME & Timing

The dreary drizzle & its accompanying foggy mist has cleared.

A lifting rush of atmosphere raises Old & Steady Glory.

Lights light the Superstructure, composed of Many Parts.

A Clear blue sky, painted above & azured true.

“Say it IS so,” Jon!
