Comments on: Yes, the NY Times exposed the PCR test Sat, 27 Mar 2021 11:20:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Seabreeze Vapor Sat, 27 Mar 2021 11:20:46 +0000 Has anyone shopped at Just Blowin Steam Vape Shop & Lounge Vapor Store in 121 W Clay St?

By: River Mon, 22 Feb 2021 18:41:53 +0000 Hi Sue,

From what I’ve heard, and I’m not saying this is TRUE, but does anyone know if the vaccines themselves are carrying tags, or tracers, as I’ve heard them called?

By: Jello Mon, 22 Feb 2021 05:21:02 +0000 Lysine is also helpful to those who suffer with fever blister/cold sore outbreaks. And cats who have a common viral infection (sneezing & snotting), usually associated with cats from shelters, can be effectively treated with L-Lysine. Just FYI.

By: Mac Sun, 21 Feb 2021 14:34:05 +0000 Several core coms, burns, danu, walking, and don’t mean to overdo, just noting agendas as to supposed rankings, lawyers, docturs etc. Supposed govt and courts only made up last thousand or two years, life was not always this way. Lawyers and govt protect their cons, and medias push both. Lawyers never tell you about summary judgment or how cut to the chase, they drag you halfway to ‘trial’ then drop a case, and rankings on supposed docturs are to push vaxs and pharma chemical system. How do people not catch on as the lawyer you paid chitchats with other lawyer who’s out to destroy you. Or tells you settle when you shouldn’t, or pushes litigation when you should settle. The situations aren’t coincidence.

Supposed courts and lawyers have been a weapon system, many lawyers function to tank the good person in a case, and reward the crap people among us. Look at faces on avvo, similarity to criminals. The ten percent of lawyers somewhat real are busy, and get tanked by con lawyers and bogus courts. Point is those who say ‘I won’t get involved in court stuff’ or ‘won’t take the vaxs’, when people let conjob systems go on can’t escape being subjected to them, state lawyers and reams of bogus laws they scribbled claiming authority to force masks and vaxs and other agendas.

– That’s not to say we shouldn’t make effort, just saying things got this way because people don’t see situations as what they are. Didn’t write this for my health btw, but so if reasonates others can make notes to think on, or share in talking. Not on web, off web in real life. Making a few notes from other comments myself. Apologize lack of edit, need some soup, and crackers.

By: Jim S Smith Sat, 20 Feb 2021 18:12:44 +0000 is still trying to keep accurate historic copies. – They’re better than nothing.

By: michael burns Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:39:20 +0000 Why was Obi Wan Kenobi fired from his job as a marriage guidance counsellor?

He kept telling people to “use divorce”

By: michael burns Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:37:06 +0000 I have read everything Jon has written…
I have been frequenting this site for well on to ten years if not more…I have all three of Matrix programs. I have read and listened to his words every single day.

There is a bad and sometimes nasty flu! A rather tough flu that is rather testing on the old ones, along with the death panel idealism.

And COVID-19 is, the conflation of that yearly, that seasonal fact, along with other conflated numbers…the recent version is a bit tough to deal with, especially if you are comorbid or have weak immunity.

That fact can’t be denied.

COVID-19 is a rebranding of an old adversary to some, an old friend to others.
If someone is comorbid and in possible danger, the flu is deal with at an early stage? Then Ivermectin can be a miracle.

Strangely it is an anti-parasitic, which feeds into my own theory of the pneumonia so many experience as a virulent form of Staphylococcus aureus — normally a commensal organism in a healthy human which has become rather deadly globally and recently because of overuse and abuse of antibiotics by doctors and the patients. Along with other toxic problems that have enabled its deadly nature. It is alarming to find most people never complete the regiment of antibiotic treatment.

Have you noticed there is no flu this year and last…

COVID-19: the idea, the fear, the economy killer, the family destroyer and the polarizer of a population; the Great Resetter.
The virus, the religion based on scientism does not exist. But there is a bad flu the last few seasons, but never bad enough to take a vaccine.
Nothing is bad enough to take a vaccine.

The flu has always been a natural population control.

By: michael burns Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:00:47 +0000 Regards hhi:

“These people are generally atheists who believe in the scientific method, a belief that originated in the 17th century and has polluted all original thought…”

Eloquence is not my best suit, it’s difficult to get to; usually it on the top shelf, and such a bother to get to, but as someone keeps whispering in my ear “You get more flies with honey than a sledgehammer, so here goes…

‘These people’ such a derogatory term, a raspy twist of the tongue that been overused, I was impulsive and have an innate dislike of those who corrupt a thing. That being science. It is not the truth, but it is possible that it is as close as we might get to as humans to what we are, and what this wonderfully tragic thing is that we all seem to be part of, or not.

The scientific method was a purer truth than anything that had come along in quite some time, it served its purpose but is corrupted now, not out of the sense of the method, but in the fact that there are no honest men, at least not in the scientific field. Every single scientist has lost the ability to be objective (Specialization has killed the once fully developed and whole mind).

