Comments on: If there is no virus, what is the test testing for? Thu, 11 Feb 2021 18:44:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Thu, 11 Feb 2021 18:44:41 +0000 Jon, what do you make of this?

By: Noneoftheabove Mon, 08 Feb 2021 23:04:25 +0000 What slick writing! “In order for our immune system to work properly, one must take the vaccine.”

Thank you for your response, “In order for the immune system to attack the body, as that is what we designed the vaccine for by hijacking protein production, the vaccine is necessary.”

Rarely do people notice that prescription meds don’t heal, they just maintain your chronic condition (diabetes, lupus, thyroid problems, asthma, Alzheimer’s, glaucoma) and furthermore, no doctor has any idea how these conditions or your cancer arose. Ditto for your pets! Perhaps via vaccines and annual boosters?

By: Jan Mon, 08 Feb 2021 16:06:14 +0000 The PCR test is not meaningless — to them! It’s the lynchpin of their scam.

Even though the (less than illustrious) BMJ published an editorial on 13 Nov 2020, entitled Covid 19: politicisation, “corruption” and suppression of science, in which it called the test “suboptimal” and that it fell “well short of performance claims made by its manufacturers”, the raging floodwaters of lies swirling around the scam pull under all who wade in to counter them.

When I’ve heard with my own ears — all in the last several days — from relatives, neighbors and strangers stating “I cant wait” or “it’ll be here soon” (referring to the “vacc”) I realize the deluded are that way because they don’t want their comfort zone of unquestioning trust disrupted by something as insignificant as truth.

By: Joe F. Sun, 07 Feb 2021 01:48:13 +0000 I am glad you are writing a reply. Yes, saying that a vaccine (or experimental gene therapy/biological warfare agent, as in this case) will make one’s immune system work properly is a bit absurd. And the newspaper that published this work of genius? One wonders about them, too.

Here’s another example of a shocking level of ignorance: On a local Detroit PBS station, a commentator recently displayed a graphic on the TV screen that said .26 percent of people over age 75 die of covid. Then he said, “That means that 26 percent of the people in this group have died.” I thought to myself, “This 50-something man never learned decimals?”

The problem is how to correct all the ignorance. I don’t know how it can be done. I think we are about to see a massive die-off of the less educated and conscious people–those who will take the deadly covid vaccine because they don’t know any better. The people who are left will be the smarter ones. If I were the killers/controllers/NWO/WEF/WHO, I would keep the dumber ones around, as they might make better slaves. But, then, no one has asked my opinion. I freely offer it, anyway.

By: Tim_2A Sat, 06 Feb 2021 22:36:03 +0000 I think “Hyden” is the former (and NOT missed) “Hayden,” and is now ‘hidin’ AS “Hyden.” Verrry smooth…oh, yeah, sure.

The ‘two’ share a similar style, and a lackadaisical attitude, but MAYBE I’m wrong?

If I’m NOT, “Hyden,” I caught you, now would you PLEASE grow up??

By: Contra el Encierro Sat, 06 Feb 2021 20:37:44 +0000 I had doubts on this question: “Does the increase in the number of cycles of the pcr test inevitably mean that we will end up getting a positive result whatever the sample we are testing?” Dr. Stefan Lanka says yes: Even if we are testing a pure water sample or a vodka sample: (part 1) and

By: oranje Sat, 06 Feb 2021 10:39:08 +0000 b1tchute.c@m

search they once were the living

By: oranje Sat, 06 Feb 2021 09:59:46 +0000 Hyden:
Not spelling mistakes;

wrong words. Sorry you don’t give a damn.

By: Jim S Smith Sat, 06 Feb 2021 08:03:31 +0000 Not too to mention that the very short nucleotides, AKA: “protein/RNA fragments” – by use of the CDC’s B.L.A.S.T. sequencing system – can be found to be common to hundreds of different species of life, as well as commonly found in around ninety percent of the human genome (in support of @Frank’s statement too).

When a Papaya, tissue from a goat, and other unusual sources can somehow come up “positive” for SARS-NCOV2/”COVID-19″ on RT-PCR assay, there is definitely something very wrong with the testing protocol, let alone any theory on its application!

By: Hyden Fri, 05 Feb 2021 20:12:36 +0000 Oranje, you talk of education lol as Albert Einstein said, “only thing that stops my learning, is my education.”

put that in ya pipe and smoke it lol
