Comments on: Johns Hopkins study explodes COVID death hoax; it’s re-labeling on a grand scale Sat, 08 May 2021 20:50:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tuco Sat, 08 May 2021 20:50:57 +0000 “In brief …”? Lol.

By: Katy Sun, 28 Feb 2021 14:20:00 +0000 SO what about all those videos of people struggling to breathe in hospitals saying I thought it was a hoax, but it’s not?

By: beLIEve Thu, 31 Dec 2020 14:37:50 +0000 Correction…..UPDATED link

By: Nick Hobson Mon, 21 Dec 2020 15:54:07 +0000 I’m a bit late to the party, but…

In brief, one of Dr. Briand’s main conclusions, that Covid-19 has NOT increased the number of U.S. deaths, is directly contradicted by readily available CDC data. Therefore it is surprising that the newsletter has achieved such notoriety.

In the 2nd paragraph of Dr. Briand’s newsletter she states, “From mid-March to mid-September, U.S. total deaths have reached 1.7 million”, without mentioning that the corresponding total for 2019 was 1.43 million. That’s almost a 20% increase. Significant, don’t you think?

All the more surprising, then, that the author concludes, “Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary.”

They found no evidence, evidently because they didn’t look very hard. No wonder the newsletter was retracted!

Deaths from all causes so far this year have *already* reached almost 3 million, compared with about 2.85 million for the whole of last year. And that’s with two weeks left in the year, plus the weeks-long lag in data reaching the CDC. Total deaths this year will likely reach about 3.2 million. Roughly a 12% increase on last year.

Data source: CDC

See for yourself. Download (export) the above spreadsheet and sum ‘All Cause’ deaths for 2020 and Jurisdiction = United States. As of now, the total is 2,999,326.

You can also verify the numbers I gave above for mid-March to mid-September by summing weeks 12-38 for 2019 and 2020.

Note also the large increase in weekly deaths compared to 2019, beginning in week 13. For example, in week 15 (w/e 11th April), 78,998 Americans died this year vs. 55,636 last year. So much for Dr. Briand’s “Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers.”

By: JD Benisi Fri, 18 Dec 2020 19:08:54 +0000 Let us each put our laser printers to work. Make copies of these articles and mail them to physicians in our neighborhoods. It important to inform those in the trenches..those that will be instructed to vaccinate. Knowledge is Power. Knowledge on a grand scale will lead to resistance.

By: beLIEve Thu, 17 Dec 2020 14:25:44 +0000 APOLOGIES for being “off-topic” but Rick Potvin looks like an ENLIGHTENING read.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Crater Earth Map changes everything.

By: BoogeymanSlayer Thu, 03 Dec 2020 06:42:03 +0000 I just read your comments, thanks, Rick. I am not clear on your position of the flat/round earth, nor exactly what your question is. Perhaps it’s because it’s way after midnight that I am not thinking clearly. Can you elaborate? Thanks!

By: Piksil Thu, 03 Dec 2020 03:30:23 +0000 Kia Kaha:

Just spent most of the afternoon reading the Annie Logical and Green Mountain links.

Thanks again for the links! A couple more sites to bookmark, and (try to) keep up with.

By: Liv 4ever Thu, 03 Dec 2020 00:20:23 +0000 Ve vas chust followinck orders…

By: Wilma Wed, 02 Dec 2020 20:33:55 +0000 Isn’t it interesting that Johns Hopkins was involved with that simulated emergency training back in fall 2019 dealing with a viral public health emergency that probably morphed into the real world applied COVID fear mongering?

A case of one hand having no idea what the other is doing it seems.
