Comments on: Don’t believe the COVID case numbers; it’s a scam Mon, 22 Feb 2021 16:38:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Superior Vapes Sat, 02 Jan 2021 05:32:43 +0000 Has anyone visited 1st Wave Vapor? x

By: Jim S Smith Tue, 24 Nov 2020 05:10:32 +0000 Then you completely miss my point altogether!

I lay no “traps”, and I DON’T mince words when it comes to talking about, educating about, and DOING something about the impending loss of our freedoms.

Your moniker suits you well with THAT comment!

By: TS Sun, 22 Nov 2020 00:00:01 +0000 I’m not certain about any of all of this. I can say I was just diagnosed as positive. I have had fatigue, body aches/chills and most concerning for myself, is the loss of taste and smell. I understand some folks can be awhile in recovering that and so it has me a bit worried. No fever or cough; headaches, etc. God forbid.

By: UselessEater Sat, 21 Nov 2020 21:50:05 +0000 In my bloated opinion, what you are doing is paramount to our future freedom. I can see the trap of parents who think they are patriotic by bucking the Corona BS-19 narrative while, at the same time, are begging to put their children back into the Common Human Re-education camps known as public school. We are definitely dealing with a bunch of diabolical and sneaky bunch of You-Know-Whats (starts with a capital “B” and ends with “ASTARDS”).

By: J Sat, 21 Nov 2020 10:27:38 +0000 Portugese HighCourt ruled on 11 nov:
PCR test Cycle Treshold above 25 makes it useless for determining infection. This means indeed that ALL OFFICIAL NUMBERS are false, (CT’s isually above 30 or 35)

By: Ralphy Fri, 20 Nov 2020 19:26:37 +0000 Anywhere but Amazon.

By: Ralphy Fri, 20 Nov 2020 19:24:01 +0000 Please look up what coronaviruses have caused all throughout man’s history (until 2020 that is) and you will understand. Especially the not being able to taste or smell.

By: Ralphy Fri, 20 Nov 2020 19:21:02 +0000 Have you read a single word of what Mr. Rappoport has said? If so, you obviously can’t comprehend it. Try again. We have faith in you.

By: Not Hopeless Fri, 20 Nov 2020 03:36:47 +0000 Leftists manage to show up for antifa and BLM rallies by the tens of thousands directly combating police and not obeying any law. How is it that the right cant manage even 1/10th of that?

There are alternatives to violence – a general strike would be one, demanding a brand new election. Not recounts or other scammery, but clearly say ‘right wingers will go back home peacefully and accept Biden if we see a fully transparent election elect him with similar numbers to the last time’.

There are other alternatives that nobody seems to use, calling grand juries, or demonstrating nonstop demanding that the government enforce the law. RICO laws racketeering influenced corrupt organizations could be used against everything from mainstream media to big tech to every other govt agency which is not following it’s charter to obey the constitution. Even if they are corrupt, nonstop protesting and possibly civil disobedience holding the politicians feet to the fire politically and refusing to accept no for an answer… because it’s the last possible civil, legal, constitutional, nonviolent alternative left.

So what if a general strike shuts down the country, covid is going to January 21st anyways under Biden!

The left keeps mouthing they are following the constitution, Pelosi and the rest, acting like they have the high legal ground. Hold them to that fantasy by demanding RICO prosecutions – there is ample evidence of crimes if they ever see a court of law, nobody is demanding lynching or punishment without trial. There are legal remedies not being used – demand recalls of mayors and governors, throw the bastards out. Including the RINOs who never do anything. Would it be hard to do this? Of course, but compared to what you’ll lose starting Jan 21st under Biden with months more lockdown, lost jobs, lost businesses, homelessness, and raising taxes as they open the borders wide open for more gerrymandering by people who hate this country?

By: Bri3D Thu, 19 Nov 2020 23:35:24 +0000 Keep refusing to obey, I am almost always the only free breather when I go to the grocery and no one has ever said a word. It’s funny how “trendy” this mask nonsense has become. You would think BREATHING would become a trend but I guess sheeple don’t breath.
I am shocked that the lawyers aren’t jumping all over this. If I was a lawyer, I would be suing every store that denied service to breathers.
