Comments on: “Never-before-seen strange COVID symptoms”? Try using logic Wed, 17 Feb 2021 00:40:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lyn P Wed, 17 Feb 2021 00:40:15 +0000 So very sorry – definitely tragic. This is of course 40% of your sensory experience!

By: Lyn P Wed, 17 Feb 2021 00:37:39 +0000 Explore Dr David Martin’s work, now and going back 15 years, on the illegality of the CDC, NIH, etc. in these research and patent-producing criminal enterprises. If anyone is deserving of a full public Nuremburg 2.0 trial, it’s Fraud-Chi and Killer Gates.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:58:14 +0000 Thank you for the link!
To be honest, it would be very time consuming to type out an hour long interview.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:51:09 +0000 I’m sorry your son and his wife took the experiment…pray they are not permanently harmed.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:48:49 +0000 Nice to see the globalists have locked down so many countries and have brainwashed with propaganda so many ‘useful idiots’. Sadly the masses seem to believe their televisions and the controlled “news” instead of thinking with their brains. The US Constitution is totally ignored and our election was stolen (Though Trump is a Zionist freemason shill pretending to be Christian). We don’t have real choices for high up “elected’ officials anymore.

People have to get together en masse and ignore these laws! People in Utah did some ‘flashmob’ and went to a supermarket with no masks on and the media refused to report on it because it would give others ideas.
Strength in numbers, try to find others that do not agree with this trampling of our freedoms and go shopping with hundreds of other people if you dare to.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:44:11 +0000 Yeah and so is emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, the common cold and other flu viruses (notice they’ve magically disappeared?), now they’re all covid.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:42:35 +0000 YEP! I only got those symptoms after going to 8 stores and being exposed to 5G towers. Those are being put up like crazy.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:41:36 +0000 I’m going to wear underwear on my head for a mask. I bet nobody notices either.

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:41:03 +0000 Hmm…I always suspected cats, now I know the truth! Thanks my friend for clearing that up! 🙂

By: JennyM Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:24:57 +0000 World War 1 Spy Story from “Search For Health” by Tom Valentine. Explains why it was so deadly in hot countries (which did not have radio towers installed, they didn’t even have electricity back then in many countries). So be careful of your sources, they’re not all true all the time. I keep my mind open as well.
