Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: My interviews on space-time manipulation Sun, 07 Feb 2021 09:56:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Sun, 07 Feb 2021 09:56:50 +0000 Either way, Larry…

One’s gonna get f@#*ed.

Cheesy smile…

By: Larry C Sat, 06 Feb 2021 19:00:20 +0000 “Q: What’s the difference between a prostitute and a mainstream media pundit?

A: One gets paid handfuls of cash to do shameful and degrading things which tear apart the fabric of society, the other earns an honest living as a sex worker.”


By: Paul Sat, 06 Feb 2021 13:57:25 +0000 , & I hastily go to Goggle search & type in: Nancy????-GPS-Where's Waldo?-Her Paralyzing????Effect ???? Upon The Cosmic Firmament. a nanosecond, I get an answer: "Miss Pelosi ???? is presently serving The World ???? in Her Greatest Capacity." I reflexively shake my head in a back-n-forth "NO" manner, grit my fangled coffee-stained teeth, squint my bloodshot weary eyes like Clint Eastwood & whisper doubting-ly to myself "Now THAT...doesn't..sound..right." I then hear an aged ???? serpentine voice, located just behind me, slither all-too-conspiratorially "Is that YOU? donut ???? thief!" Startled by her flinty-voiced macro-aggression, I scream, "It was only one????." (Actually, it was 3). All of a sudden, AC 360 ???? comes speeding up star-board side, on a Jet Ski wearing a feathered neck boa, sans Covid mask. (I know I know I didn't expect it either, not wearing a mask!) Lady Nance ???? then runs awkwardly along the ship's deck with a blind-heading bow-ward, screaming at AC for not-wearing a mask. Too caught up in her petulant arm-swinging harangue at the boy correspondent, she fails to notice the approaching curving white-painted metal tri-rail as it conforms to the bow's contour. Well, Miss Daisy meets henceforth said rail, & hard. Though not a sailor, she does indeed sail off the ship's bow, & now finds herself careening air-bound????. Meanwhile, AC, ever-green in his thinking, wants to protect any swimming toothy sharks ???? in the muddy Hudson's non-depths from a splashing ingress from Miss Nancy "of The Eternal Sea" (hint: think Greg Peck's Omen) & posits his plastic sea chariot beneath the flailing, cursing, & descending Miss Jane Hathaway. Miraculously, she lands onto the back seat of AC's charger ????. As they speed away, I hear her say to AC, "God! you're pale." AC replies, "Why do ya always have to hurt." ???? meow]]> “Space and time are elastic.”

OK… so I want to get a breath of fresh air to clear my head from CNN’s Impending Impeachment coverage & the endless, sanctimonious rant of one Miss Pelosi as she unduly professes her keep at maintaining liberty’s shining
???? that she proclaims from her own personal domed marbled cathedral…so I step outside into the Sunshine ????.

I take a deep breath, get dizzy, pass out, fall, clunk my withered head, then find myself transported onto a Circle Line ship ????. (These commercial vessels travel up/down NY’s Hudson River ???? viewing the sights, while a disembodied voice describes the local sites & scenes????over a PA system).

Strangely, I now believe I hear “The Voice” of one Miss Pelosi ????, acting as the ship’s dis-corporate ghostly Ghoul-Voice, guiding we ship-bound unfortunates, on what-we-are-supposed-to-be seeing in the American landscape, prior to catastrophic ship wreck.

Luckily, I had my phone ☎️, & I hastily go to Goggle search & type in: Nancy????-GPS-Where’s Waldo?-Her Paralyzing????Effect ???? Upon The Cosmic Firmament.

Well…in a nanosecond, I get an answer: “Miss Pelosi ???? is presently serving The World ???? in Her Greatest Capacity.”

I reflexively shake my head in a back-n-forth “NO” manner, grit my fangled coffee-stained teeth, squint my bloodshot weary eyes like Clint Eastwood & whisper doubting-ly to myself “Now THAT…doesn’t..sound..right.”

I then hear an aged ???? serpentine voice, located just behind me, slither all-too-conspiratorially “Is that YOU? donut ???? thief!”

Startled by her flinty-voiced macro-aggression, I scream, “It was only one????.” (Actually, it was 3).

All of a sudden, AC 360 ???? comes speeding up star-board side, on a Jet Ski wearing a feathered neck boa, sans Covid mask. (I know I know I didn’t expect it either, not wearing a mask!)

Lady Nance ???? then runs awkwardly along the ship’s deck with a blind-heading bow-ward, screaming at AC for not-wearing a mask. Too caught up in her petulant arm-swinging harangue at the boy correspondent, she fails to notice the approaching curving white-painted metal tri-rail as it conforms to the bow’s contour.

Well, Miss Daisy meets henceforth said rail, & hard. Though not a sailor, she does indeed sail off the ship’s bow, & now finds herself careening air-bound????.

Meanwhile, AC, ever-green in his thinking, wants to protect any swimming toothy sharks ???? in the muddy Hudson’s non-depths from a splashing ingress from Miss Nancy “of The Eternal Sea” (hint: think Greg Peck’s Omen) & posits his plastic sea chariot beneath the flailing, cursing, & descending Miss Jane Hathaway.

Miraculously, she lands onto the back seat of AC’s charger ????.

As they speed away, I hear her say to AC, “God! you’re pale.”

AC replies, “Why do ya always have to hurt.”

