Comments on: COVID vaccine—history matters Thu, 24 Dec 2020 23:01:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Ellwood Thu, 24 Dec 2020 23:01:17 +0000 I’m in the UK, and I was not aware of that poll. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, or that that wasn’t the result though.

What I did notice was a sharp increase in the amount of pro-vaccine propaganda, including celebrity promotion and a lot of moral blackmail. This immediately sounded alarm bells; if everyone hs been breathlessly waiting for a vaccine (which is what we have been told) why should we need to be pressured into taking it?

(I will not be taking it unless forced to. I’m worried that it will become a condition of international travel though. 🙁

By: Mike Ellwood Thu, 24 Dec 2020 22:55:51 +0000 hmm…interesting: nattokinase. One of the best natural sources of vitamin K2 is natto. And vitamin K2 is said to have the property of dissolving calcium from soft tissues (including arteries) and making sure it gets deposited where it is needed: in the bones.

For more info, see: “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life”
by Kate Rheaume-Bleue

Passed on for public information. I have no connection with the author or any bookseller.

By: Mike Ellwood Thu, 24 Dec 2020 22:47:55 +0000 I agree with you Martin. I would just respectfully suggest that anyone supplementing with vitamin D (D3) should also add vitamin K2. For more information, see “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life”
by Kate Rheaume-Bleue.

As a fellow Brit, I can recommend the combined Vit D3 + K2 by Oxford Vitality, priced very reasonably in the 500 tablet size.

I have no connection with them except as a customer. (And I get nothing – and want nothing – for recommending them).

By: John Fri, 18 Dec 2020 15:42:04 +0000 “businesses don’t have the right to make people wear a mask”

Wrong. A business has the “right” to make you wear Mickey Mouse ears if they want.

A business is a “private” establishment; when you enter you are giving consent to obey their rules of business. Personal rights protect you from government not business. You have the “right” to shop in other stores. No one forces you into any private establishment. You enter voluntarily. Think of “No shirt, no shoes, no service” – cannot be argued.

If you don’t like their rules, show somewhere else. If enough do that, they will close or change their rules.

By: Andy Fri, 18 Dec 2020 03:12:58 +0000 Good on you Jim. By the way, my grandfather was Jim and my son is James (Jim).

By: Dave from San Antonio Mon, 14 Dec 2020 22:52:03 +0000 Now…if we can get our elected officials to honor ‘their’ Oath of Office…

By: Dave from San Antonio Mon, 14 Dec 2020 19:30:46 +0000 I was formally trained in allergy and immunology. It was years ago, but much of what I was taught and observed still holds true. Many times with an immunization, I’ll use DPT as an example, the more severe reactions to the vaccine will take place after the follow-up or ‘booster’ shot is given. I expect the same with this ‘COVID’ vaccine. They are are already concerned that most people will ‘not’ return for the second one…after they experience the ‘side effects’ of the first injection. Most reactions will probably take place within a space of 1-5 days, but some can take place, even weeks later. We already know that at least four people have died during the trials of this vaccine and many others have experienced much more than ‘mild’ side-effects or reations, including Bell’s Palsy and transverse myelitis. The other ‘side effects’ that I’ve read about remind me of the Typhoid vaccinations that were/are given in the military. If you’ve ever had one…you’ll never forget it. New vaccines, for some ‘new’ illness, that are ‘properly’ researched, studied, developed and tested usually take from 5-10 years ‘before’ being made commercially available. These ‘COVID-19’ vaccines have been ‘fast-tracked’ to such a degree by the FDA, in the U.S., and other agencies worldwide that ‘safe’ development and testing could not have have been done. Unless…they were developing these vaccines ‘prior’ to the emergence of COVID-19, but that would be another story. No individual or company will be made liable for ‘any’ damage, suffering or death caused by this ‘new vaccine’. Keep that in mind. From all the information leaking out and being spread…this vaccine might become mandatory. I’ll gladly donate mine to a more deserving person, such as Gates or Fauci.

By: Piksil Sun, 13 Dec 2020 22:59:04 +0000 Mark:

I don’t believe any ‘virus’ has met Koch’s Postulates. (Search for Dr Stefan Lanka. Also, Dr Andrew Kaufman)
I’m not sure if any have even met Rivers’ Conditions/Exceptions (I think they were formulated to allow ‘viruses’ to be portrayed as pathogenic, without meeting Koch’s Postulates.)

To answer the second question, I will say that, in the US, vaccine makers have not met the condition of proving safety and efficacy of their children’s vaccines as a condition of receiving blanket immunity for harm to children in 1986.

By: From Elsewhere Sun, 13 Dec 2020 21:38:33 +0000 Maybe a recent history of vaccines would lso help fight off this huge marketing for Moderna, Pfizer and other billions monsters: HPV officially prohibited in UK, Canada, Brasil, Australia, after many deaths and other side-effects that were anything but minor. Same for the Tetra vaccine variants. Please remind us!

By: george Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:23:05 +0000 That is sexist. I shall also be able to delay it if I am trying to conceive.
