I was thinking of applying it to vaccines on the basis of their outstanding safety record. To some degree, thanks to the transparent testing, design and analysis.
Now, it occured to me that, of course vaccines are absolutely crucial in mitigating and preventing potential disease, regardless of age, health status, environment or underlying problems. They are, de facto, known to be only fundamentally essential method to cure and prevent diseases, even wipe them out.
I would recommend a significantly broader voluntary vaccination program, as the mRNA basis, according to proponents can potentially be used for any disease, even future or as yet unknown disease.
Based on the reasoning that the vaccines require two shots to be more effective, invariably a more regular vaccination habit would naturally evolve as people recognize the need to include vaccines as part of essential nutritional needs or RDA.
]]>I hope you used a pseudonym to sign your letter.
Ben Dover.
“Since vaccines are a scarce resource they should be prioritized on the basis of need.
Last year, China showed the world the right way with mass lockdowns, beatings and imprisonment for violators. Now once again China schools the west with anal swab testing for Covid 19.
According to Li Tongzeng, deputy director, respiratory and infectious diseases, Beijing Youan Hospital (as reported in Forbes) anal swabbing is more accurate than nasal. Given vaccines don’t prevent transmission but mitigate symptoms, science demands stool samples be utilized to equitably order vaccine administration. [ Here even though transmission is irrelevant to my narrative, I included this information since it is imperative people understand this and it would be censored if it appeared per se ]
I therefore petition our political leadership (both parties), Big Tech Execs and Network Anchors to lead by example and take the anal swab test publicly, as they do in China. This is not the time for procrastination but patriotic action, so that together we can achieve President Biden’s dream of Building Back Better.”
]]>Feb 16th,
Mar 1st – ???,
Mar 20th,
Apr 20th,
May 1st,
Jun 19th/20th,
. . .
My own “matrix-sense” tells me that this year is going to see some real eye-openers for those who are still awake, aware, and alive. – I REALLY do not like what I am see developing! Call me crazy, paranoid, nuts, or whatever other dismissives and pejoratives you can conjure up.
I told my friends about the year 2020 – well before we headed into it (as of about the Fall of 2019) – and THEY know what I’m talking about. It’s either far more of us awaken NOW, and take positive, constructive action to remedy this downward trend – OR – We as a species of any kind can forget it all! My only question going into the early part of last year was: “If this was the real BIG PUSH, or just another grandiose ‘dress-rehearsal“. By March of 2020 – I was able to conclude it WAS “The Big Push forward toward utter globalism.” Again, those who talked to about it back then, know exactly what I was on to – THEN.
Please take great care of yourself! YOU have been a huge inspiration to me and many other fine Americans, by doing the best that you do well, every day. – I have a personal saying for just such the sort of People: “To provoke thinking, and provide rational reasoning as the compass of direction – in these mad times!”
– Jim S. (with a Dragon’s In-Sight)