Comments on: How is Joe Biden like a ham sandwich? Sat, 30 Jan 2021 14:36:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Osborne Sat, 30 Jan 2021 14:36:22 +0000 Didn’t Saul Alinsky pull a lunch counter scam like this in his younger days?

By: James Sun, 24 Jan 2021 19:50:32 +0000 Clearly it’s the fault of the ham sandwich for allowing itself to be stolen and then eaten . Where’s the personal responsibility ?
Indict the ham sandwich now !

By: Tim_2A Sun, 24 Jan 2021 16:30:54 +0000 Lamberth-

I nearly wrote ‘spear-pointed,’ rather than “curly,” but swine, rather than ham, was the theme I followed.

Someone likened B’s eyes to Satan’s, but who can say THAT, with any certainty?

We CAN say THIS: Even by our cursory ‘long-distance’ observation of B’s slurring, stammering, confusion, his often repetitious and sometimes nonsensical phrase usage, and his increasingly combative personality, it’s clear that he’s demonstrating mental instability.

I know, those’re all prerequisites for long-term government service, B, but after 35+ years, it’s time to PLEASE “…give (us) a break, man!”

I’ve heard that he’s always been a jerk, though, so is any of this stuff new?

I’ll still say again what I see happening: B’s Oval Office occupation, as a PLACEHOLDER, will last SIX MONTHS MAXIMUM, before his INEVITABLE permanently debilitating brain issue, or at least that’s what we’ll be told.

Did you mean ‘RB,’ (the stuff in a can), as the “red energy drink,” or are you referring to ‘red blood?’ Blood DOES represent ‘life energy’ to Luciferians.

As we witness the fact that he’s brought Fau(x)ci back into ‘power,’ it means they’re ‘ramping up’ their DEMOCIDE, through mandatory pharmaceutical poisoning, AND ITS CONCURRENT INFANTICIDE.


Some haikus:

“Empty Chair”

-The ‘office’ is filled.
-National BLOOD has been spilled.
-Media? They’re THRILLED.

“Why Would I Care?”

-“Facts?? Don’t abuse me!”
-“You’d better just amuse me!”
-“Truth will confuse me!”

“Time, For Hunter!!”

-‘Fibbies?’ Won’t convict.
-What would YOU predict?

“Liberty, Or Death”

-Freedom’s TRUTH is just.
-HALT the tyrants’ greedful lust.
-In God, place your trust.

By: lamberth Sat, 23 Jan 2021 22:54:55 +0000 Tim_2A,
“Maybe he’s a vegetable, though.”
Maybe a fruit. Lemon.

“cloven hooves and curly tail”.
Yeah, put Viking Man’s attire onto Biden and you’re getting pretty close to Baphomet. Just needs the red energy drink to grow the missing bits. It will be provided in sufficient doses, handy when you own the brewery.

By: Jim Sat, 23 Jan 2021 22:12:52 +0000 And the WHO has now issued new guidelines for the coronavirus to lower false positives. I guess biden will get credit for this. This whole thing is just so ridiculous that I can’t feel any sympathy for those stupid enough to buy into it. Stupidity and liberty don’t mix.

By: rolf watness Sat, 23 Jan 2021 17:51:19 +0000 Arf wit der’aidz!!

By: THX1138 Sat, 23 Jan 2021 15:22:31 +0000 From ancient history:
It is an old joke that a Grand Jury would indict a ham sandwich if you wanted them to. The joke comes from the reality that Grand Jury proceedings are kind of a sham.

First, the burden of proof at a Grand Jury proceeding is probable cause. The prosecutor must prove that there is probable cause to bring criminal charges against the Defendant. Probable cause is the lowest burden of proof. The only burden of proof lower is ‘reasonable suspicion’. The burden an officer must have to stop a vehicle for example.

Second, neither a defense attorney, nor the defendant himself can be present at the Grand Jury proceeding. The proceedings are closed proceedings. You can imagine what the consequences are when you have one hand clapping. The prosecutor’s bias view rules the day. There are rules of conduct that require the prosecutor to present evidence in mitigation, but you can only imagine the half hearted presentation that this evidence is given.

Consequently, anytime a prosecutor wants to indict a Defendant on a felony charge, he can do so. It is a very rare occurrence for a Grand Jury to refuse to indict a Defendant.

That is what is so interesting about the Ferguson case. Why didn’t the Grand Jury indict the officer that shot Michael Brown? At a minimum it appears that there were conflicting statements from witnesses, some witnesses that say that Michael Brown was surrendering and still being shot. Whether these witnesses are credible or not, why didn’t the grand jury at least find probable cause? Did the prosecutor sabotage his own case in order to shift blame from himself to the Grand Jury? Now the prosecutor can say, well I tried to charge the officer, but the Grand Jury refused to find probable cause.

What bothers me the most is not that the Grand Jury failed to indict the officer. What bothers me is that under no circumstances would a Grand Jury have failed to indict anyone else that wasn’t wearing a badge. There is a double standard in our country when it comes to self defense. When an officer of the law defends himself, he is nearly always given the benefit of the doubt, and nearly always cleared of any wrong doing. Anytime any other citizen defends themselves they face the very real possibility that they will be charged and convicted of murder.

By: THX1138 Sat, 23 Jan 2021 15:15:56 +0000 Two legs good, four legs bad.

By: Jim Sat, 23 Jan 2021 14:54:07 +0000 A red herring. Do you really think you have information that no one else has figured out?

By: Markos Sat, 23 Jan 2021 12:44:49 +0000 Who’s the bigger thief, the one that runs off with the sandwich or the many that use fraudulent funds to steal it?