Freud when he lectured at Clark on his first visit to the US gave three lectures on consecutive nights of his recent hypotheses, in German. The house was packed each and every time. I doubt that would happen now. There has been a dilution of talent and a shortened and far too highly focused attention span on one thing now. To much hyperfocus.

Now don’t take that lightly (objectivity), that is a very difficult thing to do, to objectify oneself from what one is doing, takes great strength of character. And that kind of character is developed by being taught by those who have character. To be willing to toil away at, something so exciting that you believe you have discovered, something that has consumed you every waking moment and then, in the end, find you were misdirected by your own ego; you were wrong or, a pushy boss or a jealous thesis advisor misdirected you; an accolade or a tight schedule pushed far too hard; a bonus if it works, got in your way.
These are tough obstacles for young minds to navigate – and when the propaganda of the day is for one to be a geeky nerd who discovers something wonderful and save the world. Well, the allure is, almost drug-like. We have witnessed sitcoms that elevate the nerd to godlike status in the minds of the public.

And the human mind is driven by the narrative, it like stories, and it especially likes stories with a happy ending and success.

Science is the religion of technocrats — well actually scientism, science has been subverted and is bent twisted into a totally different thing, it is an amalgam of science and pure capitalism with a heavy perfuming of the social narrative. And generally, pure capitalism is the predominant aspect of this new religion, followed by the narrative as the science lags behind.

It’s a – in an Orwellian sort of doublespeak the language and the method of the new technocracy, the local, the colloquialism of this global government which is finally after so many years willing to admit openly that this is what it has been up to all these many, many decades if one looks close enough that is…

All through those many years since Newton, there have been gatekeepers who have made sure that the club kept clean of any interlocutors who might simply, raise a highly intelligent hand and say “But what if we look at this way?”

Science was bought and paid for at the beginning of this industrial paradigm, medicine and medical schools owned by the turn of the 19th century — the very moment Newton exclaimed his wisdom of the Universe to the ignorantly wealthy to avoid what truth that might bring to their hegemonic romp across the globe lusting oceans of wealth and the enormous power that it brings. They even built an institution to it and initiated only those who would submit to those at the top. A long illustrious career in obeyance brings great wealth and the accolades and adornments of a full career.

Take a look at the myriad of medals and honorary doctorates and knighthoods and such attached to the name of the Nazi, Klaus Schwab, the gate-keeper of the Great Reset, and initiator of the ‘new young global leaders’ being peppered across this global technocracy being built.

I have digressed… Since that time (Newton), is has been a constant corrupting by the immense wealth available, the immense wages and awards and medals and false merit easily available and bred into the bright young scientist since he was a child, whose soul has been thwarted in its natural evolution here…history is filled to the brim with the tragedies of the ones who would not submit, who were strong enough and had enough natural character to oppose the oppressing.

Science is owned and patented, life has ownership and cannot be used without the purchase or in many cases remains secret. Intellectual property is a thing, and in the end, we discover that Newton was not so right, that laws are not fixed and are evolving along with all the rest.

This is a story of evil as a substance as it is sprinkled into each and every human endeavour.

And now, the Big Tech 5, thwart innovation, the innovation that would make them obsolete.

Take, for instance, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and the well-funded, United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (UFWD). Which funds with enormous sums the ‘Thousand Talents Program’ (TTP).

The aim of the TTP is to drain the west of any and all of its top brains, and all its top and leading-edge scientists, and engineers, IT specialists, medical experts and medical scientists, and especially AI front runners. The CCP is the perfect technocratic society, an example for the technocrats.
It will pay enormous amounts to these experts to set up shop in China, with, position in a prominent university – usually as a head of a department and a stable of highly intelligent graduate students. And buckets of awards throughout a year, with a special dinner and visiting peers and gold watches and trips for the family etc, etc.

The lure is unbearable, temptation, it is ripe like winning the lottery, and scientific minds generally being atheists have no resistance, no real immunity to that corrupting factor. They are gifted physical people in what they believe, and have been taught it is a material universe, “Why not prosper from those scientific gifts, why not excel and become what ego desires? Why allow politics and nationhood to govern what should be a technocratic world run by scientists and engineers who know what the real truth is?”

And so, real science suffers and is denied. In the end, one is left with, ‘how to separate the corporation from the science and its continuing evolution; how to make all men honest or find a new way to understand the physical universe’.

By: michael burns Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:36:14 +0000 Find a new comment at the bottom…not enough space here hhi.

By: Larry C Fri, 19 Feb 2021 16:31:15 +0000 Chemist Kary Mullis invented the PCR test.

The PCR test is the Gold Standard for testing for COVID 19. (An estimated 95% of ALL tests for COVID 19, have used the Mullis PCR test.)

Mr. MillIS flatly declared that his PCR test – THE TEST HE DEVISED – could *not* be used to test for COVID 19.
