Comments on: Time magazine features The Great Reset slimeball edition for your edification Tue, 17 Nov 2020 07:13:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry C Tue, 17 Nov 2020 07:13:53 +0000 More criticism of Time Magazine’s Great Reset:

By: JBW Tue, 10 Nov 2020 17:30:40 +0000 Same experience here. My bride and I try to inform family and friends about the basic fraud, and people do not want to hear it. ZERO. One would think that any info removing their fears would be welcome. But no, the human mind is like what Michael Crichton observed:
Charlie Rose Interview
Michael Crichton: “Sit down at a dinner party, and you say: The world is coming to an end—we have the most horrible things [imminent], and you immediately get the aroused attention at the table. Alternatively, you say, you know what? Basically everything’s good. The world’s getting better.
Charlie: Nobody cares?
Michael: No! They get angry, or they turn away. It’s not what we want to hear. We want to hear disaster.”

By: JBW Tue, 10 Nov 2020 17:20:53 +0000 When a person, or group of people have total control of three areas, they can dictate the lives of others: Money, Might, and Media. A friend euphemistically called them the “3 M’s.”

Money: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes the laws.”–Mayer Anselm Rothschild

“If universal peace, civilization, and commerce,are ever to be the happy lot of man, it cannot be accomplished but by a revolution in the system of governments. All the monarchical governments are military. War is their trade, plunder and revenue their objects. While such governments continue, peace has not the absolute security of a day. What is the history of all monarchical governments, but a disgustful picture of human wretchedness, and he accidental respite of a few years’ repose? Wearied with war, and tired with human butchery, they sat down to rest, and called it peace. This certainly is not the condition that Heaven intended for man; and if this be monarchy, well might monarchy be reckoned among the sins of the Jews.”–Tom Paine

“…the ruling elite owns and controls all the Fortune 500 transnational corporations, through backroom bribery deals owns and controls virtually every national government on earth, and only six oligarchs own the six top mega-media corporations controlling the outflow of over 90% of the world’s news and information. Through monopolizing a centralized banking system of debt-based theft and global enslavement while imperialistically plundering the Third World for its precious natural resources, consolidation of power into fewer and fewer hands has eliminated competition in a closed, thoroughly insulated, anything but free, now stagnating global market.”–Joachim Hagopian

Paine later realized the formation of the Federal Republic of the USA laid the foundation for a monarchy, worse in many respects than the cloying one they all fought to throw off.

By: Invisible Man Fri, 06 Nov 2020 22:50:42 +0000 “Why is the media and establishment so against Trump? To fool people like you into thinking there’s hope when it’s all false.”

This is not a cogent argument, and you haven’t addressed any of the points that I made.

The question is not whether Trump can drain the swamp, who claimed he could?, the question is whether he is exactly the same as Biden. The answer is no. Trump wants to reopen the economy, Biden wants to destroy it.

Your argument is ludicrous. The notion that the media is merely trying to fool us, that they don’t GENUINELY want Trump to lose is absurd. They are resorting to almost total censorship on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter as well as the major news networks to block a second term for Trump. Your little theory doesn’t square with reality.

We already know Trump is full of flaws and likely won’t get much of his agenda accomplished. That’s obvious. It doesn’t follow from that that a second Trump term is no different from a Biden presidency.

By: M Fri, 06 Nov 2020 17:41:40 +0000 “Moving like locusts through a field, they’ve destroyed millions of businesses and companies and people.”

very powerful image. this year we had indeed a locust problem. My flowers and vegetable gardens were devoured, and Africa also swarmed. Politics also invaded by locusts

By: Anne Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:59:26 +0000 Thank you John.
“He has never taken any responsibility whatsoever for permitting this horror show and tragedy in the first place.

His supporters say, “Well, he couldn’t have gone up against the medical people and rejected the lockdowns…” The job of the leader involves doing exactly that when the heat is turned up to its highest pitch. He stands firm. He takes the blows. He strikes back. He shows exceptional courage.”

From the beginning of this I have wondered why is no one standing up to defend us from this??? What happened to “We have nothing to fear but fear itself?” Does no one have the courage to stand up to this? Or have the courage to question? To say, “hold on a minute… let’s look at this very carefully and thoroughly before rushing into anything?” We needed a Stanislav Petrov (look him up) but what we got was a coward.

By: Juliano Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:56:11 +0000 Although I realize the only thing left for people is to go through the motions. To IMAGINE one could ‘put pressure’ to on the likes of a Donald trump. Of a man who GET that seat of power. But wait…. The game is rigged. Trump is in DEBT to the very Rothschild’s !!! There is a load of occult hocus povus code surrounding him going WAY back. The Trump vs Biden and vide verse is a phoney old Baloney!! So I think FIRST thing is to see through that crap. So say SCREW YOU to that as well as The Great Reshit..Look at videos of Trump where one minute he says something, and next time totally devies he said it. he is a total false sleaze bag. THIS, what we the people are going to have to do is a grass roots thing!! it’s from the group UP.

