Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: a hypnotherapist’s cosmic glue Thu, 03 Dec 2020 01:42:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rich Thu, 03 Dec 2020 01:42:45 +0000 If SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t really exist then what’s been killing everybody?

By: Paul Mon, 23 Nov 2020 07:09:26 +0000 Life, Liberty & Levin.

Explains importance of allowing Trump’s motion for consideration & letting court system evaluate his CIVIL (not criminal) complaint.

Onus on initial “evidence,” is NOT exclusionary. Judges can grant Trump “fast discovery,” which he needs to promptly prove his case.

Explains how “voting rights activists” have, over time, eroded State (legislative-created) election law, via back-handed (liberal) court judgements.

With Victor Davis Hanson.

By: Paul Mon, 23 Nov 2020 05:53:21 +0000 ORSEN WELLS, YOUR FRIEND IS NOT

So, imagine, you’re in your home, sitting in a room, at a desk, balancing your checkbook.

It’s a Sunday afternoon & the TV News is on.

You hear in the adjacent room, a voice. Distant, Discordant, Dizzy, Disheveled, Disturbed & Disturbing…nay Diabolical.

You yell to your friend, “Hey…who in God’s Hell is that?!”

You friend pops his head in, barely passing the door’s jamb & says, “The Living Homunculus,” & withdraws his impish grin.

Now…, you stiffen your neck a bit, straighten your head & whisper to yourself, “Now where did I hear that before?”

Well…, no sooner having finished that self-query that you whisper again, “I’ve never heard that before” & you pause ever-so-slightly & reaffirm within, “But it’s all-too h-a-u-n-t-i-n-g-l-y familiar.”

So, you search deep within the recesses of your Mind & find yourself wanting.

You launch your Mind into the Above Ethers, searching for some Ancient Iconography. Nothing.

You penetrate your Mind deep deep into the very bowels of the Earth. You see Things, scary things. You become frightened, & scurry upward toward Earth’s surface.

But this time, you have not returned empty-handed.

You scream in terror to your friend, “IS THAT NANCY PELOSI?”

Your friend pauses in Time, this time, to answer you.

This unforseen action by he, builds your Questioning-Moment to fever pitch.

You can almost not contain the building dread & fear within.

He somehow lengthens Time Itself because he’s finishing a rather large handful of chips that he previously stuffed into his mouth.

He then spends precious seconds, (which, of course, seem to elongate the very space-time matrix that ensconces us all), cleaning with his tongue that chewed-glue-like-mash housing itself between his buccae & coating his gums in a death-grip.

He does this for you, so that he may articulate clearly, his answer.

While sitting on the couch, he extends his head backwards, he takes a final moment to place a single right index finger into his pie hole to un-stick the last remaining clinging remnants of a snack too-far-long-gone, turns to you, and says…


A sort-of reverse “Rosebud.”

By: Donella Mon, 23 Nov 2020 03:53:37 +0000 I live in Alberta. What I found interesting was the moment of utter silence of the Edmonton City Council after Dr. Hodkinson’s phone conference (that city is in mandatory muzzling right now). They were stymied. They heard a voice in the wilderness that can’t be ignored. Did they just realize the garden path ain’t all roses?

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 23 Nov 2020 03:13:24 +0000 And yet,

When “Jesus” stood up to the money-changers in the temple,
When “Jesus” stood up to the lawless Sanhedrin,
When “Jesus” stood up to the Roman Senate,
When “Jesus” stood for all that was wholesome and holy,

To those who say they follow the teachings in the bible, still want to say “obey all civil authorities – for it is obedience to God.” –

Verily I say to YOU,

What are YOU doing to help end this nightmare that YOU, the self-professed of God’s Children, have gotten yourselves into? ? ? Has the God, Almighty not already done plenty – that Ye may have the life of peace, tranquility, and the Godliness that Ye hath been gifted – as by the Divine Hand of the One and Only God of All? ? ? What say you?

