Comments on: COVID: The predatory testing labs are complicit in the crime Mon, 08 Mar 2021 07:30:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: carolina Mon, 08 Mar 2021 07:30:43 +0000 You say the virus was not isolated, somebody sent me 2 sites that say it was, so what do you say now?

By: JM Mon, 22 Feb 2021 11:06:04 +0000 Personally, while in passing on business, I have witnessed a local medical office start turning people without symptoms away, denying them a “test” recently. They just tell the clueless fools that since they’ve been wearing their mask, they should keep doing so and they’ll be ok. In one case, it was a child who had been brought in because his school is refusing to let this kid come back until he gets a “test” due to his “potential exposure,” but the clinics refuse due to run it due to lack of symptoms.

For sure, there has been some sort of change here. Not, however, in the minds of the great masses, who are still as afraid as ever. That said, though, outside the local social services office, more and more signs are being put up every other day announcing “vaccines here,” etc. I don’t know if it’s simply the fact that they are still officially limiting it to elderly and medical staff around here, but the only people I’ve ever seen around there at any time of day that I pass by are a couple of cops, being paid to manage the crowd of nobody. The whole place looks abandoned besides the two of them.

By: Fakeologist Mon, 22 Feb 2021 01:44:20 +0000 Keep singing Rick! Come by our discord

By: Fakeologist Mon, 22 Feb 2021 01:43:36 +0000 Michigulag love it.

By: Bob Sat, 20 Feb 2021 17:58:07 +0000 It is time to take them all down and out of circulation—starting with the instigators of this farce, the global kosher banksters! This will stop the great reset and the world will be able to thrive and blossom again without this den of snakes.

By: Dianne Sat, 20 Feb 2021 06:58:05 +0000 Check out the website ..vaccine adverse event reporting system..use the Wonder search, you can pull up all reported deaths, and life threathening events after the people got the Covid vaccine. As of yesterday..1661 reported, with 799 deaths.

By: W. MacKenzie Fri, 19 Feb 2021 22:33:09 +0000 Jon:

I wrote health Canada asking what the standard is for labs doing testing. Here is the relevant bit from their response:

“Each laboratory across Canada that performs COVID-19 testing is responsible for setting its own quality standards. The RT-PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2 assays typically use 40 – 45 amplification cycles and this varies depending on platforms, assays being used and jurisdiction.”

By: trishwriter Fri, 19 Feb 2021 03:37:00 +0000 The PCR process/test is a most important cornerstone of the “covid” psychological operation. We were recently in the South and I noticed some churches offering this deceptive test, in their parking lots. I think the medical industry there is also targeting preachers, as so many preachers have “gotten it.” I can’t help but wonder if, when a preacher takes the test, his sample is automatically sent to a lab that uses over 40 cycles to process. Then, the preacher is “diagnosed” and suddenly, everybody knows that preachers don’t lie-lol. Voila! You have an entire church that has been deceived. And if anyone casts doubt, it’s “but the preacher almost died from it!” And of course, no one wants to defy the preacher.

By: dogismyth Fri, 19 Feb 2021 01:47:02 +0000 If you are so adamant about this being the truth, why not put it to the test and let us know what you find.

I would suggest finding several labs that will perform the test at different cycle rates and compare results. You get the jist of it. With data like that who can argue?

By: dogismyth Fri, 19 Feb 2021 01:43:42 +0000 You were making great arguments as usual until I read,

“History is littered with examples of faceless bureaucracies that have enabled leaders to commit crimes against humanity. Nazi Germany, the USSR, post-World War 2 East Germany. These days, China.

Unfortunately, you have missed the largest genoccide….the Bolsheviks in Soviet 1918 – 1948. Bolshevism = jewish tyranny. The tyranny was also present in Germany.

The evil monsters of this world are not what history has presented itself to you thru your schooling (indoctrination) but perhaps Britian, the US and Israel. So afraid to speak the truth after all these years and millions of innocent lives expunged by these true terrorist. Dresden…650,000 innocent civilians burned alive; 66 million die in Soviet from the Bolshevik jewish tyranny; how about dropping experimental atomic weapons on two civilian cities in Japan? did I forget Falujah….where radioactive depleted munitions used on Iraqis will leave a lasting effect for hundreds years, not to mention the thousands and thousands that have birth defects or radiation poisoning. Shall I go on.

So please be careful what you write until you have a good grasp of the facts.