By: Larry C Fri, 06 Nov 2020 01:48:24 +0000 Fauci’s Pandemic:

By: Larry C Thu, 05 Nov 2020 23:27:48 +0000 Cassandra, For many years I’ve also noticed the same changes in where the sun sets and rises…at times it is quite startling (apparently, depending on how alert I am).

My guess is that the earth’s axis has shifted several degrees as a result of the passage of Comet Hale-Bopp, back in the late 90s-early 2000s. NASA claimed that the comet had a diameter of about 40 miles. But Hale-Bopp also had its own moon revolving around it. One savvy physicist pointed out that you can calculate the mass of an object, by measuring the periodicity of its moon (the time it takes for a single revolution around the parent body…in this case Hale-Bopp).


If Hale-Bopp could perturb the orbits of two of the large outer planets – and it did – then it could easily perturb the earth’s orbit or alter it axis slightly, hence our observations that the sun is not in its usual place at certain times of the year, following the passage of the comet.

The many commentators in the YouTube video you cited are reporting their Direct Experience, UNMEDIATED by the lies of NASA or the Fake News ‘Experts’.

This maddening situation reminds me of that old line from Groucho Marx: “Who are you going to believe…Me or your own lieing eyes?”

By: Gesulmina Thu, 05 Nov 2020 23:04:36 +0000 No, I still see too much in these comments of what Jon refers to as the “Messiah Complex” in regard to how Trump supporters view him. (I want him to win, BTW, warts and all, but for selfish reasons: If he doesn’t….I don’t want to think about it.) Let’s Keep It Simple Stupid and get down to the basics analyzing this mess. If a human debugs a computer program, you doesn’t start in the middle of the mess: You start first with Input, because you already know that Output is garbage (GIGO – Garbage In, Garbage OUT).

So what was the Garbage In? Quite a lot, so I’ll just focus on one aspect, namely, he has had very bad advisors/staff around him from the beginning who gave him bad advice not necessarily out of malevolence, but because they were incompetent/naive/just plain stupid. And he listened to them too much instead of doing his own thinking, so you have quite a lot of Garbage In right there. And I am not referring to economics or the things Trump has skills in.
Here’s an example: At his rallies, he talked a lot about getting rid of catch-and-release. But, like Alice in Wonderland, he didn’t follow his own good advice. Apparently, quite a few Swamp Scum were caught in that Dossier business, so they were caught, BUT THEY WERE RELEASED, to live another day and undermine Trump SNAFU.
And don’t tell me nobody in DC knew about what Hunter was doing years ago, nor did we have to wait for the laptop from hell. Get real. Like Epstein was just a trafficker – NOT. But Trump didn’t act on it. And he allowed the Medical Tyranny – I mean who the hell recommended and vetted Fauci and Birx? That’s a big Garbage In. They ran the damn country, a velvet coup right there, trashing the Constitution, right under the nose of the Commander-in-Chief. BIG GARBAGE IN. And I would like to remind everybody that 50,000+ died in nursing homes all over this country in less than 2 months starting with Day 1 of the Lockdown. Genocide. They were locked up like criminals without due process, a horrible trashing of the Constitution, Stalinist, Maoist, they could not get out, and nobody could get in, so….. they died alone, without ICUs, meds, ventilators, MDs. Trump and his advisors have not yet given an explanation for this horror. Contemplate how they died. Probably from bacterial pneumonia, but NO MEDS Did they suffocate? We have given Trump a pass on this because he cannot micro-manage, but he should be ripping at those advisors who pushed this. And remember that 58,000+ died in the Viet Nam War, but it took a few years. But I digress.
More Garbage In was Trump’s inexplicable naivete about the ChiComs and their influence in the Swamp. A good book on some of the denizens is “Secret Empires” by Peter Schweizer (2018), in which he gives short bios of some of these “advisors” and supposed “friendlies.” They are eye-openers.
BTW, where the hell is Barr now and Pompeo, nevermind Hunter, because Hunter comes very much under the purview of the State Dept – or he should.
So there is a ton of Garbage In, some of which you cannot delete. A good start would be a complete revamp of those who advise him. So now you go into the program and see what you can do with it to produce LESS Garbage Out and at least produce another output file with the results of Garbage In – modified.
This is not being done, has not been done at all.
Meanwhile, while he hope Trump wins, I am very angry with him for allowing this to happen, and he must take some of the responsibility.
