Comments on: Breitbart: anti-lockdown protestors force their way into Oregon capitol Tue, 29 Dec 2020 02:29:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: MaidinAmerica Tue, 29 Dec 2020 02:29:20 +0000 Belated response to all of this:
1) I do like the pitchfork idea – let it spread!

2)You can’t trust “reporting” from OR Statesman Journal

3)This was the 3rd off schedule “secret” session where public was forbidden to attend. I believe the primary goal of this protest was against these basically off the record meetings to the public.

4)In interviews and local social media, I did not see or hear about guns and rifles. I know this organization and a handful or 2 attending and these people would not support bringing weapons. It’s not impossible, but nothing supports this happening.

5)I saw a reputable interview between 2 patriots following this protest, and one was a person that probably was election frauded out of an OR govt position this election. A young-middle age woman told of being hit w/ 7 rubber bullets by OR State Police. She had a swollen, bruised jaw that would later be checked for fracture. She mentioned one of the arrests was of a patriot who sprayed a St Police after the police had doused a 12 year old with spray. All confrontations came from the State Police. The local city police were on the side-lines and have a done a reasonable job standing down against governor’s excessive overreach.

6)Interesting that a Salem Police didn’t know what was deployed or used against the public. Again on this day it was not their jurisdiction.

7)2 streets into the Capitol were totally blocked off with what looked like heavy military artillery vehicles….(Want to see what the state legislature is up to??… Forget about it…)

8)Senator Dallas Heard is a hero! He plowed through his mew moments of 1st amendment rights while Senate President Courtney banged the gavel the entire time once Sen Heard’s muzzle was removed.

9)Other news sources are in question. This is the kind of reporting that BLM should get in Portland…but…yawn….

10)The public announcement about this session may have stated “covid” relief but that was another rabbit trail. They are really working on climate change and an anti-liability measure for “covid” so if schools should start back with vaX coming (don’t know particulars yet) but protection would be for the govt/schools so that they won’t be held liable for testing and vaXxing your child w/o consent or compliance or damages that follow. Any funds for relief will probably get conveniently lost…But that’s ok because the governor is a card-carrying member of the CCP

11)For your encouragement and to rekindle conviction watch this amazing movie “This Land is Mine”, made in 1943, involving Nazi occupation. It so resembles right now. Those that are awake-Maureen O’Hara vs the compliant peace-loving ones. Some powerful truth statements and courtroom scenes will strengthen your resolve about human dignity and truth that never dies.
Here’s the trailer. I got the Dvd from B & N_ble.

By: Pharmerdavid Mon, 28 Dec 2020 18:49:42 +0000 You are correct. I find the best way to share this information, is to write on used fliers, all over the streets. I also yell “NOMOREFAKENEWS.COM” at mask wearers, especially high school children.

By: Pharmerdavid Mon, 28 Dec 2020 18:47:16 +0000 The entire world fell, since WW-II ended, probably before. The cabal that controlled the world’s money and media (mind control) for centuries, now controls everything. The USA Inc. hasn’t been a constitutional republic since 1871, when the US became the USA Inc.

By: Travis Mon, 28 Dec 2020 06:34:57 +0000 Well put. As a veteran of Catholic school, and early sceptic; it sounds like a fairy tale.

By: Paul Sat, 26 Dec 2020 13:07:45 +0000 Hi Sue,

I thought I’d add this:

If I understood your post correctly:

You shared some good information at another site & received an unfair curt response.

You also felt slight trepidation at the realization that the majority of people today may not be as aware as is necessary to bring about change.

Know, “they,” are the ones, who are truly lulled.

If I got that correct? great! If not, apologies.


I think of Music as a Universal Language, in its power & scope. And I think of Bowie as the epitome of Individualism.

I hope you know, that it is a rather important & noble task, to share good information, to all who will listen.

In this way, a change toward the better, is wrought. And you become an integral part of that change.

