Comments on: My HIV/AIDS investigation, and the parallels to the COVID hoax Wed, 04 Aug 2021 17:41:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rico Wed, 04 Aug 2021 17:41:59 +0000 THANK YOU FOR THIS!. I’m going to sound extremely stupid for saying this but its what made me think of the connection. I was only 10 in 84 so we can say that’s my excuse. The thing I remembered the most about the AIDS epidemic was the story floating around that someone had banged a chimp in Africa and that’s how it started. Remember, I was 10, the mental image alone was something I could not shake. So when I heard the story line of the “Bat soup in a wet market in Wuhan” is the story they were going with I thought “This is as ridiculous as the AIDS chimp story from back in the day”. It wasn’t till month 3 of this nonsense I find out Dr Fraudci was the man running point on the AIDS epidemic! My spidey senses started tingling. Then I remember that after it was all said and done . not only was Fraudci’s initial predicted death count WAY OVEBLOWN but that the drug of choice, recommended by that rat, was AZT which ended up being a situation where the cure was worse than the disease. Why doe s this sound familiar?? You don’t need to have a PHD to figure out that the bad guys went with their top proven grifter who has no problem killing so many without showing any remorse. I believe we call those people PSYCHOPATHS. Now it makes sense why Fraudci is the highest paid government employee. A proven , two time, WMD. Hell, this we can actually find! Nice work guy. Stay safe ad God Bless. . P.S. you may want to add to your email signature that you are happier than you’ve ever been and have zero suicidal tendencies. Just sayin.

By: Joe F. Wed, 19 May 2021 22:42:30 +0000 Elton John did do some great music back in the day. I loved him when I was a pre-teen (his best years).

Expecting much from weak humans isn’t realistic.

By: Joe F. Wed, 19 May 2021 22:40:14 +0000 If by sheep you mean the common people, no they are not “the enemy,” they are us. None of us would be on this forum if we weren’t ordinary people (well, except for the CIA shills, of course–except that they are ordinary people, too. Hate to break it to them, though…)

People are not each other’s enemies. Who are our friends if not each other? We all need to go back and read the New Testament. Governments lie, but Jesus did not.

By: Joe F. Wed, 19 May 2021 22:34:23 +0000 Some really strange ideas floating around here… Perhaps people are joking, though.

No, kerosene is not recommended against candida.

Candida can be caused by eating too much sugar and wheat, along with taking antibiotics (at least this might be one cause…)

I recommend cilantro and probiotics (preferably in the form of non-sugar yogurt) and maybe kimchee or sauerkraut. Anyway, one can try some greens, improve one’s nutritional balance, cut out sugar, grains. Improving/lowering its prevalence can be done…

Curiously, it might be that candida thrives due to emf or 5g. The implications/effects of that should be looked into, too. I’ve also read that candida can step in and absorb/protect the body from mercury toxicity.

By: Joe F. Wed, 19 May 2021 22:27:18 +0000 Ivermectin has been used safely to treat scabies. It is not even a big deal to use it…

I had friends years way back that got scabies traveling internationally. Ivermectin is typically used, and no one bats an eye.

So, no, it is not “toxic garbage.”

Very odd comment from “DeadHeartDiary,” indeed.

By: Aservant Sun, 14 Mar 2021 02:38:34 +0000 Yep…..

By: Aservant Sun, 14 Mar 2021 02:37:51 +0000 You have to get a grip…..lord, it is 2021, how in the hell can you still be believing in these absurd, Jewish fair tales?

By: buddy Sat, 13 Mar 2021 16:04:42 +0000 THEY DID HAVE AIR RAID SYSTEM,problem it was used 500+ times, false alarms, so no one went to shelters. i think allies wanted to destroy all the older than us buildings . like during US civil war, and all the city see old world architecture look at the 1800s world fairs.

By: billy Fri, 12 Mar 2021 16:19:17 +0000 Question for jim s smith . you mentioned rollout being manipulated (certain populations getting killer shots others not)was documented somewhere? can u give link or article and author name please.

I also believe they hav gamed this in every possible way so i would bet it is being done. If you make appointment . they check your work/med/dissent/ideas history etc and u get the appropriate shot. If we can prove such a thing that would also be a huge plus!!!!!!!!

By: michael burns Thu, 11 Mar 2021 17:21:56 +0000 Sorry to correct you but its…

Methicillin-resistant (Staphylococcus) aureus

Streptococci split along single axis therefor forming twisted chains and are closely related to Lactobacillales (lacto = acid tolerant)and many streptococcal species are commensal in humans. But under certain conditions like comorbidity and immunity weakness are deadly and infectious.

Staphylococci split on multiple axis and are created in clusters, form clumps of bacteria. They can be commensal and they are part of the soil biome and heavy industry and medicine has done wonders in the mutation of this…amazing what you can create with chemicals in the ground.

I think you are referring to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and what isn’t related to this:

Bone infections, skin infections, flesh eating infections, respiratory infections, brain abscesses, ear and eye infections, organ infection and nervous system infection, contaminated human implants, high virulence in hospitals, jails and all this was unreported for decades and decades, piling more and more forms of antibiotics on top of antibiotics to where it is highly resistant to any form of treatment and when it enters the lungs and infects causes a pneumonia, it could be called COVID.

But of course it is a gram positive bacteria that can be seen under a microscope and that has been changed by industry and science and corruption of the land and the human species unlike a virus — the invisible enemy which cannot be proved to exist at all, except what ‘They say’.
