Comments on: How soon will the Left eat their own? Mon, 25 Jan 2021 02:15:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: No More Lies Mon, 25 Jan 2021 02:15:12 +0000 AKinVT: Great advice. The satanic “cults”( government, media, Bill and Melinda Gates, Big Corporations, Big Pharma, Public Health systems, all run on money. No money. No “Cults”. How has God allowed this to continue to a point of murdering his own creations? I know WE are in control of our lives but, this type of control and interference and fear and intimidation is near impossible for those of truth. Which is NOT government, State, Local or any politicians. They are ALL about money. Period!

By: Jello Sat, 23 Jan 2021 02:49:41 +0000 Agreed. Does ANYONE remember President Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell address, in which he references the “military-industrial complex”?
Oh, I forgot – the gov’t schools don’t teach relevant history.

By: Jello Sat, 23 Jan 2021 02:45:19 +0000 ABSOLUTELY!! The Republicans & the Democrats are 2 wings of the same bird. They are aligned with the agenda. They are bought and paid for, by the politically connected corporations and banks. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deceived.

By: Jello Sat, 23 Jan 2021 02:39:39 +0000 BRAVO! Good for you! I used to say that the only group to which I belong is “human”, but since this covid19 crap, I no longer feel aligned with that either… Sorry state of affairs. So sad to see so many humans that have no critical thinking skills. I guess the gov’t schools are working, along with the 24/7 msm media propaganda. Makes me sick.

By: ak in vt Thu, 21 Jan 2021 21:04:58 +0000 SOLUTONS (immediate and future):

1. Buy open pollinated seeds and plants for this year’s growing; DO IT NOW, before availability disappears

2. Save seeds from your open pollinated plant growth

3. Share these seeds with friends and family.

4. Pull all money from the bank you don’t need in the bank for bills paid by checks. Find an unusual place to put it or spend a few bucks for a small safety deposit box (don’t tell anyone what is in there, except a spouse if you have one).

5. DON’T be concerned about your debt. Walk out of it if necessary. Whatever payback agreements you signed had an “out” for you — you give up your property/possession.

6. Save money or liquid assets and purchase only useful things. Remember that if you can hold a lot of $$$ in a safety deposit box, you cab always buy cars, land, whatever with cash and don’t need credit.

7. STOP USING social media that supports globalism. Just stop using it and supporting them. You can reinvent your business in other ways.

8. STOP USING CREDIT CARDS and DEBT CARDS. HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS. Plan ahead and make mail-order/internet purchases by check. Sometimes you may be out and about and don’t have any cash or checks with you: use your debit card and try and remember to bring cash next time.

C. CASH is KING and it slows down the digital only monetary system trying to be rolled out
D. DO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN YOURSELF so you don’t need to earn as much and will pay fewer taxes; and, so, you don’t need an RFID chip to supply yourself with necessities
E. STUDY the Amish and other “poor sociities” and learn a lot from them.

DRAINING THE SWAMP MEANS TAKE AWAY THEIR FOOD (TAXES). Eventually, the swamp will raise taxes on the poor and the poor will revolt. Sit back and watch.

Learn to speak Spanish in case you need to go over the border (there’s a lot of land between the border and Tierra del Fuego if you need to find peace).

Above all: Find the peace that surpasses all understanding. You will be okay, not just in this life, but for eternity.

Regards in Christ the Saviour

AK in VT

By: Frank G L Thu, 21 Jan 2021 08:56:21 +0000 Update relating to the vilsack article from organicconsumers

Because Vilsack gave his rubber-stamp approval to Monsanto’s new GMO seeds before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reviewed the herbicides they were engineered to work with, farmers ended up using old versions of pesticides illegally, resulting in the loss of tens of thousands of acres of crops and more than $400 million, not to mention the environmental and public health disaster that has yet to be fully assessed.

This was all according to Monsanto’s plan. If Vilsack didn’t know that, he’s a fool. If he did, he’s a criminal.

Internal company documents examined by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting (“‘Buy it or else’: Inside Monsanto and BASF’s moves to force dicamba on farmers,” December 4, 2020) revealed that Monsanto and BASF knew that introduction of the new GMO seeds and the accompanying weed killer use would cause extensive crop damage. They let the disaster happen, knowing that many farmers would buy the new GMOs just to protect themselves from their neighbors.

“Get poisoned or get on board,” is how journalist Johnathan Hettinger sums up what he learned about the companies’ strategy.

Whether it was incompetence or complicity, Vilsack’s decision to push Monsanto’s dicamba-resistant GMOs onto the market―with no plan for how to deal with the pesticide problems he knew they’d cause―created a nightmare scenario that the courts, state regulators and individual farmers are still struggling to undo.

In June 2020, a federal court banned dicamba in response to a lawsuit filed by the Center for Food Safety, along with the Center for Biological Diversity, the National Family Farm Coalition and the Pesticide Action Network.

In October 2020, the EPA trumped the court’s decision (pun intended) by granting dicamba five more years of use. This prompted plaintiffs to file a new lawsuit in December, since the EPA’s own data showed that the damage from the weed killer was even worse than previously known:

Between 2017-2019, there were as many as 140,000 separate instances of crop damage caused by dicamba. (There were 5,600 dicamba damage reports logged by Bayer, which now owns Monsanto, and BASF, but the EPA estimated that there were probably 25 times as many incidents, given most went unreported.) …”

By: Jay Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:24:48 +0000 You’ll see the connection when you get to the hospital after eating some GMO foods and your doctor explains to you why you are doing the right thing by supporting the global population reduction plan.

By: MadMagyar Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:04:30 +0000 The first thing I looked up was their “fact check” on the virus’ recovery rate. What BS. The CDC’s own data shows that they don’t know how to “fact check” anything that involves simple math:

By: No More Lies Wed, 20 Jan 2021 16:07:28 +0000 Hey, BRUCE: I agree on Bitchute. I never have done Facebook, Twitter, etc., and am very cautious of Youtube. They’re all controlled and censor geared against real truth. HOWEVER, aside of that, did anyone notice at about 5:03 in that video, I assume his demented wife, walks out to him and he whispers in her ear but HE DID NOT HAVE A MASK ON?!! OMG!!
Now, he’s got COVID-19!!! ????

By: No More Lies Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:36:41 +0000 BRUCE CAUN: Very good! Write up AND info you posted is in direct line of my beliefs. As a child, my parents would always watch the “news”( which, really meant “pound the lies and propaganda into people’s brains, repeatedly “) and, s as a child, I asked my mother one night while they were watching Walter Cronkite ” mom, why is he lying?”. She didn’t know what to say. I just saw this in their eyes as they told something untrue every night! Then, it was Vietnam War. It didn’t start there tho. And, it hasn’t ended. Revolution started at the White House. It seems THATS all they listened to. Now, if no surprise, they want to prosecute, label people’s and make loud statements that “Were the government and you can’t this to us. Only WE can conduct criminal activity”. What’s changed about all this today? Not much. Just weakening the mainstream media/news watchers by repeated airing of lies, extreme drama, false numbers/results and, of course…, FEAR! My neighbors are 94 and they haven’t gone out much in nearly a year. S their child has said “they’ll be so much better when they can get the vaccine”.
Just saddens me that people buy that BS.
Time for a wise generation to match in force for our freedom. And overturn the” innocent until proven guilty, bullshit lie”. It ALWAYS been” guilty until the crooked system has proven you innocent”! IF they do.
