Comments on: Lockdown extremism: an obsession for the insane and the fascists Tue, 26 Jan 2021 08:55:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frank G L Tue, 26 Jan 2021 08:55:30 +0000 There are MANY vitamin D studies, articles relating to covid, respiratory tract infections.

Couple of random ones:
January 25, 2021
Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased COVID-19 risk

Study finds over 80% of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency

British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain

By: Frank G L Mon, 25 Jan 2021 14:50:10 +0000 To an extent, certainly, Judy. It’s a major factor in particularly respiratory issues, but also the body as a whole due to it being key to genetic regulation.

The overall (simplified) view is like this (imo). Your body has essential needs to function. If those needs aren’t met, things start breaking (DNA strand breaks, often to RNA, truncation, protein ejections, mutations). Now, the needs can easily be exceeded too (as the need for say, plutonium or iodine-131 is zero), which results in toxicity, locking out of other elements and functions, unnecessary metabolic stress, etc.

Anyway, so vitamin D is rather important for hormonal and genetic regulation, ATP function (energy levels). If your ATP function suffers, it is usually related to the aforementioned breakages. You (and others) might notice that ALL people with “viral” infections have sub-optimal mitochondrial/ATP metabolic function. They ALWAYS have deficiencies or toxicity, too.

Which is to say, in my random lunatic opinion, similar to Jon’s. Mostly based on Bechamp, with “Terrain theory” seeing the body as an environment which needs to be balanced, sustainedm as an analogy. With that I mean, viruses simply aren’t what “they” say. Viruses are not infectious in the way they claim. Imo, they are internal results from the damage described in the previous paragraphs, with the processes and factors involved dictating what sort of breakage occurs. Like a “signature” of damage…which they then sometimes classify as a virus.

You can find pathogenic results from ANY number of toxic elements, processes, methodologies (which works nicely as a parallel to the “Terrain theory”. Swine flu for instance spawned from bovine cannibalism (because big agriculture is of course toxic in everything they do). Same with bird flus, a result of toxic environment,food, practices.

In fact, I would suggest EVERY “outbreak” of ANYTHING you can think of, EVER is similar.

Polio for example, mostly related to toxicity. Black Death? Industrial toxicity.

Another clue about that is reading the side-effects list of the MMR vaccine. What it suggests, makes what I’m saying PATENTLY clear. Why? Because if you look at the (appallingly long list of) adverse effects of the MMR vaccine (linked here: ), you will find “viral” issues NOT EVEN RELATED to that vaccine, as side effects.

By: Grant Mon, 25 Jan 2021 11:13:16 +0000 The real question is are viruses inside of you all the time and unable to catch any? and why is Germ Theory and Terrain Theory so much controversy on both?

Now Biden is President interesting that WHO after a year finally admits that the RT-PCR is getting many False Positives due to the the Cycle Threshold is around 40. Does anyone believe like I do that this will now make Biden the Covid 19 Saviour when numbers start to drop? How also ironic that is also mRNA Vaccines now approved by FDA for EUA use.

Jon is spot on that mRNA Vaccines is only for mild symptoms only can not stop the spread or severe symptoms what about Asymptomatics seems to pointless to get those Vaccines because in the end will get those mild symptoms. Interesting to stop the mild symptoms going to end up getting it or severe reaction or even death. Where’s the logic in that ????????????

By: paranoid goy Mon, 25 Jan 2021 08:30:33 +0000 You are very well educated by Montessori standards? If you shut down a farm for a week the entire year is wasted. If you shut down a foundry for a week, you can dynamite it and build a new one. If you stop sewege for a week, you will spend months clearing up before it starts up again.
Life is different for those who do actual productive work, than it is for those sitting in a cubicle doing rote work they hate because it seems ultimatley senseless.
In essence, bro’ (say brah) you are inciting civil discord and infrastructure destruction, which is a punishable crime. And implicating everyone around you.
Instead of asking for ideas, maybe you should go sit down and read some stuff that teaches you, instead of just entertainment and porn?

By: Bernard Fisher Mon, 25 Jan 2021 08:17:01 +0000 Thanks, Jon. with regards to the statements made that the SARS-COV2/ Covid 19 has not been shown to have been isolated and identified I read with interest about an Australian scientist that states that it has. I’m interested in what is happening; either it is or it isn’t. this is the link:
I would be really interested whether this is a sleigh of hand!

By: Jean Wilson Sun, 24 Jan 2021 21:27:49 +0000 Does hand sanitizer cause or increase risk of lung disease diagnosed as covid?

The regular use of many disinfectants can increase your risk of developing lung diseases. This long term study was completed before the virtual virus arrived. Now that many of us use ‘hand sanitizers’ often, I wonder what effect is this having on our health?

Could it be that the ‘infectious cases’ of so-called covid are a result of too much hand-sanitizer? And we’re told that masks will protect us!

A 30-year study conducted by researchers at Harvard University alongside researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) found that regular use of bleach and other commonly used disinfectants can increase your chances of developing fatal lung disease. The study found that those who used these types of products just once a week had up to a 32% increased chance of developing the condition.

As far as deaths go, 25,000 people a year die from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in England. This number represents the third highest death rate from the disease. This study is thought to be the very first to identify such a link between COPD and specific cleaning products/chemicals known as “quaternary ammonium compounds (quats).”

Earlier studies have found a link between asthma and exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants at home, such as bleach and sprays. We found that use of several specific disinfectants was associated with higher risk of COPD development; these included hypochlorite bleach (chlorine), hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and quaternary ammonium compounds (commonly used for low-level disinfection of noncritical items, such as environmental surfaces) and glutaraldehyde (used for high-level disinfection). Several of these exposures often occurred concurrently, and disentangling the role of each product was challenging.

When studying combinations of exposure to specific disinfectants, it was found the highest risks of COPD incidence among nurses exposed to hypochlorite bleach or hydrogen peroxide and in those combining these exposures with exposure to aldehydes. Both the chemical properties of specific products and the greater number of products used could explain these elevated risks. Moreover, all of the agents that were associated with COPD incidence when evaluated separately have been described as airway irritants.”

article by Arjun Walia

By: Judy Cross Sun, 24 Jan 2021 20:54:22 +0000 I can’t help but wonder if both colds and flu aren’t a sign of Vit. D deficiency:

By: Arby Sun, 24 Jan 2021 17:56:52 +0000 Nicely done Jon. Thanks!

By: Bob Sun, 24 Jan 2021 14:57:36 +0000 No, Jon, the obsession is for the insane and the communists, not the fascists. This is pure communist totalitarianism. Nothing more, nothing less. COVIDIOCY is a continuation of the HIV hysteria. No virus ever proven.

By: george Sun, 24 Jan 2021 13:34:34 +0000 computer graphic can be as real as a picture today
