Comments on: The five key events in the fake pandemic Mon, 28 Dec 2020 03:53:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lyn P Mon, 28 Dec 2020 03:53:00 +0000 Pete – many thanks for your excellent contributions to these comment sections.

By: Lyn P Mon, 28 Dec 2020 03:49:27 +0000 RIGHT. Thank you.

By: Lyn P Mon, 28 Dec 2020 01:25:53 +0000 Jon, and other virus busters, do not ignore “counter evidence.” They smash it. Not one of the “isolation” papers or descriptive claims lives up to the requirements of proof.

It’s perhaps the most widely and broadly spun “PHD” activity of the medical “research” industry yet promulgated. They are desperate to justify their whole existence when it comes to the Virus Industry.

By: Lyn P Mon, 28 Dec 2020 00:57:34 +0000 One correction – there is no “mutation” of flu because flu is a PROCESS, not a virus. There are and have never been flu viruses, or most other of the “infectious viruses” that have ever been claimed.

By: Pete Sat, 26 Dec 2020 14:03:11 +0000 The book “What Really Makes You Ill” by Dawn Lester and David Parker really gets to the root of this nonsense. It is loaded with scientific references in an 800 page tome.

“One of the main theories on which ‘modern medicine’ is based is the ‘germ theory’; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. This theory, which is usually attributed to Louis Pasteur in the early 1860s, underpins a large and very significant proportion of medical practices; without it, most of modern medicine becomes redundant, which explains why the medical establishment refuses to recognise its fatal flaws. The retention of the theory is not unequivocal proof that it has been fully established and represents truth. In fact, the research we conducted for our book, What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, led us to discover that there is no evidence to support the assertions of the medical establishment with respect to the ‘germ theory’. The term ‘medical establishment’ refers to all of the people, organisations, industries, and academic and research institutions that practise, research, teach, promote and otherwise support the system of modern medicine.

It is a fundamental principle that the burden of proof lies with those who propose a theory. Yet in the case of the ‘germ theory’ that ‘proof’ does not exist; there is no original scientific evidence that definitively proves that any ‘germ’ causes any specific infectious disease. Although this statement will be regarded as highly controversial and even outrageous, its veracity can be demonstrated.”

By: Pete Sat, 26 Dec 2020 13:58:12 +0000 The “virus” (like all others) is still only alleged to be the cause of what we characterize as “the measles” (which could be explained by other toxicity being expelled by the skin organ). Dr. Stefan Lanka asked for scientific proof of the alleged Measles virus and nobody could provide it. Not even the magical lab sorcerers working at the behest of the Church of Virology & Big Pharma.

It is demonstrably disproven that what we call “viruses” or bacteria (germs) are the cause of any disease… merely present at the scene of the crime as a janitorial crew for cellular toxicity. These particles are endogenous and not flying around attacking us from the outside as “invaders” that we would need to be “immune” from. We have terrains and health systems that have a microbiome made up of germs (biotics/life). We are not at war with germs.

By: Curmudgeon Thu, 24 Dec 2020 23:03:52 +0000 Really?
During the 1920s, measles caused pneumonia had a caused the death of about 30% of people with measles. In the 1950s – long before the vaccine, it was less than 1%. I had symptomatic measles, and probably 80% of my primary school did as well. No one died. Did the virus decide it was tired and not worth killing people, or was there herd immunity?

By: Joz Lee Thu, 24 Dec 2020 20:58:29 +0000 On The Greek word “pharmakia” | True Discernment – Similarto On The Greek word “pharmakia” | True Discernment

Jul 9, 2007 … “Pharmakia” is translated into our English Bible as either “witchcraft” or “sorceries “. We also get our English word “pharmacy” from the Greek

Sorcery in the Bible, Pharmakeia and Modern Medicine – Similarto Sorcery in the Bible, Pharmakeia and Modern Medicine

This is from the Greek ‘pharmakeia’ (Word 5331 in Strongs).

SORCERER (Acts 13:6,8 – KJV)

This is from the Greek ‘magos’, it means ‘sorcerer’, ‘magician’ or, ‘wise man’ (Word 3097 in Strongs). There is no association with pharmacy or medicine.

SORCERIES (Acts 8:11 – KJV)

This is from the Greek ‘mageia’ it refers to magic (Word 3095 in Strongs) – no connection with pharmacy.

SORCERIES (Revelation 9:21 and 18:23 – KJV)

This is from the Greek ‘pharmakeia’ (Word 5331 in Strongs). There is some connection here to the word ‘pharmacy’ which we must look at in a moment.

SORCERERS (Revelation 21:8 and 22:15 – KJV)

These uses of ‘sorcerers’ (KJV) use a different Greek word to the singular use of this word in Acts 13:6,8; so this is not just the plural of the same word. From the Greek ‘pharmakeus’ (Words 5332 and 5333 in Strongs). So there is a connection between all four uses of words 5331, 5332 and 5333 in Revelation. There is indeed a relationship here to the English word ‘pharmacy’ (which of course, is directly derived from these Greek words). Is this calling modern medical practitioners ‘sorcerers’? Is this saying that you and I should never visit a doctor??

By: Cora Thu, 24 Dec 2020 16:07:18 +0000 Jim is not wrong:;;;;;;;; “Modern” medicine was practiced shortly after the Flood: YOU have failed to do thorough research on the origins of ALLOPATHIC medicine. Excerpts from: Bible_based tho’ these articles are, they were thoroughly researched by many sources, including SECULAR.
Homeopathy is based on one (more plant-based virus/es)poison diluted so many times will “cure” or relieve a disease/illness. Bee venom (virus) is used as a “help”: as is snake venom(virus):

Viruses(poisons/toxins/venom) don’t heal or help anyone, & these are the substances modern day sorcerers work with/use to poison the ignorant masses in the form of vaccines/pills/harmful liquids, chemicals(dry or otherwise), waste, etc. God isn’t going to use poisonous/toxic leaves (like the evil pharmacists today do) to heal humans.

