Comments on: The COVID vaccine and the commercial conquest of the planet: The Plan Mon, 21 Dec 2020 22:13:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: chris robbins Mon, 21 Dec 2020 22:13:41 +0000 The first thing you have to ask yourself about this clueless lunatic is why he uses a 40 year photo of himself on his website and all his promotional material. Is it because 40 years ago he looked kind of normal and today he looks like homeless schizophrenic babbling nonsense on infwars?

Here’s a hint: he is a babbling schizophrenic. Or psychotic. Take your pick.

By: JBW Mon, 21 Dec 2020 00:23:55 +0000 “a day will come when every person routinely takes a DNA test to establish a profile, and every profile will be fitted to customized sets of vaccines.”

My Urodoc paid no attention to my medical history. Each time I went in I was supposed to fill out the same forms concerning my genital health. When it came time for a biopsy, all that was studiously ignored. And I had a SEVER reaction (shock, kidney stones, shingles) to the procedure because the local anesthesia was ineffective.

I see no reason why a person’s DNA profile would be treated any differently. Doctors these days are lazy.

By: Linda Sun, 20 Dec 2020 07:30:52 +0000 They call it “acute flaccid myelitis”. But it is polio which is caused by toxins.

By: Linda Sun, 20 Dec 2020 07:24:12 +0000 I have to wear a face mask at work, actually I wear a clear shield. I have written across the top band “Placebo”, “Faith/Fear”, “MK Ultra”,”Biderman’s Chart of Coercion”, and “Pathogenic Priming”.
I hope to make some of the sheep actually think for themselves. Maybe they will look something up.At least they have to look at it, even if they do not want to.

By: Goldie Sun, 20 Dec 2020 01:56:12 +0000 If the vaccine suppresses the body’s natural tendency to eliminate the waste via symptoms, then what can of worms are they opening?

By: Madness Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:48:22 +0000 Dr. Rashid Buttar said – suggested – something similar. Where ever you would be at 11 am and 11 pm take a couple of minutes imagining a bright green field with flowers and people smiling and hugging. 🙂 (Mind control, can work, but if not nothing to lose anyway).
The other way – they believe in it – they need our consent this is why they are rather open with their plans (eg. Schwab’ book, NHS tribute part of the 2012 Olympics).
Repeat it: I DO NOT CONSENT.

(I can’t believe I am writing this but who cares… so sinister, just repeat it I do, we all should try.)

By: Madness Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:43:06 +0000 Secret bunkers? No problem, we just have to close the airing of it and they all will die, we can have everything they had. 🙂 I don’t think so.. they must know it, too.

By: Madness Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:40:02 +0000 I have another theory based on the petition of Yearden-Wodarg.
One thing they mentioned that is a problem with the Pfizer vax is a tech / ingredient they used in cat vax.
Made them die, all of them. But not at once.

I expect something similar to AIDS, an immune-system brake down when you can’t cope with illnesses and will have more and more till an organ failure or else what finally kill you.

By: Madness Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:35:59 +0000 5G is a threat. It works together with heavy metals in you. The docs (Doctors For Truth) were very clear about it. There was a cross poisoning, empowering effect between 5G and the flu vax. (Italy where so many freshly vaxxed died.)
(article on

Also I suspect that was the cause that 83 South Koreans died rather suddenly after the flu vax. They wrote that the cause was that they were stored improperly but I think vax reacted to 5G somehow as they are full with 5G.

5G is a weapon. Period. Your cell phone, too. I finally invested into a electro-smog meter, while I can’t measure 5G as its limit is 8GHz but can measure else. It hardly reacts driving among the new antenna-clusters but it is totally in red close to a cell phone in every 30 seconds or so (we had to use it for navigation)

It is match with my personal experience when my kittens injured / went seriously ill. The only thing what was close to them was my IPhoneX, they slept in a meter distance to it or so.

Also a match with my own experience that recently I got asthma like attack twice after just speaking on it for 2-3 minutes.
There is something wrong with cell phones I don’t know we are targeted using them or co-incidence but maybe here comes the 6 feet distance (2 meters) importance. If a group of people suddenly drops with the same symptoms, no one will believe that that was a virus as that won’t make them equally sick in the same time as it happened with my kittens. But if only one that a nice, deadly or almost ‘deadly’ covid then.

Anyway this part should be seriously investigated that what or cell phones are capable of and how – and also wifi in the house (if you still have one, we don’t).

By: Madness Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:25:42 +0000 Jon wrote an article about it, or mentioned in one. Australians solve it rather cleverly. They organized themselves into anti-vaxer groups, they solved to teach and take care of the children among small communities, one stayed to take care, rest went to work as usual.

Of course if we can’t work without being vaxxed that’s another story.
