Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth Mon, 22 Feb 2021 20:21:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry C Mon, 22 Feb 2021 20:21:46 +0000 What’s with the Latin? (Pg. 12, figure 18)

By: Walking Dead Mon, 22 Feb 2021 14:58:31 +0000 Dwight, that was a very enlightening video. I do agree with what he says.

By: Plam Sun, 21 Feb 2021 18:36:54 +0000 Jon, this will interest you if you don’t know it yet.

The Rothschilds registered the patent for covid-19 tests back in … 2015.

( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 240,783 , filed on Oct.
13 , 2015.

By: Tim Sun, 21 Feb 2021 12:41:33 +0000 What happens in this world is distortion, warping, corruption, of The Real. Cheap inferior copy, counterfeit.
Basically any “ism” is bullshit. Any ideology is bullshit.

In Truth, we’re all the same, and we’re all part of THE ONE. Except not as one might interprete that statement in “earth” “human” terms, like robots or clones of each other, lame ,limited copies…actually we’re all like clones or fragments of GOD, within GOD, like GOD, in every way, GOD have given us everything IT has and IS, IT witholds nothing, and shares ALL, the difference between Us and IT is only in Magnitude.
IT can only Create like ITSELF. LOVE. IT IS WHAT IT IS. With no apologies.

Anything else is illusion, fantasy, dreaming,,, simply untrue and therefore unreal. Absolute Truth cannot be disconnected or at variance with Actual Reality. Denial of absolute Truth is then a denial of Reality and the slipping into the unknown and the unreal. The only unknown is that which is unreal. This world is that. But then, what “knowledge” can experiencing the unreal actually give? Nothing of real value in of itself.
Just the appreciation that GOD(and We) Is as GOD Is. And NOT like the imposter”god” of this world.

By: Larry C Sat, 20 Feb 2021 23:58:26 +0000 ALDOUS HUXLEY VIDEO:

By: BDBinc Sat, 20 Feb 2021 20:06:56 +0000 The force of unconsciousness( evil) like a downward pull feels alien to spirit.

By: BDBinc Sat, 20 Feb 2021 20:06:40 +0000 The key principal is the thinking and feeling of the individual manifests the world( the world is not objective it is being recreated every moment). Physics has proven the (consciousness of the) observer is not separate from the observed.
What is manifesting in this world is the collective state of humanity ( fear and so ignorance ). The chaos we see is the non working dysfunctional egoic systems breaking down.
The regressive state we are in is natural occurrence in consciousness one step back, to jump foward, nothing real is lost. And the more of us that are aware of our identity as consciousness/ awareness the shorter the regressive period will be.
The challenges are many and we label them ” bad” when humanity can’t grow without challenges. We humans created the challenges through our ignorance and disconnect .
We can blame other individuals( the bankster greedy ” evil” media spokespeople gates etc) that know the actual laws of manifestation and how to mind control/program . They can only control egoic minds as people that are awake to their real identity cannot be manipulated or controlled .Or we can be present without fear ready to co create a world from inner wisdom and love( not fear).

By: Plam Sat, 20 Feb 2021 19:32:09 +0000 The collective experiment failed in Easter Europe, in China and everywhere else. Did that stop them from adopting a new form of collective experiment? No.

More and more, I feel ashamed and sorry I was born part of the human specie.

By: Kevinmm Sat, 20 Feb 2021 18:56:00 +0000 It reminds me of when the introduction of the automobile came on the scene.
All the livelihoods involved in manufacturing the varieties of carriages and stagecoaches went belly up.
Out with the old, in with the new, and a painful transformative process.

However, the covid19 deal and a upgraded global societal control on steroids far outdoes the pains of developmental achievements.

I personally think they desire to have planet earth operating with a skeleton crew of essential workers.

By: Dwight joe Charlebois Sat, 20 Feb 2021 18:52:23 +0000 i can find plenty of other poeple who are making the effort to
wake us about our controllers .. or what i call the alien alliance..
this is the last reply i will do about this topic ..thank you JON !
very goodvideo about what i call the Alien Alliance ..and our agreement with them to
let them trick us and program us and generally play with us no matter how much we suffer..

How To Undo What the Archons Did & Regain Your Power ….
one hour 13 minutes…
Jun 4, 2015..

