Comments on: Medical weapons of mass destruction Sun, 24 Jan 2021 23:32:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maria Sun, 24 Jan 2021 23:32:43 +0000 It is a pity that you hastily passed judgement and didn’t bother to read further, as Mr Mathis in the very next paragraph states: “You will tell me that says April 16, but that isn’t how it looks to me. Also see here, where it is confirmed that headline is from April 15. There we see the New York Times also had a story ready to go on the morning of April 15, stating 1,200 onboard and 655 saved. “

By: Sakkas Wed, 13 Jan 2021 15:35:46 +0000 Hey tubby where’s your proof.

By: Frank G L Sun, 10 Jan 2021 13:57:45 +0000 Bizarrely, I notice those first two links no longer work.

I did look at the articles, before I posted them, and unless I made an error copy/pasting, that is a bit peculiar.

By: Frank G L Sat, 09 Jan 2021 14:34:38 +0000 I’ve tried for years. Only people who actually know me tend to believe me, sometimes…

It seems hopeless.

We live in a world where people happily believe the first thing that should happen when a child is born is to inject it with toxins. And then do that, repeatedly, for months, years.

Trust a “healthcare” establishment, that was established by OIL and METALS monopolists and hegemony, through cooption and demonizing nature.

How stupid/ignorant/brainwashed/malicious do you have to be?

By: Arby Sat, 09 Jan 2021 06:01:31 +0000 Now, Get cattle to think about this information. 🙁

By: Viktoria Sat, 09 Jan 2021 02:46:52 +0000 Somebody is starting to feel the pressure rising and doesn’t like it. Like being charged for medical malpractice,attempted negligent homicide,under medical murder.

By: Kellerman Fri, 08 Jan 2021 13:44:27 +0000 Boring this, all talking about Trump? Who has ever thought that a “new leader of the country” has a different agenda than the “unmentionable”. If anyone here knows anything else, I’m interested to know.
It’s not the military, nop
It’s not China, nop
It’s not Russia, nop
It’s not the People, nop
It’s not the “deep” state of your country, nop
So which are we not allowed to criticize, well the banks are doing well but the owners? And those in the upper board, no no !? Light them, direct the headlights at them and then things happen, oh, oh, oh.

By: Eli35 Thu, 07 Jan 2021 22:41:00 +0000 THANK YOU! to everyone who gave info about this topic. This is exactly the book I was after. And thank you, all, for the added info as well.

By: Frank G L Thu, 07 Jan 2021 14:32:24 +0000 Sorry, this is the article I was looking for.

Opioid-related gifts from pharma companies linked to physician prescribing by specialty
by University of Pittsburgh

“For every 100 Americans, there were 58 opioid prescriptions written in 2017—that is a tremendous amount of prescribing in a country that is struggling with an opioid epidemic,” said lead author Mara Hollander, a doctoral student in Pitt Public Health’s Department of Health Policy and Management. “Our research points to a potential motivator behind this prescribing that could be reduced through policy interventions.

While there was a relationship between gifts and opioid prescribing in all specialties, there was considerable variability. Primary care physicians were 3.5 times as likely to be in the highest quartile of opioid prescribing if they were paid $100 or more in gifts. Psychiatrists and neurologists who were paid $100 or more were 13 times as likely to be in the highest quartile of opioid prescribing compared to their counterparts who received less.

When the team further examined the companies behind the gifts, they found that, while 18 different companies provided gifts related to opioids, two companies—Insys and Purdue—were responsible for nearly two-thirds of the value of those gifts. Both have settled lawsuits for hundreds of millions of dollars related to opioid promotion and Purdue stopped marketing opioids to physicians in 2018. “

By: Frank G L Thu, 07 Jan 2021 11:57:10 +0000 Yeah, those were the posts I tried to post yesterday. I reposted them, I might’ve posted them too quickly in succession so it got filtered, I guess?
