Comments on: The real pandemic is an outbreak of PCR testing Sat, 12 Jun 2021 09:54:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sue Beaulieu Sat, 12 Jun 2021 09:54:08 +0000 I have been delving into learning more about PCR tests. Thank you for this awesome blog and information. I knew, from Dr. Tim O’Shea, that the PCR detects antibodies and not specific viruses. However, I recently had a doctor’s visit – the first since 2019 – and they gave me a PCR test for Hep C which I did not authorize and did not know about until my test came back “positive.” The doctor’s set up an appointment with a hepatologist and hounded me about why I did not want to keep the appointment and so on. I knew just enough about the inaccuracy of PCR tests from the plandemic exposes. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of these tests on the market which will be given to unsuspecting patients who will be diagnosed with every money making disease known to Big Pharma.

By: MagicBullet Sun, 20 Dec 2020 12:53:32 +0000 Good info Noah, do you have a reference for this?

By: Rob Sun, 20 Dec 2020 11:57:28 +0000 The economic destruction coming from all this FED stimulus along with a second wave of “covid” lock downs combined with the civil unrest from all the lies the media are spinning out of this contested election will usher in the last 8 years that looks as though it will commence on or about the 20th anniversary of 9/11:

By: g Sun, 20 Dec 2020 02:58:01 +0000 DOJ charges medtech exec with $69M in COVID-19 test fraud, notes Theranos parallel

The Department of Justice has charged the president of Sunnyvale, California-based Arrayit Corporation with the alleged submission of $69 million in false claims for COVID-19 and allergy tests.

In a complaint unsealed Tuesday, DOJ accused Arrayit of claiming it could detect the coronavirus in dried blood samples and telling clinics to bundle the test with its allergy diagnostic, regardless of medical need. In a statement, DOJ said in the affidavit supporting the complaint the company’s president said it could test for COVID-19….

Sound familiar?

By: hayden Sat, 19 Dec 2020 23:08:40 +0000 Every official that comes in, cripples us, leaves us maimed
Silent and tamed
And with our flesh and bones, he builds his homes
Southern fist, rise through the jungle mist
Clenched to smash power so cancerous
A black flag and a red star
A rising sun loomin’ over Los Angeles
Yes, for Raza livin’ in La La
Like Gaza on to the dawn of Intifada
Reach for the lessons the masked pass on
And seize the metropolis, it’s you it’s built on
Their existence is a crime
Their seat, their robe, their tie
Their land deeds, their hired guns
They’re the crime
Shots heard underground ’round the rapture
The world’s eye captured at last in a Mexican pasture
The masked screaming land or death
Within a breath, a war from the depth of time
Who shot four puppet governors in a line
Who shook all the world bankers who think they can rhyme
Shot the landlords who knew it was mine
Yes, it’s a war from the depth of time
RATM Zach de la rocha

By: Mos Craciun Sat, 19 Dec 2020 20:20:07 +0000 Admission by WHO of the problem with PCR method ( December 14th):

More about this :

By: Mos Craciun Sat, 19 Dec 2020 11:26:12 +0000 Well , I reiterate my point : how come his name is not on the list ? WHY ? The assassination of a central figure in this scamdemic ( and not only this one), one who knew too much and could talk too much, is not worth to be listed there ? Can you explain that , please ? I presume that you are the author of the list ….

By: battleaxe Sat, 19 Dec 2020 07:31:19 +0000 hey jon its even worse than what you have said. I had a woman tell me at work (someone i do not know and have never seen before) that she has emails from a nurse friend of hers, whose state of residence i will not disclose for her own protection is that her nurse friend working in a hospital became suspcious because ALL of the “tests” PCR based came back positive,every time. this did not make sense. So, she created a false record and sent in a PCR swab that had not been touched AT ALL by a person. that test came back positivie for the so called virus. she privatelyy asked 5 other nurses to join in in this endeavor to send in false records with swabs that had NO TESTING collected. they all came back with POSITIVES for COVID. This group of nurses are EXTREMELY upset and they are wondering if the test swabs themselves are pre-contaminated with “the virus”.

By: Lyn P Fri, 18 Dec 2020 22:02:53 +0000 Thank you. Good summary from your position.

By: Noah Tioli Fri, 18 Dec 2020 21:47:43 +0000 PCR Cycles are thermal cycles going from warm to near boiling and back in about 1 minute. No normal DNA can tolerate that heat, so synthetic nucleic acids are used to form the DNA transcript of any RNA isolated by the chemical templates. The high heat synthetic nucleic acids are modeled after bacteria that live at the mouths of ocean floor volcanoes. Since there are no plausible evolutionary antecedents for these bacteria, some scientist think they are alien life from space.

At about 24 thermal cycles the nucleic acids being produced in the PCR biocoper suffer thermal degradation and begin to break into shorter pieces.

A test positive is declared when faint visible spectrum light is emitted by fluorescent dye applied as a coating on the copies made in the PCR machine. The problem is that this metric is proportional to surface are of the copies, and as they break up, more surface area emits more light, progressively overstating the number of nucleic acid chains. Kary Mullis knew this and recommended 25 cycles max. This seems to be the emerging consensus. 35 is way too many.

There are many other problems with PCR. As used or viral infection diagnosis it is junk science converted to massive fraud.