Bible Describes Modern Medicine

God says that “pharmacy” translated “witchcraft” in Galatians 5:20 — is one of Satan’s deceptions, trusting in chemicals instead of God to get rid of disease or pain. It is a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:20) — a lack of faith. The word “witchcraft” in this verse is a mistranslation of the King James Version. The original Greek is pharmakeia and means “medication” or “pharmacy” (see Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance).

Using Medicines Is Witchcraft

Those who don’t repent of trusting in the false god of medical science — falsely so called — are going to suffer the excruciating agonies of the seven last plagues (Rev. 9:21; 15:1; 16:1-21). Again the King James mistranslates the Greek word, pharmakeia, this time as “sorceries” — this word means “the use or administering of drugs” (see Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon).
But those who still won’t repent even after the millennium and trust in God to apply the beating Christ received as payment for our physical suffering will have no part in the eternal Kingdom of God (Rev. 22:14). “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable,…and SORCERERS, and idolaters…shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev. 21:7-8). The word here translated “sorcerers” comes from the Greek pharmakeus which means one who prepares or administers drugs — “a druggist” or “a pharmacist” or a “poisoner” (Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance). Drugs are poisons, and every “poisoner” is going to end up in the lake of fire unless he repents.
Either we trust God to heal our diseases, and learn to have a happy abundant life now and for all eternity, or trust in medical science — which won’t help us and which God terms “sorcery,” “witchcraft” and “idolatry” — and suffer agony now and an excruciating death — the second death in the lake of fire. The choice is OURS.

By: Liam Madden Thu, 24 Dec 2020 15:32:04 +0000 This is central. “There is no virus” is nonsense unless it can explain an all of the sudden explosion in death rates all over the world. Pesticides/air pollution aren’t good for you, but they’re not new!!!!, and as such wouldn’t cause such a dramatic increase in deaths.

1) I have heard time and again from some prominent voices in the questioner community that, “The virus has not been isolated.” Dr Kaufman, Dr Cowan, and Jon Rappaport being the most notable, who claim some version of, “The so-called virus sample came from a lung fluid sample, then went into a culture of monkey kidney cells, and there was no documentation of the step where the cell and virus were isolated from each other before they started looking for genetic material. In order to do that, you’d need to centrifuge the culture and extract the band of viral particles…”

Well, in fact, the CDC researchers claiming to have isolated the virus have arguably documented the performance of the step they say is missing the seperation of virus from host cells: (CDC study on isolation:)

Then again, an isolated virus doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve proven that the virus in question CAUSES the relevant symptoms, but that is a separate question.

The CDC paper above, which documents the isolation  (which includes MANY non-CDC researchers as co-authors)  does say, “Fifty µl of the viral lysate were used for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and

And ***Viral lysate is defined as an extraction of viral materials through a centrifuging process.*** I’m not sure if Rappaport et al are just not versed well enough in the jargon and missed that, or if the CDC is truly skipping over a critical step by using a non-standard definition of “viral lysate”. But I have reached out to the author of the CDC paper for clarification and will let you know if they say anything. I have a hard time taking this as evidence to rely on, for or against the claim of isolation

C) BUT, the scale tips towards evidence of it  being isolated by the commercial availability of isolated Sars Cov2 viral lysate, which is **SPECIFICALLY DEFINING THEIR LYSATE AS CENTRIFUGEDD**. (Although it is rather shocking you can buy it, lol)

So I think it would strengthen the arguments against lockdown, mandatory vaccines, masks, and hysteria (ie, arguments FOR medical freedom and rational public health policy) if we distanced ourselves from the “virus has never been isolated” argument, which seems very weak in light of the above points

The test can still be entirely unreliable (and is) even if the virus HAS been isolated. We don’t need to buy the argument that virus has never been isolated to question the validity of the test. And more importantly, the biggest threat, to me, is that the test is more than just unreliable, but actually tests FOR things that can be found in ANYONE. (That gives the power to make pretty much anybody “infected” if the PCR cycles are high enough.) That argument, (the viral proteins contain sequences of potentially human endogenous proteins) has been made by Dr Yeadon and Wodarg. Iian Davis, in an Off-Gaurdian article, also claims that reviews of the genetic library, BLAST shows that the Covid-19 gene sequences are also found in humans and microbes. If that is true, that is BAD, but that is an argument ONLY possible if you acknowlegde the virus has a sequence at all.

I don’t think the arguments for medical freedom, rational public health policy, and democracy need to hinge on “there is no virus” It should hinge on:

A) We can treat the sick (if we stop suppressing viable treatments)
B) We can protect the vulnerable without destroying our economy and psychological well being.
C) The ***RELATIVE RISK*** of covid death is still low, (even with 300k more deaths), and the cost (health, freedom and economic) of lockdowns are incredibly high. We need to rationally compare them.

I believe conspiracies happen and are happening. But I find it hard to buy the idea that ALL of the dozens of labs and universities, comprising thousands of non-government, non-industry scientists which have *documented* their process of isolating the virus are making such a glaring mistake. I am not just reflexively trusting their claims, but Jon’s claim that they aren’t properly documenting their work is outright not strong enough to make such a bold claim. He seems to ignore any counter evidence, which I hope is rooted in a misunderstanding of the technical language, and not a stubborn attachment to being right.