Recently, Jon wrote an article in which he offered “a phrase.” I took it to mean that when trying to achieve something worthy, especially, in the face of contemporaneous push-back, then dogged determination, is a most valuable tool. Patient, studied & assured, self-reliant focus.

“I can do this forever.”

So…STAY…In your dogged determination. Let that be your Touchstone.

And with your own unique savour fair & will, share & create, dance & sing, & never despair. ALLOW “them,” to lull about.

“There’s always some change in the weather.’

By: Tim_2A Fri, 25 Dec 2020 04:29:12 +0000 Clam up, Luciferian, and STAY muzzled and mute, in your slave-keeper’s paradise, wherever that is.
But you’re ‘trusted,’ so that makes you ‘safe’? Nope.

“…walkin’ god like a dog.” Most assuredly yours, but NOT MY God!

“Sound off America’s demise…” As I’ve said before, you F’ing filthy rats need to be exterminated, so you can join those demons to which you (seemingly?) give love and reverence.

Oh, before I forget, have a…

‘Merck-y Vaxx-mas!’

By: eceres Fri, 25 Dec 2020 03:01:54 +0000 What’s too bad is some today don’t even know what pitchforks are, pitch hay for horses or cows, or to clean shed or barn. So far away from what’s real now, considering horses were our transportion less than a hundred years ago. Wish we could go back.
– In any case that’s not to leave out use for politics or politicians, just saying.

Since politicians are so hot on pushing chemicals on us maybe we could create some sort of politicians-be-gone bug spray. We can name each other ‘experts’, to sanctify the goodness of the spray for public health, put up some signs as media so everyone knows how to use the spray, and presto!

maybe optimistic, but what’s life without creativity.

By: Paul Thu, 24 Dec 2020 23:19:18 +0000 Well said Buddha.

By: Truth1 Thu, 24 Dec 2020 21:17:54 +0000 Well said AK VT.

By: ak in vt Thu, 24 Dec 2020 17:10:44 +0000 Thank you Hayden.

Cannot deny your link below about 6 Christmas traditions originating from pagan origins. This does not make them not good. And this does not mean followers of Christ cannot adopt them.

Paul told his readers that all things are good, but not necessarily good for you. The first church crisis within the church ended in a council of elders in Jerusalem stating everything is permissible except eating the blood of animals sacrificed to pagan gods — Paul later explains that this was not because it was “sinful,” but rather because it was misleading to non-believers that the Christians thought the pagan gods were equal to the only God and thus the pagan god worshippers would never know the truth that would set them free (from sacrifices, worrying about sin, etc…)

Regarding VIRGIN BIRTH, this was prophesied back in Genesis and Eve thought that her first born, Cain, was “the LORD” (literal translation) or God himself, especially so as she thought she was the one to bear the seed that would crush the deceiver and liar (the one everyone calls Satan — which means deceiver and liar).

So, the virgin “tradition” goes way back — at least to the time of Moses or, if you believe, to the fall and kicking out of Eden the first humans on Earth.

Now, you can disbelieve the old and new testaments (despite they are the most well documented pieces of literature by both DATE of writing and NUMBER of copies, extant and full — you make the choice as to whether you believe they are fiction or historical), but they exist. INTERPRETATION is the biggest problem.

The truth of the new testament sets you free from the bondage of sin and trying to please God with the things you do and don’t do (which He never commanded in the first place) and mankind. This truth further brings you into a relationship of LOVE with God and the world and all God has created that is in the world. This truth and love puts a different perspective upon all and takes away: fear, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, and so many things that bring people down.

Christmas traditions may be borrowed from the pagans. I myself believe the better documented than any ancient history we have historical birth of the Christ was in September around the Judaistic feast of Tabernacles. BUT SO BE IT — it doesn’t matter because I am free.

Again, I say with an open heart of LOVE especially in such a dismal time for the western world:


Regards in Christ

AK in VT
