Comments on: IG Farben: the roots of the COVID plan Sun, 04 Apr 2021 01:34:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lacresha Claybrook Sun, 04 Apr 2021 01:34:37 +0000 Most people in my area have no knowledge of the fact that shampoos that grow your hair fast (obviously with no sulfates, no parabens, no DEA) are even a thing. We all are now able to experience longer hair and have more alternatives. Definitely worth looking into it.

Whether you’re assessing alopecia, damaged hair, avoiding scalp disorders, fast hair growth, hair health more often than not, the same thoughts apply.

In general, you will want to stay away from hair products and treatments that use chemicals such as parabens, DEA and sulfates.

What’s beneficial for your hair is good for your skin also.

For obvious reasons the content on this page is so useful for multiple reasons. It stays away from the accustomed traps and traps most fall into- utilizing ineffective alternatives. Thank you!

By: ChilKat Fri, 15 Jan 2021 09:34:00 +0000 Indeed, very good questions.

Re link to mitochondrial damage and pharmaceuticals Karen, I also suggest researching fluoroquinolone toxicity / fluoroquinolone associated disability caused by fluoroquinolone so called ‘ antibiotics’ ( actually they are chemotherapy in disguise ) , do this research, and you will quickly enter a parallel universe .
There are literally millions of us walking around in this world ( if we can still walk ) who have already been irreversibly damaged by these pharmaceutical poisons via their mechanism of action resulting to Iatrogenic injury, including damage to the DNA / mitochondria. We are also being misdiagnosed with numerous conditions, these often include ME/CFS fibromyalgia, any number of autoimmune conditions and the list just goes on and on .
Of note more than a few big Pharma poisons they peddle damage the mitochondria. This site is a very good place to start that research.

By: Karen E.Ronan Mon, 11 Jan 2021 00:50:23 +0000 michael burns : I am interested in mitochondria (son with down syndrome and it has been hypothesized that mitochondrial dysfunction at root of condition . since mitochondrial dysfunction at heart of Hannah Poling /autism/vaxxine case and people with DS are more likely to have autism than general population (NOW -whereas historically they NEVER had it-thought it was worth looking into.) somebody else in comments mentioned deleterious effects of drugs on ATP cycle, Reading “Power, Sex and Suicide:Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life ” by Nick Lane. Pages 82-3 caught my attention: “ATP is produced by a giant enzyme complex called ATPase(or ATP synthase). As many as 30 THOUSAND ATPase complexes stud the inner mitochondrial membrane , and can be made out faintly down the electron microscope, sprouting like mushrooms from the membrane(Figure 6) . ” They are not connected to the respiratory chains which are embedded separately in the membrane- how do they communicate with them across the physical gap? “More specifically, how do the respiratory chains transfer the energy released by the flow of electrons to the ATPase, to generate ATP?” Fig. 6 is a beautiful picture of the ATPase proteins sprouting like mushrooms on stalks (or rather like spikes) from the membrane vesicles. Efraim Racker who discovered them , describes them as being the “Elementary particles of life”. It took many years and several scientists were involved working out the detailed mechanisms of electron transport , proton pumping ,and ATP formation but eventually (and several Nobel prizes later) it was discovered that the ATPase is “a marvellous example of nature’s nanotechnology : it works as a rotary motor and as such is the smallest known machine , constructed by tiny moving protein parts- a drive shaft which plugs through the membrane and the rotating head (which resembles a mushroom head). The pressure of the proton reservoir on the outside of the membrane forces protons through the drive shaft to rotate the head and the head cranks around and at each turn a binding site assembles ATP. The first site binds ADP,the second attaches the phosphate onto the ADP to create ATP, and the third releases the ATP. “In humans a complete turn of the head requires 10 protons and releases 3 molecules of ATP. JUST TO COMPLICATE MATTERS, IN OTHER SPECIES, THE ATPase OFTEN REQUIRES DIFFERENT NUMBERS OF PROTONS TO ROTATE THE HEAD.” Now, the mitochondria were viruses that became incorporated into our cells. How will they react when our cells start manufacturing extraneous viral proteins once ‘covid’ mRNA injected. There has been concern already that the modified mRNA injection contains countless homologs to human proteins .A doctor has died following Covid injection of Ideopathic thrombocytopenia with a platelet level of zero and Factor VIII is a homolog. The fact that Syncitin is also a biological homolog and is necessary for the development of the placenta has raised fears of the injection causing infertility in child-bearing women, for example. Could this be of interest to Dr. Judy Mikovits whose patients got Chronic Fatigue syndrome / Myalgic Enchephalomyelitis from xenotrophic Murine leukemia virusin a vaxxine -could this be the mechanism for HOW that happened ? Could children with Autism (many of whom have mitochondrial dysfunction ) and Down Syndrome get a neducal exemption to covid vaxx. if they ever become mandated ? Aere there any other implications for the health of the population since we do not yet know how these “elementary particles of life ” are going to be affected by this unwarranted (and previously illegal, (according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) human interference ?!

By: noree Sat, 09 Jan 2021 13:53:53 +0000 thankyou

By: Arby Sat, 09 Jan 2021 06:50:01 +0000 “At the end of the War, Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, and assistant prosecutor, Josiah DuBois, the sentences handed out were light” suggesting (intentionally or unintentionally) that Telford was not a dog. See Noam Chomsky’s “For Reasons Of State,” pages 217-220. There we are shown how Telford is merely an apologist for imperial power who cares little for people who resist conquest by imperial powers.

By: whats name Fri, 08 Jan 2021 21:01:45 +0000 Rockefeller corporations used a vaccine at Fort Riley Kansas that became known as the ‘Spanish Flu’ though it was not not a flu and had Nothing to do with spain. It was a real pandemic causing millions of deaths worldwide. Meningitis if I’m not mistaken.

By: Sm Fri, 08 Jan 2021 15:07:56 +0000 Everything that the apostle John foretold in revelations happened in 70 ad with ” the destruction of jerusalem” just as Jeremiah, Daniel, jesus and the rest foretold. It was God’s wrath against Judaism. There’s no rapture coming so Christians everywhere are going to have to stand on their own two feet and fight.

By: Elizabeth Schneider Fri, 08 Jan 2021 08:20:03 +0000 This is horrible! Too bad we can not detox this crap out if our system!

If not, the almighty God has my back!!

By: Sm Fri, 08 Jan 2021 02:15:52 +0000 @ jon,
I truly agree with your great and insightful analysis/research , but why is it that you, catherine fits and all others,including Chuck Baldwin
will NOT name the power that rules over US??? They call themselves GNOSTICS/MASONICS/

Humanists/zionists/communists. There, I did it for you

By: Sm Fri, 08 Jan 2021 01:50:19 +0000 @ Brian,
Another quote which gives light to Albert Pike’s plan: ” ww1 the land for the people. Ww2 was to prepare the people for the land”””.
Hitler played his role in this global takeover plan. The fall of the USA is checkmate.
God help his creation. MANKIND!
