Comments on: When the elderly and frail die after receiving the COVID vaccine Mon, 04 Jan 2021 21:49:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ziva Mon, 04 Jan 2021 21:49:21 +0000 I put it down to Chemtrails a long time ago…could i have been right after all? People said i was mad…no one would do that to us.

Oh yes they would.

By: Ziva Mon, 04 Jan 2021 21:42:46 +0000 Nor did mine, he always said: “Physician heal thyself”. He was absolutely right.

By: Ziva Mon, 04 Jan 2021 21:36:34 +0000 To make them sterile, after all this is about depopulation.

By: Ziva Mon, 04 Jan 2021 21:35:12 +0000 I mute all advertising and news these days.

By: Deanna Johnston Clark Wed, 23 Dec 2020 21:37:12 +0000 Yes, big propaganda puppets…the real scientist was Keppler.

By: Deanna Johnston Clark Wed, 23 Dec 2020 21:35:26 +0000 The spontaneous abortions will begin down the road…placentas can’t develop. I’ve read that is the intent….and it’s permanent.
Wake up folks…isn’t it best to wait and see?

By: Chanah Mon, 21 Dec 2020 15:29:49 +0000 I haven’t read all the comments, but looking at the first ones tells me that readers here are not aware of what goes on in elder care, especially hospice. Hospice is death row for the elderly. My mom’s nurse told me she ”would feel better soon”, and I had no idea what she really meant. But they killed her slowly by increasing her morphine. It was what my mom wanted- she kept asking for us to let her go. But they do this routinely, I later learned. So vaccinating without consent is probably not a surprise. It was in nursing homes that the Covid went through and killed many, as supposedly it is hard to contain the contagion in such facilities. So they don’t want it to get started.

By: Lynn Mon, 21 Dec 2020 06:08:55 +0000 No,this is not about money! This is about de-population and control by the evil Luciferians! ????Urgent!????????????PANDEMIC Deception!! The Quantum Dot Tattoo is The Mark of The Beast Revelation 13

????PhD Kari Mullis was a BioChemist who invented the PCR (polymerise chain Reaction test) and he said, it wasn’t to diagnose anything or to tell if anybody is sick! I thought it was strange that he died last year August 2019, two months before Gates, The Rockerfeller Foundation, and John’s Hopkins held a (High Level PANDEMIC Exercise) called???? (Event) 201 in NYC before there ever was this so-called PANDEMIC! It’s not about a PANDEMIC but control????????????????and De-population! Mask also signify control, Witchcraft and Sorcery. This is The New World Order/ (aka) World Economic Forum with Klaus Schwab who is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. Members are a group of the self appointed wealthiest Technocrats who by design and years of planning are bringing the world to its knees through FEAR and Mass Propaganda 24/7 unlike anything the world has ever seen to bring in this NWO and The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and using this Fake Pandemic to accomplish it by Bill Gates plan to vaccinate the world! Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists are being silenced and even arrested by exposing their false narrative. No one should get tested or ever take this Gates VACCINE thousands of doctors are saying! The VACCINE has HYDROGEL in it from Evil DARPA and it will change your DNA! This is Transhumanism! These people are Luciferian/Eugenist and extremely evil! The QUANTUM DOT TATTOO with Luceferese (appropriate name) will Mark everyone who has been tested and everyone who has taken the Vaccine, all who take this is now in the Beast System and they now control you! Eventually you won’t be able to buy sell or trade without the Mark! It’s the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13…. I’ve been sharing this for months on hundreds of platforms so keep sharing because Millions have woke up, but millions are still asleep. I have to keep updating because they keep taking the videos down and I have to find them on other platforms!…..Nobel Prize winner???? PhD Kari Mullis Inventer of PCR….????Banned Dr. Christiane Northrup on the dangers of this Vaccine???? ….You won’t buy, sell, or trade without it!????…. URGENT!????Coalition of 1,000 Doctors and Scientist from around the world proving there is NO PANDEMIC!???? ….????Dr Thomas Cowin Claire Edwards???????? ????????URGENT!????German/US Attorney Calling for Crimes Against Humanity for using the fake PCR test to substantiate the Fake Pandemic! Proof from top scientists and doctors worldwide!….Banned California Doctors on the truth that this is a flu???? ????Banned Dr. Andrew Kaufman on fake PANDEMIC and VACCINE lies!…….Proof this Vaccine and Quantum Dot Tattoo is The Mark of The Beast in Revelation 13 ????

By: Lynn Mon, 21 Dec 2020 05:52:31 +0000 My dad never went to a Dr. He always said, when you start going to a Dr. your dead! He was right! At 91 and in great health he was misdiagnosed by Dr and died 3 months later!????

By: Lynn Mon, 21 Dec 2020 05:44:38 +0000 Agreed!????????
