Comments on: The election vote: the deeper you look, the worse it gets Sun, 20 Dec 2020 15:26:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nydia Tufte Sun, 20 Dec 2020 15:26:23 +0000 The beauty industry gives this opportunity to each and every each individual who would like to enhance their physical attributes. They have put this out in the open at your fingertips of all people. This does not only change the way in which we look but even boosts our self-confidence and include a Beauty for You bit of glamour inside our busy and stressful lives.

By: Freedom Cowboy Thu, 19 Nov 2020 03:19:17 +0000 If the current population over 18 is 209,128,094 And the record for registered voter turnout was 2008 58 percent. So you mean to tell me that 153,109,737 people voted in 2020 for President. I’ll let someone better with numbers and probabilities run with that, it’s kinda in your face, we’ll believe anything.

By: William Haught Wed, 18 Nov 2020 11:47:35 +0000 51 comments and of a search for Bush, Gore, 2000, and 2004, only 2004 yields three results, and that was about the late Lyndon LaRouche.

Until Trump 2020 at least — and maybe even then — wholesale election fraud overwhelmingly favored the Repugnant Party. Even worse, Trump and his chumps are mostly concerned about retail voter fraud and maybe at most election fraud where the process is the same as massive voter fraud, but even easier to detect and harder to get away with. Then when his team goes to court all they present is speculation and conjecture and get thinly veiled warnings from judges along the lines of “as an officer of the court.” Jonathan Simon is undoubtedly right; It is definitely a mistake for election integrity to hitch a ride to Trump.

By: Blackeyes Wed, 18 Nov 2020 00:34:08 +0000 I like your response. Well put. Thank you.

By: Blackeyes Wed, 18 Nov 2020 00:29:45 +0000 When yer fit again, please do inform them if they mean what they put in the article?
The idea to react is good if you want to be sure.

By: Blackeyes Wed, 18 Nov 2020 00:27:09 +0000 That is correct and today so true. Thank you.

By: Blackeyes Wed, 18 Nov 2020 00:20:25 +0000 There are fifty states of The United States of America.
Every state has its own government.
I think an outsider might sometimes put on the wrong leg so to say.

There is also a federal government. The US INC. This federal government company is a private company.
Everything in the District of Criminals is a private company or incorporation.

The Federal Government’s only task is to carry out its Service Contracts it have with the states of The United States of America unincorporated. But thru the years (more than onehundredandfifty years) the US INC. runned by the Crown which is The City of London (queen and the Banks), The Vatican (Pope, Spiritual) and US INC. (Military).

Through the years the US INC., controlled and runned by the Crown, took more and more unauthorised power from the fifty states away and started to run the stolen assets, lands, properties, politics, etc. They even installed an income tax which is not allowed according The Constitution. They should only taking care for Territorial and Municipalital tasks.

Congress is a corporation they are serving the Crown and zio-Israel and taking care of their stocks and bonds everyday. Money, money and more money.
They have been bought or sold themselves out to the highest bidder and serv them. Only a small percentage in Congress is really working for We the People.

While the US Military is servicing a private company so they are at that moment actually Mercenaries without knowing it or realizing. Also the US Navy on the high seas as an example, is under command of the queen of England. Only about six miles from the coast and then inwards it becomes the navy of We the People. Nice to know.

They are US Citizens and most of them born and bred in The USA unincorporation anyhow. Born in one of the fifty states. At birth they are American national born in one of the organic states of The USA.

By servicing the US Military, which is situated in D.C. they become automatically US Citizens and become a vessel because they are then under Maritime Law also known as the Law of the Sea.

The fifty states have the Law of the Land which is correct and is the American Republic.

The people served in one of the corporations like War Department of others and become pensioners are mostly moving back to their organic state. At that critical moment they forget to chance back to American Nationality to return under The Law of the Land.
As long as they are not changing their status they remain US Citizenand remain for DC a vessel, which remains under the Law of the Sea. Bad!

Back to Mr Trump.
He is working hard to get the country back for We the People.
It is theoretically possible to stop the Service Contract with the fifty states of The United States of America. No problem for every state has its own government. As it always has been. They can trade directly with the world as they please. No more wars, wars are cancelled then there is no Federal Service Contract anymore. The moneys the states had to pay their DC services remain in their state for their own profit and developments. Wow!

for excellent information (more than treethousand articles, per article reading time 3-4 minutes) about the organisation then and now of The USA and the status of the struggle for liberation and freedom for We the People, as said in The real Constitution.

God bless Mr Trump and Team Trump to end the World Tyrannies for thousand of years carried out by the money and power demons and its followers.
Americans, wake up and support your president. He is yer man.

Peace and Freedom for all.

By: Mike B Tue, 17 Nov 2020 22:50:35 +0000 As you seem to state, people aren’t completely UN-Informed. More dangerously, they are Ill-Informed.

It’s this fact that makes me laugh when I hear a supporter of one con man over another argue that someone else needs to be better informed!

By: Marc Bryant Tue, 17 Nov 2020 21:22:23 +0000 It is my understanding that any delay beyond Dec 14, 2020 will send the election to the house of representatives. At that point each state gets one vote. There are more red states than blue states right now. I would love to see Nancy Pelosi have to stand up and read the vote tally and say that President Trump is our duly elected President. That would be a very good thing to watch.

By: JJ Tue, 17 Nov 2020 20:39:35 +0000 “You know who your masters are, when it is criminal to name or criticize them”.
Saying only that will get you accused of being anti (you know who).
