Comments on: Alert: the operation to squash protests in America Tue, 19 Jan 2021 19:02:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elizabeth Tue, 19 Jan 2021 19:02:39 +0000 Frank… this is interesting…We are led to believe it
is the milk that is problematic, but you’re saying it’s the trickle down vaccination residue in the milk…….do organically raised cows get vaccines?
It’s like ‘authorities’ say that the sun causes skin cancer….but the fact is, the masses have for some time been consuming copious amounts of highly processed seed oils, mostly GMO’d at this point, of which the oxidation of these fats in our bodies produces 4-HNE (hydroxynonenal) which is highly destructive and contributes greatly to disease – skin cancer is one manifestation of dysbiosis which may or may not be triggered by the sun…the oils get off scot free, whilst the sun is thee bad guy and gets all the blame…in reality, it is the oils and oxidized fats that are the bad guys.
“Stay indoors, cover your faces, wear latex gloves on your hands, even”, and the result? Voila! The nations’ Vitamin D levels plummet. With immune systems compromised, we pick up all sorts of disease – could this Covid-19 malady be a result of an overload of bad stuff and a lack of minerals in the diet, especially Vitamin D? In the field of medicine, is the word ‘deficiency’ even permitted? So we have a covid vaccine for what very well could by a poisoning of the body coupled by an absence of sunshine. Result? A vulnerable, weakened immune system because of a deception that sun causes cancer…. Hmm.

By: Jim Mon, 18 Jan 2021 13:42:30 +0000 I disagree. People will fight hardest against their own success. They would rather die than be proved wrong that all the cards are stacked against them. Not to mention how intimidated they are at the many obstacles they create to stop themselves. No matter the solution you provide, they will always come up with scenarios that proves that it’s impossible. I used to feel as you do, but it’s simply not true. And if you try, they’ll do their best to sabotage you. It’s best to just distance yourself from such people.

By: Jim Mon, 18 Jan 2021 13:17:47 +0000 Not either of those. What I am is tired of people who are so incredibly stupid expecting me to listen to them. These are the ones who have enabled all the insanity of the last year. Save your kindergarten level psychology for others. I know myself. You don’t.

By: John Payne Mon, 18 Jan 2021 01:46:24 +0000 Read all the comments please.

By: John Payne Mon, 18 Jan 2021 01:23:29 +0000 Yes Himmler and the Nazis knew that.

By: Kate Bennett Sun, 17 Jan 2021 12:19:02 +0000 I’ve found a rational discussion can be had with even the worst ‘idiot.’

It begins with the understanding that every human has a limit that shall not be crossed. Also, that every human has a desire to be a part of something, something they can call their own.

For instance, a mother who promotes Progressive ideology might pause and think when she learns the government plans to take away some of her parental rights. Personal sacrifice cuts deeps, especially when it comes to one’s child.

Or when a BLM activist learns they can set-up their own business from services they already provide. Things that once seemed impossible become a reality in the matter of minutes. It gives them a place, a stake, a membership and something to build rather than tear down.

No one tears down a society they feel they are a part of.

No one supports a society they feel wants to tear them down.

By: Kia Kaha Sun, 17 Jan 2021 08:00:42 +0000 A couple of the signs of a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist is their lack of compassion and care. Watch yourself.

She was a first responder. We have no idea where anyone is at in their transition from “old school” to the “new school”. This may seem like a one-room classroom, but it’s not, and it’s certainly not like we’re given the same assignment and everyone “gets it” at the same time. We have no idea what people are going through, how much they have endured. Millions have lost their homes due to fraudulent financial practices, tornadoes, hurricanes, oil spills, flash floods, landslides, sinkholes, dams bursting, fires from the sky or 5G, smart meters. Loss of friends and family, suicides on the rise, joblessness, hunger, parents doing their level best to keep it together for the children, to keep trauma at a minimum.

Patriarchy is a cruel and wicked master. It’s been going on for eons with a violent history. They’re all insane. They live in a psychosis.

An acute or chronic mental state marked by loss of contact with reality, disorganized speech and behavior, and often by hallucinations or delusions, seen in certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, and other medical disorders.

We come to this beautiful healing environment for a visit, to experience the wonders of a masterful creation.

Be kind. Be true. Be aware.

By: Kia Kaha Sun, 17 Jan 2021 07:34:05 +0000 …and besides not increasing yields, creating superweeds, they contaminated everything, even organic farms, then sued the organic farmers accusing them of theft of their crap. Tolerance of the 1% is going to reach a crescendo. I hear we have camps suited for re-education.

They didn’t create anything new. They contaminated Nature’s seed and called it new, then sold the contaminated, corrupted seeds. That’s like selling something that’s broken, but convincing you it’s new and in good shape when it’s actually broken.

Nobody can patent Nature.

When will these people find something honest and legitimate to do with their lives…that’s what I’d like to know… and quit bothering the public with their low-level scams? Talk about useless eaters!

By: Jim Sun, 17 Jan 2021 01:54:53 +0000 Thought I’d clarify. I’m not some super brawler,nor did I look for these fights. But when you know it’s going to happen, just attack. They don’t expect it, and the more cowardly will often just run. Plus,gangs are cowards anyway. But it does help if you can fight.

By: Jim Sat, 16 Jan 2021 19:11:41 +0000 Once it’s crushed,then violence will rise up to take it’s place. That’s an old story we’re living in now.
