Comments on: Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test Mon, 08 Mar 2021 05:58:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bib Mon, 08 Mar 2021 05:58:52 +0000 “.. the PCR test relied on for ‘diagnosing’ COVID19  – a test which was never designed or certified to be used as a virus diagnostic tool”…
also PCR rest is …”known to be incorrect 90 percent of the time….”

By: Ana Pereira Mon, 01 Mar 2021 21:35:06 +0000 I’m Portuguese and I say that this was only meant to foreign citizens. Natives aren’t allowed to escape PCR tests and in due time one won’t be allowed to work if tests and vaccines are not taken. This will be our future. No vax, no trave and no work at all.

By: Arby Sat, 27 Feb 2021 16:33:28 +0000 It’s not just about American. This is, as Giorgio Agamben (Italian philosopher whose tranlsated article can be found on D. Alan Dean’s Medium channel) has explained, the beginning of the roll-out of a global biosecurity police State. It’s also Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset (which re-packages the Green New Deal). With that, the technocrats will usher us all into the 4th industrial revolution, which will favor powerful capitalists while enslaving the rest of us.

Where we once had a reasonable mix of rights and obligations, now we will have only obligations and those will be framed in biomedical terms. Big Pharma has taken over the world. Of course, the members of the transnational capitalist (predator/parasite) class have varying interests but many of those overlap. Peter Thiel’s tech will help with Bill Gates’s enslavement of victims of his decade of vaccines. Elon Musk is down with all of this ‘fixing’ of yucky inferior biological humans. The police State (which pretty much all States are) like the idea of control, which makes their job of policing people, on behalf of the TCC, easier. Bankers are getting in on the act, because the alternative to their controlling the destruction of currencies is lose control of their corrupt system, with some of those players finding themselves in the crosshairs of lawyers and judges. So we are to get Chinese-style social credit, ubi (no doubt meager), while having our freedom of speech, freedom of movement and assembly, and bodily autonomy (Nuremberg Code) taken from us. As Jeffrey A. Tucker rightly noted, we are entering into a new feudalism. We’ll own nothing and have zero freedom and exist at the lord’s pleasure.

By: Arby Sat, 27 Feb 2021 16:20:28 +0000 I’ll go with Thomas Cowan who said that talking about false and true results from the PCR test misses the point. Everything connected with the PCR test, as it is being used, is false.

As for the hoax, it’s a big hoax. It’s criminal, harmful and utterly evil, as well as very destructive. That destruction isn’t over. As with any big job or problem, it’s made up of many smaller components. In the case of the covid 19 pandemic hoax, each hoax component is easy to see through. How did the hoaxsters’ pull it off then? That depended for its success on the dumbing down of the people and tv played a huge role in that. TV and people’s own failure to simply care. Caring means knowing.

By: hhi Fri, 26 Feb 2021 23:32:41 +0000 “Influenza virions therefore resemble exosomes both in their hydrodynamic properties and in their protein composition.”

Exosomes need to be stored at -70C, so how can “viruses” survive in open air when they have the same hydrodynamic properties ?

By: za ka lu Fri, 26 Feb 2021 17:57:05 +0000 bingo honest liberty—the game is rigged and all starts with us answering to the commercial NAME–

By: Martyg Fri, 26 Feb 2021 01:07:29 +0000 Gov Ron DeSantis of Florida and the Florida Health Dept is reportedly requiring the manufacturers of the PCR test kits used in that State to disclose the number of amplification cycles.

Florida is a relatively open state with regard to lockdown measures to the extent that Biden has unconstitutionally threatened to bar US citizens from traveling to Florida.

However, De Santis is clueless about the Covid-19 injection agenda, praising the rollout of the injections (bioweapons) to elderly Florida residents. My impression is that unlike other governors, DeSantis is not a willing collaborator in the injection population culling agenda burt is what the KGB called a, “useful idiot,” with regard to this specific issue. However, I concede that I may be wrong about this.

By: Benjamin Martin Thu, 25 Feb 2021 09:49:04 +0000 Well now Jon, this is certainly very curious…two of the three major rollout industries developing a ‘vaccine’ pill. (Well, perhaps given that the MRNA product isn’t really a vaccine, then there’s no reason to call this one by its proper name either.) Why might they be doing this, I wonder…

By: eduardo pinto leite Thu, 25 Feb 2021 09:37:44 +0000 Totally in agreement. The 34 page ruling is quite robust and doesn’t leave a lot of space to the authorities to continue acting as they were. The use of the ’emergency situation’ which has now been in place for many months now is the way the government has to circumvent the fact that most of the ‘pandemic’-related procedures were/are inconstitutional: this was exposed by the ruling. Apparently, after the WHO January recommendation the Ct was lowered to 35 (still very high!) in Portugal; but like elsewhere the labs are secretive and don´t disclose the Ct in the test reports. In any case ‘numbers’ are coming down like a rock.

By: Alexander Thu, 25 Feb 2021 07:30:48 +0000 And everyone forgot. The powers-that-be aka cabal elites, aka politicians, are all pedocrats, they’re the ones who uses the Scamdemic/Plandemic, in order to lock down ALL people, so they can prevent us from rising up, as we almost did with the Yellow Vests, when we finds out these pedocrats are so incomprehensibly evil, preying on our children for years, all for the sake of their addiction to adrenochrome they forced out of the stolen children, and this is why they’re locking down everyone and to continue their sickness, they have no souls, no good in their hearts, they are ghouls, devils, werewolves, vampires, cannibals, serial killers, all wrapped up in one, living off children like parasites, the very name of politics, “poli” = many, “tics” = bloodsuckers.

Now you know why, the true nature of these evil narcissist-sociopaths.

There is no fighting them and destroying their lies, when everyone still believes in their lies.

So few of us sees through their lies, so we’re still stuck under their draconian insanity.

Waking up the people is difficult.

No point trying. Let them wake up in their own way.

It’ll be generations before the new generations can wake up and sees the lies and rejects the lies and bring down the evil ones, finally.

Then we’ll have true freedom, and no more bullshit from the elite parasites, for they’ll be destroyed, taken down. All children finally protected for all time, no more evil predation.

