Comments on: The non-existent virus: it undercuts all other stories Sun, 07 Feb 2021 00:28:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim_2A Sun, 07 Feb 2021 00:28:23 +0000 Doctor-

Jon has cited his sources MANY times. Just read some of his previous postings.

I say, SCREW your “opponents.” Just let them do what they want (they will anyway), and you, YOURSELF, BE AN INDIVIDUAL, not a mindless herd animal.

Those detractors of yours should read NMFN for themselves, by the way, as they’re what I’d assume are (hopefully?) the ‘sole proprietors’ of THEIR OWN MINDS. That is, unless they’re unable (or UNWILLING) to grasp the concept of posessing a FREE mind.

That way of thinking is what has made, and WILL ALWAYS KEEP, the government(s) happy.

By: Alan Sat, 06 Feb 2021 16:05:20 +0000 You know, when they promoted the name “novel” coronavirus, the meaning “fiction” is what they have in mind, while they know that every unsuspecting person out there will read it as “new”. It’s a language trap, deliberate and wicked. That’s the way Satanists flaunt their ploys: just right there for everyone to see, yet most fail to see it for one reason or another. Wicked.

By: Sandman Sat, 06 Feb 2021 00:11:17 +0000 Dr Gold was arrested in DC on Jan. 6th at the ”insurrection.” Does anyone here know the outcome of that?

By: Linda Fri, 05 Feb 2021 16:12:52 +0000 Ah, but Dean Koontz did! Oddly, when his novel was republished in 1997, one change was made. The virus which in the original novel originated in Russia, was changed to originate from Wuhan, China. Imagine that.

By: JohnnyZ Fri, 05 Feb 2021 00:16:54 +0000 Spot on!

By: JohnnyZ Fri, 05 Feb 2021 00:15:07 +0000 You are spot on. 5-6 years of research now. Our realm is based on a plane. Constellations are not called such for no reason. Etc.

By: JohnnyZ Fri, 05 Feb 2021 00:10:49 +0000 Hi Nick, I am not Russiam, bit I can tell you that the satanic psychopaths (“the elite”) are not lying only about 1 thing (viruses), but about evrything. Thus, our realm is based on a plane, not a spinning ball in endless dark “space”. The “science” there is even much easier to debunk than Rickefeller “medicine”. Once you grasp it, you wont be easily fooled by anything anymore.

By: JohnnyZ Thu, 04 Feb 2021 23:51:32 +0000 Well it is the same guys that promoted the choir boys before. Now it is fascism 2.0 (technofascism). 1984 here we come.

By: Frank G L Thu, 04 Feb 2021 16:41:51 +0000 Yeah I know about much of that, and don’t disagree much with your opinions.

They use various forms of imposition, threats, blackmail, inconveniences, demonizations, subterfuge, subvesions to try and shame, guilt, attack you as that lowly antisocial luddite (non-conformist, non-robot person with an actual soul) to get you to adhere to their singular notions (that I believe are born from a collective insecurity). Because that is all they have, they ARE robots.

Anything OTHER than 0s and 1s really bugs them. They can have their 0s and 1s I’ll have everything in-between, thanks.

See, unlike them, I understand the fundamental quantum operator of division by zero. Analogue is ALL, digital a tiny, entropic reject aspect.

BUT, it is easy to dictate.

This is also why they try to homogenize things. I’ll try to suggest that in sort of crystallizing form.

If you have 240 million citizens split in two groups, who are in their respective groups, incredibly similar due to that homogenization (even if it is polarized, as polarity is literally mirrored), …such as with republicans and democrats, OTHER than having underlying similarities…then all you have to do is essentially pander, study, consider and manipulate 2 people.

One “ideal” republican, and one “ideal” democrat.

The same principles apply in ALL their attempts at consolidation, as the borg they are (and I’m not talking about those they consider subjects). They read scripts. They have no will.

In that case, it is like a dualism between mob ego (as in gangsters, sociopaths, etc) and ego mob (the conformist individuals).

While it’s a bit vague, I hope you can understand how that relates to the two classes they speak of.

By: Sandy Will8ams Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:38:30 +0000 Bingo. History proves your points as facts. What is driving this, who is controlling the on and off switch? Money and power at the highest levels of the world, global leaders: World Bank, IMF, FED, WEF, Davos, WHO, UN. And you can hear and read about the digital all contactless currency, life, one centralized global world in their own words. All the media gets their talking points, orders from them. Doctors, noble prize scientists going off script to tell the truth are fired, reassigned or worse. We in US blessed not to have had ground wars since Civil War but at war elsewhere for over 200 years with partners conquering rest of planet…middle east for my lifetime, 66 yrs with no end. China Mao revolution. It’s endless. Weather geoengineering too. Can look up weather control companies online. TPTB are almost done through technocracy wiring the entire planet, human race for biohacking humans, interfacing humans mind, body with machines. robots. Listen to them at their last Davos in person meeting Dec. 2020, talk given by historian futurist talk about the elite class (them) and “useless class” becoming irrelevant in future if we don’t consent to digital biologically data connected world. So to close the deal all logic, reason thrown out. I recommend you follow Whitney Webb of The Last American Vagabond, podcast “Dump Davos #1 Data colonialism and hackable humans” for speech and analysis. Refers to us as rats. Jon is 1 of the bravest truthtellers of our age exposing medical fraud propaganda at the rotten root of the tree. Catherine Austin-Fitts exposes the financial global money flows proving this. And to connect man and machine humans need to resonate with machines through metals and soup of toxins in food, vaccines, air, water 24/7 in front of screens with invisible satellites connecting it all. Makes sense to a psychopathic power mad elite who make the 3rd reich look like choir boys. And in speech they admit that too, it has always been goal and now they have capability. Keep the faith. Nature. Infinite intelligence rules the world not them.