WHY Thou do-est nothing with the great and divine gifts bestowed Thee by Thine God, that Thou couldst maketh peace on Earth, and as a beautiful Thing in God’s eyes? Thou wast not made helpless, nor without strength of Will, and nor without capable of Mind!

– “Thou canst lead a horse to water, but can not force him to drink of it!

Be YE that “horse” who refuses an help of himself? ? ?

By: Jim S Smith Mon, 23 Nov 2020 03:02:37 +0000 An article I wrote back in May 2020:

Wanna talk about “hypnotic” effects upon the People?

So far,

I was surprised at how little attention many of my later articles have gotten, but the Truth still rings true.

No, I have not been as active on my own blogs for the last several months (REAL Life must take precedence here, like feeding myself, etc.) – but writing out some of my own feelings on the current events, is in itself a form of therapy.

I also feel the need to give a “shame-less plug” to a very well-written article, posted on Children’s Health Defense blog, that applies to what is going on now! – Ya think the “hypnotic-programming” is bad now, wait ’til you read quite the litany of what is progressing here next!

I am seriously debating another write-up, based upon some of my memory on what was discussed years ago: Pertaining to the “Total Control of Information”, as has been spearheaded by the various, multi-million-dollar “think tanks” and “foundations”.

We can forget about dumping all of our anger and full-time attention to the “(s)elections”. This is just more “attention-hogging” by the big media and big social. – The more disastrous-for-humanity plans have been in the works for many years, and building up – WHILE We The People were kept distracted on seemingly “low-level crimes”.


Don’t get me read all wrong! – Election theft and fraudulent tampering ARE big news, and very, very bad for the People, but . . . – They are NOTHING compared to what is in store for the world’s humanity, and any possible – LIVABLE – future we are to have left in it. Our virtual chains are being welded shut and tight right behind our backs!

Before long,

The end of the People’ Internet, and replacement by “Internet 2.0” will be final and swift. – NO ONE outside of the “preferred parties” will be allowed to have their own websites. NO ONE else will even be able to use the “internet” except by government-approval (via certified strict ID/loyalty requirements). The ONLY “internet resources” allowed for the use of the “public”, will be through government-approved/sanctioned “social-network services” (much like in today’s China right now). Websites/blogs which do not have the “right thinking” will be forcibly shut down and even criminalized. – AND, a whole slew of other “provisions” in “law” – which will effectively limit the usability of “internet” to the same level as “cable TV”.

We may even see “internet” be purely a “read-only” proposition (like you can not refute a radio or TV broadcast on air).

This has all been in the works for a very long time, and most of the “ALT-media” are paying barely any air-time to any of it (anymore)!

If We The Peoples of this world do not get a serious grip on reality now (at least, within whatever remaining time we may have left), and earnestly re-take control of our lives, and of our sense of “reality” – it truly will be GAME OVER for humanity! ! !

Time for “talk” is over. Time for “proposals”, “legal briefs”, and whatever other waste-of-time non-actions is waaaay past, in the past. We are all at a “decision-point” right now: We either take this global push head-on, and derail it for good, or we can forget it all – because then – the battle is truly lost. – – This is truly “The Battle for The Human Soul.

Dismiss me as just another “crank”, or “conspiracy nut”, or whatever other device or means to “run away”, but from bullies and psychopaths – “Predators” always give chase to the prey that “runs away”!

By: Larry C Mon, 23 Nov 2020 01:02:55 +0000 Driving Public Hysteria:

By: Robert C Mon, 23 Nov 2020 00:26:55 +0000 Teo toon: good point. The new generation believes what’s on TV, is reality. That is…,
if they get off of their cell phone long enough to LOOK at the almighty reality machine 🙂

By: Larry C Mon, 23 Nov 2020 00:11:08 +0000 Agreed. And a threadbare, patchwork, flimsy story it is, that is being spun out by our ‘ handlers’.

By: teo toon Sun, 22 Nov 2020 21:42:59 +0000 I think years of TV and movies create a patchwork false reality as the images and stories meld together and overtake one’s imagination.
