Comments on: SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist: the shocking research of Christine Massey Fri, 11 Jun 2021 02:47:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chiclette Fri, 11 Jun 2021 02:47:11 +0000 Exactly! Why haven’t they come up with a good to excellent test and why are they not allowing proven meds to be given in the first 3 days of diagnosis? Why? Crimes against humanity!

By: Chiclette Fri, 11 Jun 2021 02:43:22 +0000 So true! Getting free money has a tendency to do that. I only donated a few times till the light bulb went off and I arrived at the same conclusion as you!

By: Wally Peterson Thu, 11 Feb 2021 14:55:17 +0000 I’m not a scientist nor did I read through every comment before this. I don’t believe anything that’s been said about this supposed pandemic, but I also don’t know for sure what the truth is.

To this specific article/post, my hangup is with this that I found from last June –

It states in part, “We also deposited the virus into 2 virus repositories, making it broadly available to the public health and research communities.”

Is this true or does anyone know the explanation that reconciles this with the assertion of the virus having not been isolated? I appreciate any help.

By: M Smith Wed, 10 Feb 2021 19:48:06 +0000 Yes, when will the tribunals begin. It’s so sad to see all these zombies reading : spewing the same lies everyday.

The elected servants come on with the same lies. This is more than tyranny and something needs to be done.

By: Kanaka108 Tue, 09 Feb 2021 07:18:23 +0000 Some one now make a book for this issue, there is enough informations to show and class in a nice way.

By: Kanaka108 Sat, 06 Feb 2021 20:46:07 +0000 Can you explain more these 2 reasons? I would like to understand them.

By: Kanaka108 Sat, 06 Feb 2021 20:40:26 +0000 It’s easy to see that they call isolation a mixing of something with something else. So just the opposite of what isolation means. This is a scientific fraud.
You can see it right there in this paper.

By: Dennis Mon, 01 Feb 2021 01:55:45 +0000 I was very very sick for 8 days, starting Dec 28 then went to the hospital for a week and diagnosed with covid and now home going on third week after hospital discharge, home on oxygen and essentially bed rest still weak and breathless after the slightest physical exertion. I’m 67 other than severe pain issues due to previous neck and back fractures I was in good health. Now after losing 35 pounds since Dec 28 and losing all my strength, the Doctor says I am recovering and that could take several more months. This wasn’t the flu this was far worse.

By: Frank G L Sun, 31 Jan 2021 12:01:26 +0000

By: Norm Sun, 31 Jan 2021 04:54:44 +0000 confirms rapid increase of death count near the end of 2020:

The page does have the following note on delayed death counts:

Note: Provisional death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics as of January 6, 2021. Death counts are delayed and may differ from other published sources (see Technical Notes). Counts will be updated every Wednesday by 5pm. Additional information will be added to this site as available.

“As of January 4, 2021, the tables and datasets on this page include data from January 2020 through the present data period. Cumulative death totals will be higher than previous reports which were restricted to include data from the week ending February 1, 2020.”
